Expansion of SCP policy domain from environmental policy to socio-economic technology policy Yasuhiko Hotta, IGES
What is PECoP-Asia Project (S (S-16)? • Strategic Research project (S-Project) under Environment Research and Technology Development Fund. • Conducting policy-relevant studies for topics strategically important for Ministry of the Environment of Japan. • PECoP-Asia is 16 th project of the S-Project. • 3-5 years research involving several themes with total approx. 1.5 million USD per year in total.
PECoP-Asia Project • Focusing on “Policy Design and Evaluation to Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in Asian Region” • Starting from June 2016 for 3-5 years. • 4 themes related to SCP in the context of Asia. • Led by University of Tokyo (Theme 1), NIES (Theme 2), IGES (Theme 3), and Keio University (Theme 4) (with 11 sub-themes) • Theme 1 approach: Engineering. Strengthening Relations between Consumption and Production towards Sustainability • Theme 2 approach: Sociology. Focusing on lifestyle and stakeholders engagement. • Theme 3 approach: Policy and Economics. Focusing on policy evaluation, modeling and sufficiency approach • Theme 4 approach: Governance and SDGs. Focusing on SDGs implementation in the context of SCP
4 4 Background of the study Growing attention of Sufficiency Approach – its thinking is explicitly or implicitly reflected in international policy processes: e.g. SDGs, Paris Agreement, G7 Toyama Framework Focus of SCP policy is shifting from end-of-pipe, product based, and technical-fix solution to systemic changes in lifestyles and provision systems with socio-physical infrastructure. Collaboration between qualitative and quantitative analysis is essential for analyzing systematic change towards SCP. Need to shift policy system from environmental policy to SCP policy Sufficiency Approach in this study An approach contributing to techno-social systems development controlling overall energy and resource consumption through decarbonisation and resource saving (including a shift in needs itself) keeping within resource and environmental constraints such as planetary boundaries, while maintaining or increasing well-being of the society as a whole
5 5 Limitation of Conventional Policy Typology • Assuming conventional externality such as pollutions and life cycle impact of products. • Not covering the broader sustainability policy areas (ex. Lifestyles, Sustainable infrastructure) • Not integrating ambitions towards long-term/mid-term targets (ex. decarbonisation) • Not dynamic enough to analyze policy mix for sustainability transition Information Strategies & Regulatory Economic Voluntary -based action plans instruments instruments instruments instruments Source: Hansen et al 2014
SCP Policy Design Concepts Traditional Concept for SCP Policy Design Concept of SCP Policy Design under the era of SDGs/Paris Agreement Relationship Harmonization of environmental protection Middle-term and Long-term ambitious target between Goals and and economic development (short-term goal setting such as decarbonization and Policies setting) maintenance of planetary boundaries Main players National government, industry, citizens Multi-stakeholders Orientation of Centralized. Mega-city. Government. Decentralized. Community. Governance. policies Regulation. Standardization Establishment of model initiatives. Re- localization beyond/after standardization. Targets Products. Individual facility. Individual System. Infrastructure. Business model behavior Tools Regulatory, economic and informational In addition to the left, communication tools instruments targeting individual products, to facilitate collective design and decision facilities and behaviors making among multi-stakeholders Indicators Objective. Economic indicators. Direct In addition to the left, subjective indicators environmental impacts. and footprint indicators Relationship with Maintenance of current socio-economic Addressing reform of socio-economic system socio-economic system and structure(often not mentioned) through innovation and structural change in system and structure production and consumption relations.
7 7 Two Domains of SCP: Circular Economy and Sustainable Transition 2. Transition to 1. Circular Economy Sustainable Lifestyle and Infrastructure Upstream Smart Lifecycle infrastructure Production and trade Infrastructure Leisure Individual Manufacture Infrastructure Food Housing Mobility and products d Goods service Sustainable lifestyle Waste management and the 3Rs Consumption and Production Circular Economy Domain Policy Domain Downstream Source: Hotta and Koide
8 8 Important domains for sustainable consumption and lifestyle Example of initiatives Reducing meat consumption Food loss reduction Carbon footprint (world,2000) Sustainable food production Localized production and Trade Constructi consumption Food Food 5% on Utilization of ICT 20% 10% Compact city Bicycle, walking Ride sharing Consumer Public transport goods Mobility Car sharing 13% Zero energy housing Housing Passive house 19% High energy efficient Mobility Service appliances 17% 16% Renewable energy Hosing Source: Hertwich & Peters (2009) Sharing Servicizing Remanufacturing Refurbishing Reuse, repair Consumer goods Source : IGES
9 9 Ex Expan ansio ion of of SC SCP Pol olic icy y Dom omai ain Target of SCP Policies ( 47 47 countries ) Cluster of SCP Policies 1. Consumption 2. Urban SCP domain challenges • Food, housing, • Urban planning energy and development • Prominent in EU countries • Prominent in EU countries 3. Centralized 4. Decentralized SCP challenges SCP challenges • Industrial, public Nature Conservation and Tourism procurement Africa and low- • Prominent in Asia income countries and emerging n = 47 economies Is SCP currently addressed in existing national policies? If yes, please indicate the focus of this/these national policies. 出所: Koide & Akenji (2017)
10 10 Sustainability policy discourse (1970s-2010s) Sufficiency (Responding to rebound effect) Pollution Efficiency prevention Circular & Share One planet living 2010s (After SDGs & Paris 1970s 1990s 2010s Agreement) Cleaner production , zero Circular economy, Pollution One planet living, Sufficiency, Major concepts emissions, industrial sharing economy, prevention Decarbonization ecology Dematerialization Climate change, waste, Industrial environmental issues Well-being, lifestyle Key issues pollution associated with Socio-technical system of service provisions consumption Compatible, Environment- Separate, industrialization can be Inclusion of social consideration economy contradictory, harmonized with Sustainability is a key for next socio-technical innovation relationship confrontational environmental conservation Installation of Increasing material and Innovation, new business Consensus building, change in Approaches end of pipe energy efficiency model, ICT systems of service provision technologies Collaboration of Major actors/ Government v.s. Business model, social government & market Multi-stakeholder, lifestyle stakeholders Industry entrepreneurship agents Long-termgoal setting, investment, Attitude of React and cure Anticipate and prevent Create and communicate creating business model for sufficiency policy business Source: authors referring to Weale (1992), Jänicke & Weidner (1995), Hajer 1995, Dryzek (1997)
SCP policy domain are expanding from the environmental policy domain to the socio- economic technology policy domain. Shift in Policy Conventional Transition-oriented Trends 1. Pollution 3. Sufficiency Approach 2. Efficiency prevention/ Circular One planet basic needs Approach Approach Economy living Industrial ecology, Order-made Pollution Product Eco- eco-design, product based Produc preventio refurbish/remanuf efficiency on consumer’s Lifecycle tion n acture/reproduce demand Policy Sound Zero Reduce, Waste/R treatmen Recycle emissions, reuse ecycling t zero waste Information Reflective Car sharing, Policy for Awarenss provision/ lifestyle consumptio ride sharing, raising change in green share house n procurement provision Social system Multi- Smart/ Public Basic Infrastr media/ platform in compa Infrastruc Transp ucture IoT/Big- collaboratio ture ort ct city data n with AI Source: authors
Policy brief for SDG 12 Published July 2018 for HLPF 2018. Outcome from collaboration of the APRSCP and the PECoP-Asia project. - Asia-Pacific context - Four policy directions - 12 opportunities for SCP 12
Designing SCP activities for SDG12 Achievement of SDG 12 for both human/planetary wellbeing. Four policy directions correspond to circular economy, sufficiency, transition & multistakeholder approaches. Take advantage of emerging forces. 12 opportunities are entry points for SCP policy toward 2030. 13
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