Dr. TJ Farler, Superintendent Annual Report 2015 - 2016 Presented October 10, 2016
Our mission is to continue a tradition of excellence by providing a high-quality and challenging educational environment, maximizing opportunities for the success of all students, equipping them to become responsible, involved, and productive citizens.
We Value... Life Long Learning We are a learning organization where students are engaged and leaders grow. Innovation Through Collaboration We foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
We Value... Trust and Safety We provide a trusting and safe environment accountable to the highest standards and most effective tools. Respect We respect each other, embracing diversity and global awareness. Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
PTISD Strategic Goals Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 1: Highly Qualified Personnel Definitions: • Prof ofes essio sional al staff f includes • Educatio ional al aides des are • Auxili iliar ary staff refers to all other teachers who provide direct employees who provide direct employees of the district instruction to students in the instructional support to including (Transportation, Child classroom, professional support students in the classroom under Nutrition, Facility Services, staff (nurses, counselors, the general supervision of a Secretaries, Administrative diagnosticians, LSSP, speech certified teacher and are often Assistants, Business, Human therapists, etc.), campus referred to as paraprofessional Recourse and Technology staff). admiration and central staff. administrators. Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 1: Highly Qualified Personnel *2016-2017 data from Position Control Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
78 79 80 71 70 63 59 60 2012-2013 50 2013-2014 40 2014-2015 30 2015-2016 30 19 20 17 2016-2017 12.1 11.6 14 14 20 13 10 0 Number of New Teachers To Number of Zero Based Average Experience in PTISD District Teachers - Teacher Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 2: Professional Development District rict Pr Profe fess ssional ional Developm opment ent Google Classroom Training- PTJH Writer's Workshop Training- PT Birch and Parkway Math Concepts and Strategies- PT Parkway & PTMS Data Walks- Districtwide Lead4Ward ELAR Academy- PTJH & PTHS Level of Thinking- District Admin Engaging Students in the Right Work- District Admin Blending Technology with Classroom Instruction- PTHS Leadership3- Districtwide GT Fidelity Walkthroughs & Feedback- PTMS, PTJH, & PTHS Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 3: Student Learning 4760 4746 4740 4740 4724 4720 4692 4700 4684 4674 4680 4661 4649 4660 4642 4638 4640 4620 4600 4580 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 3: Student Learning Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 3: Student Learning DISTRICT READING & WRITING Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 3: Student Learning DISTRICT MATH, SCIENCE, & SOCIAL STUDIES Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 3: Student Learning Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 3: Student Learning Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors ELA, BIOLOGY, & US HISTORY END-OF- COURSE Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors ALGEBRA I END-OF- COURSE Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
2016 ACCOUNTABILITY SUMMARY PT Juni nior or High Distri trict ct Met et Standa ndard Met et Standa ndard State Safegua uards s Met et: 34 of 51 (67%) 7%) State Safeguar uards ds Met et: 51 of 65 (78%) PT High PT h School chool PT Middle le School ol Met et Standa ndard Met et Standa ndard State Safegua uards s Met: et: 27 of 35 (77% 7%) Disti tincti nction n Designat gnation ions Ac Academi demic c Ac Achie ievemen ement t in Mathema hemati tics cs PT Interm ermediat diate Academi Ac demic c Ac Achie ievemen ement t in Social ial Studi dies es Postsecondar tsecondary Readin iness ess Met et Standa ndard State Safegua uards s Met et: 29 of 35 (83%) 3%) State Safeguar guards ds Met et: 42 of 49 (86%) PT Element entar ary PT PT Ex ExCEL CEL PT Primar ary Met et Alterna nati tive e Standar dard Met et Standa ndard State Safeguar guards ds Met et: 4 o of 7 ( (57%) (Pair ired ed with th PTIS)
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors SAT 516 511 520 500 495 495 492 500 486 483 478 473 472 470 480 466 2014 462 461 461 454 460 449 2015 2016 440 420 400 State PTHS State PTHS State PTHS Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors ACT Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors ADVANCED PLACEMENT TESTS Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors 2016-2017 AP Courses Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES OFFERED AT PTHS Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors PTHS DUAL CREDIT COURSES Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors PTHS AP SCHOLAR UPDATE Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors NATIONAL AP SCHOLAR Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors PERCENT OF ADVANCED PLACEMENT STUDENTS WITH SCORES 3-5 Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors GRADUATION RATE Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors DISTINGUISH & RECOMMENDED DIPLOMA RATE 100 91.4 88.5 83.8 90 82.1 76.4 80 67.6 70 60 50 40 30 18.8 20 10 0 0 District PTHS ExCEL 2013 2014 2015 Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors PINE TREE HS MATH/SCIENCE COMPETITION PROGRAM • Placed 1 st at 3 Meets – Dangerfield, Mt. Pleasant, & Sulphur Springs • Placed 2 nd at 6 Meets • Placed 2 nd at District Meet • Placed 2 nd at Regional Meet • Placed 4 th Overall at TMSCA State Meet out of 28 teams • Number Sense Team placed 3 rd in state • Calculator Team placed 3 rd in State • Math Team placed 5 th in State • 378 individual places won by 22 Students in 2015-2016 Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors PINE TREE HS MATH/SCIENCE COMPETITION PROGRAM Dist strict rict & Regional ional Team m and Indiv ividu idual al Plac aces es Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
Strategic Goal 4: Post Secondary Endeavors PINE TREE HS MATH/SCIENCE COMPETITION PROGRAM • TMSCA CA Top Gun un Categor egory • Awarded to students who score in the top 10 in each category. • 15 Awards won by 2 Seniors, 2 Juniors, 5 Sophomores, 1 Freshman Calculator Lifelong Learning | Innovation Through Collaboration | Trust & Safety | Respect
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