does magnetic field angular momentum misalignment

Does magnetic-field-angular-momentum misalignment strengthens or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Does magnetic-field-angular-momentum misalignment strengthens or weakens magnetic braking ? Yusuke Tsukamoto Kagoshima University S. Okuzumi, K. Iwasaki, M. N. Machida, S. Inutsuka J ang B Outline Introduction: Observation of magnetic

  1. Does magnetic-field-angular-momentum misalignment strengthens or weakens magnetic braking ? Yusuke Tsukamoto Kagoshima University S. Okuzumi, K. Iwasaki, M. N. Machida, S. Inutsuka J ang B

  2. Outline ž Introduction: — Observation of magnetic field and turbulence of the cloud core — Magnetic braking and its anisotropic impact — Discrepancy among the previous studies ž Results — Dependency of central angular momentum evolution on the initial condition and magnetic resistivity — Strong magnetic braking in isothermal collapse phase in perpendicular cloud cores ž Summary and discussion

  3. Strong magnetic field and weak turbulence in cloud cores ž Magnetic field of the cloud cores is strong. OH Zeeman Obs. Troland+08 M/Φ µ = = 2 − 4 μ=1 (M/Φ) crit μ~4.8 ž Turbulence is weak M turb < 1 Ward-Tompson+06 Lada+07 Taurus: ○ ,ρOph: ▲ Pipe Nebula

  4. Magnetic braking and its anisotropic impact ž In the core with observed B 100AU weak B field and subsonic turbulence, μ=100 magnetic braking is dynamically important. Bate+ 14 μ=20 J flux μ=5 strong B field

  5. Magnetic braking and its anisotropic impact ž What kind of structure does the magnetic braking imprint to the rotation structure? →it introduces anisotropy of the angular momentum! ž Matsumoto+04 showed that magnetic braking enforces J and B to be aligned. J ang θ=0 ゜ B J || θ=45 ゜ θ=45 ゜ J ⊥ Solid: J || J ⊥ selectively Dashed: J ⊥ decreases Matsumoto+04 θ=90 ゜

  6. Magnetic braking and its anisotropic impact ž What kind of structure does the magnetic braking imprint to the rotation structure? →it introduces anisotropy of the angular momentum! ž Matsumoto+04 showed that magnetic braking enforces J and B to be aligned. J ang θ=0 ゜ B J || θ=45 ゜ θ=45 ゜ J ⊥ Solid: J || J ⊥ selectively Dashed: J ⊥ decreases Matsumoto+04 θ=90 ゜

  7. Dependence of magnetic braking timescale on B direction ž Timescale of magnetic braking →is given as the time in which Alfven wave sweeps the region whose inertia equals to the central inertia ž The magnetic braking is strong in the core with B ⊥ J with simple B geometry 2 − 𝑆 2 v A (𝑠) = ∫ rdr dr = 𝑆 𝑑 t b,⊥ = ∫ B c 2 𝐶 𝑑 (Moschouvias+ ρ ext (𝑆 4 − 𝑆 𝑑 4 ) = 𝜍 𝑑 𝑆 4 85) 1 2 − 1 3 (4 𝜌𝜍 𝑓𝑦𝑢 ) 1/2 𝑆 𝑑 t b,⊥ = 1 2 ()1 + 𝜍 𝑑 0 𝜍 𝑓𝑦𝑢 𝐶 𝑑

  8. Random distribution of magnetic field and outflow direction ž This suggests: The magnetic braking is dynamically 1. important but it does not enforce J || B. The magnetic field is dynamically 2. unimportant at the observed Hull+14 scale(turbulence is strong or magnetic field is weak) Hull+17 Serpens SMM1

  9. magnetic braking timescale of hourglass B field ž エンベロープ内では磁場配位は砂時計型 → 広がった分「腕」が稼げる → より効率的な磁気ブレーキ ž Rc/R ext は解析から決めるのは困難 (Joos+12 では R ext =R core → 過大評価 ) → シミュレーションしてみる必要がある 1 2 t ∥ = & 𝑆 𝑑 & 𝜍 𝑑 2 + + 𝑢 ⊥ 𝑆 𝑓𝑦𝑢 𝜍 𝑓𝑦𝑢 Girart+06 NGC 1333 IRAS 4A

  10. Does magnetic braking really enforce B || J? ž Ideal MHD studies θ J _ang — Magnetic braking is efficient when B||J →J ⊥ B tends to realized (Hennebell+09, Joos+12). B ⇔ B||J tends to be realized (Mouschovias+85, Matsumoto+04) ž Resistive MHD study — Magnetic braking efficiency is almost unchanged (non-ideal MHD:Masson+16) θ=0 ゜ θ=90 ゜ θ=0 ゜ θ=90 ゜ Matsumoto+04 Joos+12

  11. Does magnetic braking really enforce B || J? ž Ideal MHD studies θ J _ang — Magnetic braking is efficient when B||J →J ⊥ B tends to realized (Hennebell+09, Joos+12). B ⇔ B||J tends to be realized (Mouschovias+85, Matsumoto+04) ž Resistive MHD study — Magnetic braking efficiency is almost unchanged (non-ideal MHD:Masson+16) Masson+16 θ=0 ゜ θ=40 ゜

  12. Purpose of this study ž Resolve the discrepancy of the previous studies ž Reveal the nature of the magnetic braking in cloud core collapse ž We particularly focus on — The Initial conditions α = E $% ○ Matsumoto+04: Bonnor-Ebert sphere, α=0.5 𝐹 '()* ○ Joos+12: , α=0.25 — Magnetic diffusion(ohm, ambipolar diff.) ○ Matsumoto+04, Joos+12:ideal MHD ○ Masson+: resistive MHD (uniform sphere, α=0.25)

  13. Numerical methods and models ž methods: non-ideal Godunov SPMHD (Iwasaki+11, YT13) with FLD (Whitehouse+05) ž Initial condtions: uniform cloud cores with M = 1 Msolar (β=0.03) ž Both ideal and resistive (Ohm+ambipolar diff.) MHD simulations are conducted. α = E $% M/Φ α = 4.0 𝐹 '()* (M/Φ) 012$ 0.6 0.4 0.2 Simulations start from cloud core θ 0 45 90

  14. α=0.2, θ=0 α=0.4, θ=0 α=0.6, θ=0 600 AU α=0.4, θ=45 α=0.2, θ=45 α=0.6, θ=45 α=0.4, θ=90 α=0.2, θ=90 α=0.6, θ=90 Matsumoto+17

  15. Evolution of central J (ρ>10 -12 g/cc Ideal simulaiton ) ž As α of initial core decreases, J of θ=90 increases quickly ž We obtained the consistent results with previous studies α=0.4 θ=0 α=0.6 θ=45 θ=90 α=0.2 Central density large α small consistent consistent consistent consistent Matsumoto+04 Joos+12

  16. Evolution of central J (ρ>10 -12 g/cc, resistive) ž In all simulations with magnetic diffusion, J of the central region decreases as θ increases. (consistent with Matsumoto+04) ž Difference between θ=0, 45 is quite small and roughly consistent with Masson+16 θ=0 α=Eth/Egrav=0.6 α=0.2 ρ>10 -12 g/cc region θ=45 θ=90 α=0.4 central density Roughly consistent consistent Masson+16

  17. Why do the results depend on the initial condition? We follow J evolution of ž When and how the fluid elements magnetic braking →We can answer when and how J is changed changes the gas angular momentum have been ambiguous because previous studies only investigate the J evolution of the central disk ž To reveal the physical Previous studies mechanism, we should investigate how investigate the angular mean J of disk changes under the momentum evolution of mass accretion fluid elements.

  18. Non-spherical collapse and apparent enhancement of magnetic braking B Collapse is not spherical symmetric ! Shell with M(r)=0.01 Msun Shell with M(r)=0.1 Msun Fluid elements with small/large J selectively accretes to the central region in core with θ=0, 90

  19. Angular momentum evolution of the spherical shell ž In isothermal collapse phase: magnetic braking is stronger in model with θ=90 ž Ideal: strong magnetic braking in B adiabatic/rotationally supported phase. ž Non-ideal: magnetic braking is suppressed in adiabatic/rotationally supported phase. Shell with M(r)=0.01 Msun Shell with M(r)=0.01 Msun Shell with M(r)=0.01 Msun resistive Ideal:α=0.4 θ=45 ゜ θ=0 ゜ θ=90 ゜ isothermal isothermal

  20. Angular momentum evolution of the spherical shell ž In isothermal collapse phase: magnetic braking is stronger in model with θ=90 Tomisaka00 ž Ideal: strong magnetic braking in B adiabatic/rotationally supported phase. ž Non-ideal: magnetic braking is suppressed in adiabatic/rotationally supported phase. Shell with M(r)=0.01 Msun Shell with M(r)=0.01 Msun Shell with M(r)=0.01 Msun Angualr momentum resistive Ideal:α=0.4 distribution after Angualr momentum first core formation distribution at first θ=45 ゜ core formation θ=0 ゜ θ=90 ゜ isothermal isothermal

  21. Comparison between ideal and resistive ž Evolution in isothermal resistive phase is essentially the same. ž Magnetic resistivity (Ohm and ambipolar) changes ideal the angular momentum θ=0 ゜ evolution in ρ>10 -13 g cm -3 resistive resistive ideal ideal θ=90 ゜ θ=45 ゜

  22. Summary and discussion ž We investigated the magnetic braking in misaligned cloud cores and almost all previous results are reproduced. ž Results — In isothermal collapse phase, magnetic braking is strong when B ⊥ J →If magnetic filed is dynamically important in isothemal phase or envelope (r~1000AU scale), B || J realizes! — Once magnetic diffusion is included (more realistic simulation), the central angular momentum (or disk size) is always larger in B||J case ž Discussion — With multiscale observation of polarization, we can determine the scale at which the magnetic braking is dynamically important !

  23. Summary and discussion Hull+17 ž Hull+13 showed that B of core scale is not aligned with outflow direction (J direction) ž This suggests : — The magnetic braking is efficient but it does not enforce J || B. — The magnetic field is dynamically unimportant at the observed scale(turbulence is strong or magnetic field is weak) Hull+13

  24. Remaining questions ž Magnetic field is weak in the core scale? — How can we explain the Zeeman obs? ž Turbulence in cloud core is strong? — Simulations tends to produce the cores with strong turbulence(supersonic, Klessen+05) — Observation does not show supersonic line width. i.e., subsonic turbulence (Andre+06, Lada+07). Angular momentum problem also becomes serious. OH Zeeman Obs. Troland+08 μ=1 μ~4.8 Hull+13


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