DOE-EFCOG ISM & QA Strategic Planning & Direction HPI Task Group FY15 Initiatives Kim Leffew and Chuck Ramsey
HPI Integration for Org Effectiveness 2015 Initiatives DOE & Contractor Leadership Guidance: Provide draft document based on the DOE HPI Handbook (DOE -HDBK-1028- 2009), INPO’s ‘ Leadership Fundamentals to Achieve and Sustain Excellent Station Performance’ (9/07) and recognized leadership approaches across the DOE complex. All levels of leaders Practices for Organizational Effectiveness Engaging employees
HPI Integration for Org Effectiveness 2015 Initiatives Observation and Coaching: Purpose: Provide a guidance document that promotes organizational learning and improvement through engagement Establish standard of effective coaching for all organizational levels that builds trust and accountability Recognize possible barriers to coaching and suggest solutions Build on proven practices in DOE and industry
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