dr luca tinti born in trieste italy 28 january 1963

Dr. Luca Tinti Born in Trieste (Italy) 28 January, 1963 Degree in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Tinti Snc, International Services for Oral Health, is an italian newco but with 25 years experience of its Founder and President dr. Luca Tinti, M.D PhD D.M.D. Too often, health is run by managers who are not familiar with this fjeld, all

  1. The Tinti Snc, International Services for Oral Health, is an italian newco but with 25 years experience of its Founder and President dr. Luca Tinti, M.D PhD D.M.D. Too often, health is run by managers who are not familiar with this fjeld, all focused on the bottom line without considering the human aspects and moral and ethical issues. We put the patient at the center of our project «Quality Clinics – Smiling Health» ™ Our team of specialists can ofger: Design Building Preparation Training of medical and paramedical staf Managing

  2. Dr. Luca Tinti Born in Trieste (Italy) 28 January, 1963 Degree in Medicine and Surgery at University of Trieste 1989 Specialization (PhD) in Odontostomatology in Trieste 1992 Master in Periodontology in Milan 1997 Master in “Complex Healthcare Facilities Management” in Milan 2012 Owner of two dental clinics in Italy for over twenty years Founding Member and Project Manager of the Dental Project Apollonia in Gemona from 2008 to 2013 President of “Apollonia Chions Ltd” from 2010 to 2013 President of “Apollonia Udine Ltd” from 2010 to 2013 President of “Apollonia Vittorio Veneto Ltd” from 2012 to 2013 Project Manager of “Apollonia Ronchi Ltd” from 2010 to 2013 Project Manager of “Apollonia Garda Ltd” from 2010 to 2013 Project manager of “PDALab L.t.d.” from 2010 to 2013 Project manager of “PDAService L.t.d.” from 2012 2013 Responsible for Purchasing Dept. of Apollonia Group from 2007 to 2013 Responsible for Legal Area of Apollonia Group from 2007 to 2013 Privacy System Project Manager of Apollonia Group from 2007 to 2013 Auditor/Lead Auditor of UNI EN ISO9001 and UNI EN ISO18001 Consultant of GLGGroup for European dental market Founding Partner, Vice President and Project Manager of Mar.Tin d.o.o. from 2014 (Slovenia) Founding Partner and CEO of InvestMar.Tin d.o.o. 2016 (Slovenia) Founding Partner and CEO of Kvalitetna Klinica d.o.o. 2016 (Slovenia) Founding Partner and CEO of Tinti Snc 2016 * Dental Project Apollonia revenue 2008-2013: $98,5 million and more than 100.000 patients

  3. Conception and design of medical facility, particularly focused to the structures with low environmental impact conception and design of technical equipment Quality and Security standard (UNI EN ISO9001) selection, coaching, training of medical, paramedical and dental technician stafg creating partnerships between local Universities and Swiss, Slovenian and Italian Faculty of Dentistry

  4. OUR PARTNERS DESIGN Architectural Studio TAMAssociati (Venice) www.tamassociati.org AGA KHAN AWARD 2013 - CURRY STONE DESIGN PRIZE 2013 ZUMTOBEL GROUP AWARD 2014

  5. OUR PARTNERS FINANCIAL,INTERNAL and TECHNICAL FORNITURE ASQ SINERGIE asqsinergie.com CARLIN&ASSOCIATES carlinassociates.com CEFLA cefma.com FACAU facau.com GEASS geass.it HENRY SCHEIN henryschein.it MEDESY medesy.it STEFANELLI&STEFANELLI studiolegalestefanelli.it TAMASSOCIATI tamassociati.org

  6. TINTI SNC DI L.TINTI &CO . VIA DEI PASCHI 19 33040 MOIMACCO (UD) ITALY p.IVA 02850240305 REA UD292712 luca_tinti@yahoo.com


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