does my stoma mach an antic ticipa ipate my meals

Does my stoma mach an antic ticipa ipate my meals? Benjamin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Does my stoma mach an antic ticipa ipate my meals? Benjamin Smarr Berkeley, CA Continuous electrogastrogram rig Meals Daily rhythms Sleep contributions Gharibans et al., Scientific Reports , 2018 Normal week Can regular meal-times set

  1. Does my stoma mach an antic ticipa ipate my meals? Benjamin Smarr Berkeley, CA

  2. Continuous electrogastrogram rig Meals Daily rhythms Sleep contributions Gharibans et al., Scientific Reports , 2018

  3. Normal week Can regular meal-times set a biological clock? Scheduled week Fast

  4. HIGH LOW to HIGH stomach activity across days F -6 F -3 F -1 Fast 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00 Time of day

  5. Fast Normal week Scheduled week WEAK WEAK to STRONG coherence of Wrist temperature oscillators Axial Blood temperature glucose

  6. N1 Normal week N2 LOW to HIGH HIGH N3 blood glucose N4 across days N5 N6 N7 Nx F-7 Scheduled week F-6 F-5 F-4 F-3 F-2 F-1 Fast 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00 Time of day

  7. 38 o 34 o Normal week 30 o Wrist temperature Average Meal 38 o Single day 34 o Scheduled week 30 o 38 o 34 o Fast 30 o Fasting 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 24:00 Time of day


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