dr julie brockman and dr john dirkx michigan state

Dr. Julie Brockman and Dr. John Dirkx Michigan State University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Promoting Vocational Training as an Economic Driver Developing partnerships to promote high quality skills training programs Himawari Hotel Phnom Penh, Cambodia November 7, 2013 Dr. Julie Brockman and Dr. John Dirkx Michigan State

  1. Promoting Vocational Training as an Economic Driver “Developing partnerships to promote high quality skills training programs” Himawari Hotel Phnom Penh, Cambodia November 7, 2013 Dr. Julie Brockman and Dr. John Dirkx Michigan State University

  2.  Cambodia Development Review (2012/2013)  MoEYS Educational Statistic Report (2012/2013)  Cambodia National Report on Establishments (2009)  ILO Labor and Social Trends Report (2010)  Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan (2009-2013)  Preparing the Strengthening and Vocational Education and Training Project (2009)  World Bank Report: Matching Aspirations (2012)

  3. $14.6 Billion USD  Crops  Manufacturing of garments and 35 % 41 % textiles  Construction 24%  Trade Agriculture  Tourism Industry Service

  4. 75% Agriculture 15 m 18% Service POPULATION 7% Industry WORKING POPULATION 9 m 7 m Labor Force 275,000 new job seekers annually

  5. Enrollment 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 Enrollment 1,000,000 500,000 0 Primary Lower Upper Tertiary Secondary Secondary

  6. 3% enroll in Higher Ed 76,000 (2,340) 210,000 available available Total 245,000 current enrollment 78,000 graduates 288,000 entered Upper Secondary

  7. Major Occupational Groups to which TVET Typically Provides Trained Workers 1 Managers 2 Professionals 3 Technicians and associated professionals 4 Clerical support workers 5 Service and sales workers 6 Skilled agriculture, forestry and fisheries Workers 7 Craft and related trade workers 8 Plant and machinery operators, and assemblers 9 Elementary occupations 0 Armed forces occupations

  8. TVET as a coordinated system Labor Market 286,000 information Enterprise Needs 14.6 Billion USD Analysis, current and future Public private 41% 35% partnerships Committee of local stakeholders 24%

  9. What What are the information roles and is needed and National responsibilities? who collects it? Who and for Who has what are authority to Supply= groups Commune Provincial make what Demand accountable decisions ? for? Are What are District national the shared and local priorities policies aligned?

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