distributed storage networks and computer forensics

Distributed Storage Networks and Computer Forensics 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Distributed Storage Networks and Computer Forensics 1. Organization & Overview Christian Schindelhauer Amir Alsbih University of Freiburg Technical Faculty Computer Networks and Telematics Winter Semester 2011/12 Organization

  1. Distributed Storage Networks and Computer Forensics 1. Organization & Overview Christian Schindelhauer Amir Alsbih University of Freiburg Technical Faculty Computer Networks and Telematics Winter Semester 2011/12

  2. Organization ‣ Lecture • Monday 12:15-13:00, 101/SR 00-010/14 • Thursday, 11:15 - 13:00, 101/SR 00-010/14 ‣ Exercise (Christian Ortolf) • starts Oct 31, 2011 • Monday 13:00-14:00, 101/SR 00-010/14 • appear Tuesday on the web-pages • are the bases for the oral exam • solutions of the exercises are discussed in the following week Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 2 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  3. Web ‣ Web page • http://cone.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/cone_teach/ cone_teach_current/dsacfws11 • Slides, exercises, videos, link to forum ‣ Forum • for discussion, links, funnies etc. • http://archive.cone.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/forum3/ viewforum.php?f=6 Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 3 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  4. Exam ‣ Oral exam • based on the lecture and the exercises • closed book exam • selected exercises solutions may be used ‣ Mandatory registration using HIS • Questions in the exam from the lecture and the exercises Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 4 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  5. Overview ‣ Basic Storage Technology • Coding techniques ‣ Distributed Storage • Hard disks • Flash memory, solid state disks • Peer-to-peer network storage • Storage device design - e.g. Oceanstore ‣ File systems ‣ Computer Forensics • Classic file systems - Foundations • Network and distributed file - Methods systems • Collecting evidence ‣ Storage organization • Windows forensics • SAN, NAS, FAN • Linux forensics • Storage hierarchies, Tiers ‣ Redundancy • RAID levels Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 5 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  6. Algorithms and Methods for Distributed Storage Networks Motivation Evolution of Disks Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 6 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  7. Storage Prices 2006 Flash vs. hard drives: The battle intensifies Tom Coughlin, Jim Handy, Solid State Technology 2010 Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 7 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  8. Price Fall of RAM and Disk Storage Flash vs. hard drives: The battle intensifies Tom Coughlin,Jim Handy, Solid State Technology 2010 Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 8 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  9. Figure 1 Hard disk drive areal density trend 10 6 IBM DISK DRIVE PRODUCTS RANGE OF INDUSTRY LAB DEMOS POSSIBLE VALUES 10 5 Increase of 1st AFC MEDIA AREAL DENSITY MEGABITS/SQUARE INCH 10 4 Density 100% CGR 1st GMR HEAD 10 3 60% CGR 1st MR HEAD 10 2 1st THIN FILM HEAD 10 ~35 MILLION X 25% CGR INCREASE 1 10 – 1 10 – 2 IBM RAMAC ™ (FIRST HARD DISK DRIVE) 10 – 3 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 PRODUCTION YEAR AFC=ANTIFERROMAGNETICALLY COUPLED GMR=GIANT MAGNETORESISTIVE Flash vs. hard drives: The battle intensifies Technological impact of magnetic Tom Coughlin,Jim Handy, hard disk drives on storage systems, Grochowski, R. D. Halem Solid State Technology 2010 IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 42, NO 2, 2003 Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 9 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  10. Figure 2 Storage floor space utilization trend — IBM storage systems Increase of 10 4 Density RAW CAPACITY PER FLOOR SPACE AREA, GBYTES/SQUARE FOOT RANGE OF POSSIBLE VALUES 10 3 (Floor Space) IBM ESS MOD 800 ESS MOD F 10 2 60% CGR RAMAC 2 10 1 10 0 25% CGR 3380 10 – 1 10 – 2 Technological impact of magnetic hard disk drives on storage systems, 10 – 3 Grochowski, R. D. Halem IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 42, NO 2, 2003 IBM RAMAC (FIRST HARD DISK DRIVE) 10 – 4 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 PRODUCTION YEAR ESS=IBM TOTALSTORAGE ™ ENTERPRISE STORAGE SERVER ™ Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 10 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  11. 24-INCH FORM FACTOR 5 MB (NOT SHOWN) Evolution of 14-INCH FORM FACTOR 3.8 GB Disk Form Factors 8-INCH FORM FACTOR 65 MB 10.8-INCH FORM FACTOR 5.7 GB 3.25-INCH FORM FACTOR 120 GB Technological impact of magnetic 3.25-INCH hard disk drives on storage systems, FORM FACTOR 84-MM DISKS/10000 RPM 146 GB Grochowski, R. D. Halem 70-MM DISKS/15000 RPM 36 GB IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 42, NO 2, 2003 2.5-INCH FORM FACTOR 60 GB 1.0-INCH FORM FACTOR 1 GB Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 11 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  12. Increase of Speed 100 ULTRASTAR XP ULTRASTAR 2XP ULTRASTAR 18XP ULTRASTAR 9ZX TIME, MILLISECONDS ULTRASTAR 36XP ULTRASTAR 18ZX ULTRASTAR 36ZX 10 ULTRASTAR 73LZX ULTRASTAR 36LZX ULTRASTAR 36Z15 ~ SEEK TIME ~ (ACTUATOR INERTIALPOWER) 1/3 x (DATA BAND) 2/3 ROTATIONAL TIME (LATENCY) ~ (RPM) -1 ~ ACCESS TIME = SEEK TIME + LATENCY SEEKING 1 ACCESSING 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 AVAILABILITY YEAR Technological impact of magnetic hard disk drives on storage systems, Grochowski, R. D. Halem IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 42, NO 2, 2003 Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 12 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  13. Algorithms and Methods for Distributed Storage Networks Motivation Consumer Behavior Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 13 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  14. Consumer Usage Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 14 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  15. Content Size Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 15 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  16. Storage Hierarchy ‣ Primary storage • Processors registers • Processor cache • RAM ‣ Secondary storage • Hard disks • Solid state disks • CD, DVD ‣ Tertiary storage • tape libraries • optical jukeboxes Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 16 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  17. Characteristics of Storage ‣ Volatile — non-volatile memory • non-volatile: dynamic or static ‣ Read & write — Read only — Slow write, fast read ‣ Random access – Sequential access ‣ Addressability • location addressable • file addressable • content addressable ‣ Capacity ‣ Performance • Latency • Throughput Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 17 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  18. Non-volatile Storage Technologies ‣ Punch cards (Hollerith) 1886-1950s ‣ Magnetic tape data storage 1951-today ‣ Hard disk drive 1956-today ‣ Floppy disks 1970s-1990s ‣ EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) 1980-today • Flash memory ‣ Optical disc drive (read/write) 1997-today Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 18 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  19. Network Storage Types ‣ Direct attached storage (DAS) • traditional storage ‣ Network attached storage (NAS) • storage attached to another computer accessible at file level over LAN or WAN ‣ Storage area network (SAN) • specialized network providing other computers with storage capacity with access on block-addressing level ‣ File area network (FAN) • systematic approach to organize file-related storage systems • organization wide high-level storage network Distributed Storage Networks Computer Networks and Telematics 19 and Computer Forensics University of Freiburg Winter 2011/12 Christian Schindelhauer

  20. Distributed Storage Networks and Computer Forensics 1. Organization & Overview Christian Schindelhauer Amir Alsbih University of Freiburg Technical Faculty Computer Networks and Telematics Winter Semester 2011/12

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