dm t task force

DM:T Task Force December 7, 2017 Corridor Development Timeline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DM:T Task Force December 7, 2017 Corridor Development Timeline Opportunity for Stakeholders and Public To Influence Project Design Broad Definition Design Detail of Project Construction Revenue Service Conceptual Design Alternatives

  1. DM:T Task Force December 7, 2017

  2. Corridor Development Timeline Opportunity for Stakeholders and Public To Influence Project Design Broad Definition Design Detail of Project Construction Revenue Service Conceptual Design Alternatives Engineering & & Environmental Analysis Design Analysis 18 months 12-18 months 18-24 months Ongoing Federal Transit Administration Project Development We Are Here Locally Preferred Fully Designed Concept Design & Alternative Environmental and Funded Clearances Project  Definition of  Design detail mode &  Design alignment determined complete  Conceptual  Environmental  Finance station locations impacts identified package  Operating plan  Local decision

  3. Preliminary Recommendation of Center-Running BRT

  4. Basis for Decision and Decision-Making Process  Screening criteria/evaluation  Technical requirements  Community input:  Task Force  Technical Working Group  Broader public feedback

  5. Basis: Safety and Accessibility  Island stations calm traffic  Pedestrian refuges reduce crossing distance  Shorter crossing distances = less exposure to vehicle traffic  Eliminating unprotected lefts improves pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular safety  Station lighting enhances security

  6. Basis: Optimizing Person Mobility Center-running 40k BRT results in an 26k = 66,000 + increase in daily person trips on Colfax of 14% No Action Provides the greatest expansion capacity allowing 50k neighborhoods 25k = 75,000 + and businesses to grow around reliable, high- capacity transit Center Running BRT

  7. Basis: Investing in Transit Performance  Ridership more than doubles to 50,000 daily rides by 2035  Transit travel time improved by 15 minutes compared to future baseline  Optimal reliability for surface running transit Future proofing from delay as land-use, traffic, and curb uses change

  8. Basis: Building Vital Neighborhoods Around Transit Unique lighting Opportunity for Street Trees Attractive, vertical Expanded Wider features distinguish Furniture Zone sidewalks street

  9. Project Features: Street Design Left turn lanes at Pedestrian crossings at signalized signalized crossings intersections every 700’ or less Prioritize curb Far-side of Center parking/loading and intersection running way; expanded sidewalks stations median to vary in width EXCEPTIONS : • Major arterial crossings w/ large truck turns • Terminal locations

  10. Project Features: Full Transit Stations Off Board Line Level Lighting and High Quality Payment Branding Security Shelters C O L F A X Public Art System Traveler Protection from Features Information Traffic

  11. Project Features: Integrated Operations All corridor buses use one set of stations between Yosemite and Civic Center

  12. Areas for Further Refinement  Station Locations  Branding  Station Design  Corridor Bus Operating Plan  Curb Use and Mitigations  Median Treatments  Sidewalk Expansion & ADA Improvements  Bike Facility Crossing  Traffic Operations and Mitigations

  13. Center-Running BRT: Next Steps and Path Forward

  14. Where Do We Go From Here?  Broad-based community outreach – we need your help:  Community survey  Roadshow presentations  Neighborhood events  Newsletters



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