Donnelly, James Subject: Leadership / Council Retreat Location: Lincoln Education Room Start: Fri 12/12/2014 7:30 AM End: Fri 12/12/2014 11:30 AM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Dickson, Corinne Required Attendees: Bradley, Marci; Cook, Cheryl; Donnelly, James; Edgar, William; Engel, Janet; Getty, Elizabeth; Hagerty, Aimee; Halloran, Kimberly; Hampy, Kim; Hermann, Cheryl; Hirsch, Emily; Kalkhof, Kelly; Kisiel, Theresa; Komar, Colleen; Lindsey, Dianna; Macisaac, Luanne; Mack, Emma; Mascaro, Mary; Mattocks, Sarah; Melvin, Robin; Milano, Carri; Morton, Deborah; Mukina, Holly; Murphy, April; Olszewski, Michael; Pedersen, Anne; Perrine, Jeremy; Rihel, Darlene; Sorensen, Joanne; Stubenhofer, Jay; Weismiller, Debra; Wolfram, Jennifer; Zillman, Janice; Averitt, Abigail; Bimber, Tammy; Brandt, Kiersten; Cancilla, Elizabeth; Durst, Lynn; Eury, Lisa; Ford, Trishia (HHF); Irish, Donna; Lemock, Julie; Lubelski, Linda; Moore, Cheryl; Pound, Angie; Thayer, Heidi; Till, Emily; Weber, Amy 1
Nursing Informatics Council (NIC)
MEMBERSHIP Leadership Mentors: Carri Milano, Emma Mack, Jim Donnelly Informatics Nurses: Jen Cuzzola, Leanne McCullough Chair/Co-Chair: Mindi Fisher (VAN), Paul Caviglia (MICU) Representatives: Julie Last (ED), Margaret Henderson (TNICU), Nefretiri Coleman (CVICU), Leanna Burniston (CVICU), Kathy Combs (L3OP), Rebekah Sirak (L3SO), Noma Nkoma (L5SO), Rebecca Jeannette (MICU/LDIA), Jeanne Gaber (4MRIU), Becky Totzke (4MRIU), Stephanie Carter (LPED), Brandi Struchen (L6SO), Lisa Eury (L7SO), Adrian Byler (L7SO), Shawneen Fenstermacher (L8SO), Lori McDonald(NICU), Michelle Vitale (LLDR), Amanda Pilewski (LLDR), Sherri Buczynski (L4MB), AnnMarie Bernardini (L4MB), Colleen Prazer (Resource), Melissa Heidt (Admin on Duty), Becky Thiele (CCL), Sue Cowan (PACU/OR), Lisa Murray (Endo),Tracie Minner (Cardiac Education), Joyce McCandless (Case Management) 2
2014 ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Changed from 4 hour meeting to 8 hour meeting and established sub-groups for additional project work. 2. Supported Multiple Go-Lives -- P2DA, PCM & Fetalink, Vitalslink, ePrescribe, CareCompass, Alaris Drug Library. 3. Assisted with education & communication regarding the implementation of Am-Pac, PowerPlans, & Policy Protocol Usage. 4. Worked with Biomed to have portable Draeger charging station placed in Radiology and Cath Lab. 5. Rolled out Workstation on Wheels to a majority of in house units. 6. Increased CareAdmin compliance from 98%/95% to 99%/98%. 7. Continued work with pharmacy on medication scanning issues. 8. Moved NIC to Shared Governance SharePoint for access to Meeting agenda, minutes, handouts and other materials. Distributed well received “Tips and Chips” during Nursing Week. 9. 3
FY2015 GOALS/ACTIVITIES 1. Increase Unit and Superuser participation. 2. Increase CareAdmin compliance to 100%/99%. Support Magee PCM Go- Live and Altoona “Big Bang”. 3. Meet Alaris pump drug library “green” compliance. 4. Meet Vitalslink and P2DA “green” compliance metrics. 5. 6. Reduce mislabeled specimens with proper utilization of collection manager. 7. Continue to support additional PowerPlan role-outs. 8. Act as liaison for system wide informatics changes and end users. 4
Conclusion Thank You! The NIC realizes that the numerous and seemingly endless informatics changes can be challenging. We appreciate your constant support in implementing new enhancements and technologies with the goal of providing the best care possible. We couldn’t do this without you! 5
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