draft naas sallins transport strategy

Draft Naas-Sallins Transport Strategy Public Consultation Summary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Draft Naas-Sallins Transport Strategy Public Consultation Summary May 2020 Overview Introduction 2x1 Column layout Study Area Kildare County Council have developed a transport strategy for Naas and Sallins AECOM were employed by

  1. Draft Naas-Sallins Transport Strategy Public Consultation Summary May 2020

  2. Overview

  3. Introduction 2x1 Column layout Study Area – Kildare County Council have developed a transport strategy for Naas and Sallins – AECOM were employed by Kildare County Council to assist in developing this Strategy

  4. 2x1 Column layout Strategy Goal and Aims Overall Goal : To create a holistic and integrated transport strategy, which provides real improvements for the people of Naas and Sallins 1. Address current transport issues in Naas and Sallins 2. Anticipate future problems Strategy Aims 3. Revitalise Naas Town Centre 4. Link Naas Town to Sallins Train Station

  5. 2x1 Column layout Modes of Transport Considered: Study Area 1. Bus 2. Train 3. Walking 4. Cycling 5. Parking 6. Roads

  6. Multiple sources used to create Draft strategy is composed of transport strategy measures: six sub-strategies: Permeability Public Strategy Consultation Public Cycling Transport Strategy Strategy Naas Strategy Stakeholder Site Visits Transport and Surveys Contributions Measures Strategy Roads Parking Strategy Strategy Analysis of Public Evidence Realm Strategy

  7. Strategy Development

  8. Five stages of strategy development: 1. Public 3. Strategy 4. Public 2. Strategy Consultation Options Consultation 5. Final Options and Evidence Assessed for on Draft Strategy Developed Gathering Draft Strategy Strategy - The project has reached Stage 4: Public consultation - We are seeking the public’s views on the draft transport strategy - The consultation feedback will help to shape the final strategy document

  9. Stage 1: Public Consultation - Consultation took place during March 2019: ➢ 3 workshops with the Council, public representatives and local businesses ➢ Online survey gathered public views on transport issues ➢ Almost 1,000 people engaged with the online survey ➢ All schools were contacted to complete a school travel survey

  10. Stage 1: Public Consultation - Respondents rated Naas’s transport infrastructure for each mode of travel: How would you rate Naas’s existing transport infrastructure for each of the following modes of travel? Train 21% 4% 28% 22% 26% 14% Bus 34% 15% 36% Cycling 36% 13% 26% 21% 12% Walking 10% 3% 33% 43% Driving a Car 27% 10% 18% 43% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Very Good Good Acceptable Poor Very Poor Number of Responses:730-742

  11. Stage 1: Public Consultation - Respondents rated potential future changes to transport infrastructure: What transport related improvements would you like to see in Naas? Real time car parking occupancy data 17% 26% 31% 19% 6% Reduced traffic/on-street parking in the town centre 18% 24% 25% 21% 12% Increased car parking spaces in the town centre 33% 37% 18% 10% Improved pedestrian and cycle links to the train station 47% 29% 15% 6% Improved pedestrian and cycle links within Naas town centre 42% 29% 17% 8% Improved pedestrian and cycle links on main routes to the town centre 43% 29% 18% 8% Improved public realm/pedestrian environments in the town centre 35% 35% 21% 8% Removal of non-essential traffic/ HGV traffic from the town centre 53% 27% 13% Improved pedestrian or cycle links for trips not to or within the town centre or to train station 31% 26% 27% 12% Other 34% 16% 35% 9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important Number of Responses: 724 - 742

  12. Stage 1: Public Consultation - Parents of children attending school in Naas noted barriers to active travel: Barriers to active travel to school as perceived by respondents who have children attending primary or secondary school in Naas. It isn’t safe (traffic) 62% 22% 16% It isn’t safe (personal safety/ e.g. ‘stranger danger’) 19% 37% 44% Too far to cycle 26% 17% 57% Too far to walk 38% 16% 46% Lack of quality/existing cycle facilities 66% 16% 18% Lack of walking links or crossing points 43% 29% 28% The weather 11% 50% 39% Don’t have enough time 9% 29% 63% Children have too much to carry to school 28% 42% 30% Can’t fit it into my work patterns 13% 20% 66% Health issues 5% 93% Facilities at the school 7% 17% 76% Other (please specify) 18% 79% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Major Barrier Slight Barrier Not a barrier or not applicable Number of Responses: 309 - 317

  13. Stage 2: Strategy Options - The evidence collected through consultation, surveys, stakeholder input and analysis was used to create the strategy options Public Consultation Strategy Site Visits Stakeholder and Surveys Contributions Options Analysis of Evidence

  14. Stage 2: Strategy Options - Strategy options varied from small interventions to large infrastructure projects - These options were refined in collaboration with the Council - The options for each mode of transport were assessed in Stage 3

  15. Stage 3: Option Assessment - The ‘Common Appraisal Framework for Transport Projects and Programmes’ (CAF) requires schemes to undergo multi-criteria analysis (MCA) using these criteria: • Economy • Integration • Accessibility and Social Inclusion • Safety • Environment • Physical Activity - An MCA was completed for the roads, parking and public transport options to select the best measures for the draft strategy

  16. Stage 3: Option Assessment - The MCA assessed options using a seven point scale: Colour Descr cript ption Major or highly positive Moderately positive Minor or slightly positive Not significant or neutral Minor or slightly negative Moderately negative Major or highly negative - An example of a MCA from the draft strategy report is shown overleaf - The whole assessment process is documented in the draft strategy report

  17. Stage 3: Option Assessment Example MCA from the rail assessment in the draft report: Access Combined Physical al Option on Econ onom omy Safe fety Environ onment & Social al Integrat ation on Assessment Activity Inclus usion on Outcom ome Option on 1: Relocate Train Option Excluded Station to the West Opti tion on 2: Second Train Station with Park and Ride Option Included to the West Option on 3: Extend DART to Sallins with Electric Quad Option Included Track Opti tion on 4: Upgrade Station (lifts, shelters, cycle Option Included parking) Opti tion on 5: Minimum 10 minute commuter rail Option Included frequency on 6: Create 3 rd Rail Option Platform to Increase Option Included Capacity

  18. Strategy Objectives

  19. Public Transport Objectives 1. Link residential, employment, education, healthcare and retail facilities with a local bus service. 2. Improve the effectiveness, frequency and usefulness of existing bus services. 3. Provide bus priority infrastructure in the town centre and along key radial routes where the introduction of such priority would demonstrate significant benefits for public transport and lead to a reduction in vehicular trips. 4. Improve public transport shelters, information and visibility. 5. Significantly improve bus connectivity between Naas and Sallins Train Station. 6. Examine opportunities for a public transport hub in the vicinity of Naas Town Centre.

  20. Cycling Objectives 1. Provide an integrated cycle network for Naas and Sallins in accordance with the National Transport Authority’s Cycle Network Plan for the Greater Dublin Area. 2. Improve safety for cyclists in Naas and Sallins. 3. Prioritise investment in schemes that will deliver the greatest modal shift potential. 4. Provide recommendations on the quality of cycle facilities that should be delivered. 5. Expand cycle parking at schools, in the town centre and at public transport nodes. 6. Engage with schools with the aim of increasing cycling mode share.

  21. Walking Objectives 1. Provide an integrated walking network for Naas and Sallins. 2. Improve the standard of existing pavements or paths where required. 3. Improve permeability to enhance access to homes, job, schools and services. 4. Improve safety for pedestrians, particularly for vulnerable road users. 5. Engage with schools with the aim of increasing walking mode share.

  22. Road Objectives 1. Reduce unnecessary vehicular trips through Naas town centre. 2. Mitigation measures to improve road safety and eliminate collision hotspots. 3. Reduce vehicular emissions in town centre by promoting mode transfer to sustainable travel modes. 4. Identify missing links, future capacity requirements and congestion bottlenecks in order to provide recommendations on future road schemes. 5. Review existing plans and designs for roads proposals in the Naas area to ensure that they are still relevant in the context of DMURS and the overall transport strategy goal of sustainability.

  23. Parking Objectives 1. Develop a strategy to improve the efficient use of existing car parks in Naas Town Centre. 2. Identify locations for a future park and ride site(s). 3. Review HGV access management and make recommendations for improvement.

  24. Draft Public Transport Strategy

  25. Draft Public Transport Strategy - Four assessments were conducted to develop the draft public transport strategy: Bus Interchange Location Local Bus Routes Bus Priority Measures Rail Measures - Once the location of the bus interchange was determined, local bus routes were designed to serve it, which are supported by bus priority measures


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