
Draft Internal lenses as monad morphisms Bryce Clarke CoACT, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Draft Internal lenses as monad morphisms Bryce Clarke CoACT, Macquarie University, bryce.clarke1@students.mq.edu.au CT2019, July 12 Draft Outline Motivation Formal monads, functors, and cofunctors The 2-category of internal lenses Bonus:

  1. Draft Internal lenses as monad morphisms Bryce Clarke CoACT, Macquarie University, bryce.clarke1@students.mq.edu.au CT2019, July 12

  2. Draft Outline Motivation Formal monads, functors, and cofunctors The 2-category of internal lenses Bonus: Mealy morphisms and symmetric lenses 1 / 25

  3. Draft Motivation

  4. Draft What is a lens? • It depends on who you ask . . . • Lenses are a mathematical structure which aim to capture the notion of synchronisation between a pair of systems (e.g. databases). • Originally lenses were defined to precisely present synchronisation between a pair of sets, called state-based lenses. • However when generalising to categories, there are at least two useful ways to define lenses: split opfibrations 1 and (asymmetric) delta lenses 2 . • In this talk, I will show how delta lenses may be internalised to a category with pullbacks and motivated as a kind of monad morphism. • Link: Internal lenses as functors and cofunctors, Proceedings of ACT2019 . 1 Called “c-lenses” in: Johnson, Rosebrugh, Wood, Lenses, fibrations and universal translations (2012) 2 Diskin, Xiong, & Czarnecki, From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: the Asymmetric Case (2011) 2 / 25

  5. Draft Split opfibrations α a ′ A p ( a , β ) a k ( a ,β ) ∃ ! ∃ ! . . . . . . . . F . . . . β γ γ b ′ B F ( a ) b F ( α ) = γβ γβ A split opfibration is a functor F : A → B such that for all pairs ( a , β ) as shown, there is a morphism k ( a , β ): a → p ( a , β ) with F ( p ( a , β )) = b such that: 1. Fk ( a , β ) = β 2. The morphisms k ( a , β ) are opcartesian, satisfying the universal property illustrated above, thus defining a cleavage. 3. The cleavage respects identities and composition, thus defining a splitting. 3 / 25

  6. Draft Delta lenses α A p ( a , β ) a k ( a ,β ) ∃ ! . . . . . . F . . . β γ B F ( a ) b γβ A delta lens is a functor F : A → B such that for all pairs ( a , β ) as shown, there is a morphism k ( a , β ): a → p ( a , β ) with F ( p ( a , β )) = b such that: 1. Fk ( a , β ) = β 2. The morphisms k ( a , β ) are opcartesian, satisfying the universal property illustrated above, thus defining a cleavage. 3. The lifting k respects identities and composition. 4 / 25

  7. Draft Cofunctors (not contravariant functors!) α A p ( a , β ) a k ( a ,β ) ∃ ! . . . . . . . . . β γ B F ( a ) b γβ A cofunctor is an function F : A 0 → B 0 such that for all pairs ( a , β ) as shown, there is a morphism k ( a , β ): a → p ( a , β ) with F ( p ( a , β )) = b such that: 1. Fk ( a , β ) = β 2. The morphisms k ( a , β ) are opcartesian, satisfying the universal property illustrated above, thus defining a cleavage. 3. The lifting k respects identities and composition. 5 / 25

  8. Draft A brief history of cofunctors • First defined by Higgins & Mackenzie 3 as “comorphisms” between vector bundles, modules, Lie algebroids, and Lie pseudo-algebras. • Generalised by Aguiar 4 where “cofunctors” are between categories internal to a monoidal category with equalizers. • Rediscovered by Ahman & Uustalu 5 as directed container morphisms or “split pre-opcleavages”. • Considered recently in talks by Garner (groupoids and cofunctors) 6 , Cockett (internal partite categories and cofunctors) 7 and Par´ e (Retrocells, CT2019). 3 Duality for base-changing morphisms of vector bundles, modules, Lie algebroids and Poisson structures (1993) 4 Internal Categories and Quantum Groups (1997) 5 Directed Containers as Categories (2016) 6 Inner automorphisms of groupoids , Australian Category Seminar (13 March 2019) 7 Hyperconnections , Australian Category Seminar (20 March 2019) 6 / 25

  9. Draft Formal monads, functors, and cofunctors

  10. Draft A review of formal monads A monad 8 ( A , t ) in a 2-category K consists of an object A , a 1-cell t : A → A and 2-cells η : 1 A → t and µ : t 2 → t such that the following diagrams commute: t µ t η η t t 3 t 2 t 2 t t µ t µ µ 1 1 t t 2 t µ We may similarly define a monad in a bicategory by inserting the unitors and associator where appropriate. 8 Street, The Formal Theory of Monads (1972) and Lack, Street, The Formal Theory of Monads II (2002) 7 / 25

  11. Draft Example: Internal categories are monads in Span( E ) Let E be a category with pullbacks, and Span( E ) the bicategory of spans in E . A monad in Span( E ) consists of an object A 0 and a span, A 1 s 0 t 0 A 0 A 0 together with morphisms of spans, s 1 t 1 A 0 A 1 A 2 A 1 1 A 0 1 A 0 s 0 c t 0 i A 0 A 1 A 0 A 0 A 1 A 0 s 0 s 0 t 0 t 0 satisfying some conditions. This defines an internal category in E . 8 / 25

  12. Draft Lax and colax monad morphisms A lax monad morphism ( A , t ) → ( B , s ) consists of a 1-cell f : A → B and a 2-cell φ : sf → ft such that the following diagrams commute: s φ φ t f ssf sft ftt η f f η µ f f µ sf ft sf ft φ φ A colax monad morphism ( A , t ) → ( B , s ) consists of a 1-cell f : A → B and a 2-cell ψ : ft → sf such that the following diagrams commute: ψ t s ψ f ftt sft ssf f η η f f µ µ f ft sf ft sf ψ ψ 9 / 25

  13. Draft Internal functors as monad morphisms in Span( E ) • Since monads in Span( E ) are internal categories, we might expect that the monad morphisms give internal functors . . . but they do not (in general). • Internal functors are colax monad morphisms whose 1-cell is a left adjoint . • A left adjoint 1-cell in Span( E ) is a span whose left leg is an identity: A 0 1 A 0 f 0 A 0 B 0 • The corresponding 2-cell simplifies to a morphism f 1 : A 1 → B 1 satisfying: s 0 t 0 A 0 A 1 A 0 f 0 f 1 f 0 B 0 B 1 B 0 s 0 t 0 10 / 25

  14. Draft What are the lax monad morphisms in Span( E ) ? • Given that internal functors are important, we may also wish to consider the corresponding dual notion. • Internal cofunctors are lax monad morphisms whose 1-cell is a left adjoint. • The corresponding 2-cell for an internal cofunctor amounts to a morphism k 1 : A 0 × B 0 B 1 → A 1 making the diagram commmute: s 0 t 0 A 0 A 1 A 0 1 A 0 1 A 0 k 1 π 0 t 0 k 1 A 0 A 0 × B 0 B 1 A 0 � π 1 f 0 f 0 B 0 B 1 B 0 s 0 t 0 11 / 25

  15. Draft What is a cofunctor in Span( Set ) ? • A cofunctor Λ: B ⇋ A should be understood as a kind of lifting. k ( a ,β ) A a p ( a , β ) . . . . f k . . β B f ( a ) b • The codomain p ( a , β ) of the lift should satisfy f ( p ( a , β )) = b . • The lifting should respect both identities and composition. • Examples of cofunctors include: • Discrete opfibrations and split opfibrations; • Identity-on-objects functors, such as monoid and group homomorphisms; • State-based lenses and delta lenses (!) 12 / 25

  16. Draft Cofunctors as spans of functors • Every internal cofunctor may be represented as a span of internal functors, Λ F K B A where F is a discrete opfibration 9 and K is an identity-on-objects functor. • These functors appear immediately in the definition of an internal cofunctor: π 0 t 0 k 1 π 0 t 0 k 1 A 0 A 0 × B 0 B 1 A 0 A 0 A 0 × B 0 B 1 A 0 � 1 A 0 1 A 0 π 1 f 0 f 0 k 1 B 0 B 1 B 0 A 0 A 1 A 0 s 0 s 0 t 0 t 0 9 Also called an internal diagram , an internal E -valued functor , or an internal copresheaf . 13 / 25

  17. Draft Composition of cofunctors • Composing cofunctors is more difficult than composing functors; despite both arising from composition of the corresponding monad morphisms. • However when a cofunctor is represented as a span of functors, composition is just via pullback. Ω × B Λ � Ω Λ G J F K C B A • Every cofunctor may be factorised into a discrete opfibration part and an identity-on-objects functor part. 14 / 25

  18. Draft The 2 -category of internal lenses

  19. Draft Internal lenses as monad morphisms • An internal lens is a lax monad morphism ( A , t ) → ( B , t ) whose 1-cell f : A → B is a left adjoint and whose 2-cell φ : sf ⇄ ft is a section . • An internal lens is a functor ( f 0 , f 1 ) and a cofunctor ( f 0 , k 1 ) satisfying: A 0 × B 0 B 1 k 1 π 1 A 1 B 1 f 1 • An internal lens is a commuting diagram of internal functors, Λ K F A B F where F is a discrete opfibration and K is an identity-on-objects functor. 15 / 25

  20. Draft Examples of internal lenses • A delta lens is exactly an internal lens in Set . • A state-based lens consisting of functions, g : S → V p : S × V → S is a delta lens between codiscrete categories, where: k 1 = � π 0 , p � : S × V → S × S • A delta lens between monoids is exactly a retraction. • A discrete opfibration is an internal lens in Set where k 1 is an isomorphism. • A split opfibration is an internal lens in Cat between double categories of squares, where k 1 is a left-adjoint right-inverse functor between categories: k 1 A 2 ( F ↓ B ) 1 ⊣ 16 / 25

  21. Draft Natural transformations between (co)functors A natural transformation between A natural transformation between internal cofunctors Λ , Ω: B ⇋ A is given internal functors F , G : A → B is given by a morphism τ : A 0 → A 1 such that: by a morphism σ : A 0 → B 1 such that: f 0 A 0 B 0 A 0 1 A 0 h 0 g 0 τ g 0 f 0 σ A 0 A 1 A 0 B 0 B 1 B 0 s 0 t 0 s 0 t 0 Actually just given by a diagram: Represented by the diagram: Λ F F K A B σ B A H τ G J G Ω 17 / 25

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