DIS or Cut Bait: the Push to the First Draft 2020-SIW-Presentation-036 Robert Murray, SimPhonics, USA 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop Orlando, Florida, USA, 10-14 February 2020
Background The 3 rd generation of DIS PDUs is being developed • ▪ Will result in DIS Version 8 Detonation Fire Entity Munition State Resupply • Work started in earnest in late 2016 Signal Transmitter ▪ A lot has been done in 3 years ▪ The design of most PDUs has matured ▪ Rules and explanations have been updated • Work is progressing in the Product Support Group (PSG) • Can’t create a draft, but can create Problem/Change Requests (PCRs) • Need to form a Product Development Group (PDG) to create a draft ▪ That starts the 4- year IEEE deadline, so don’t want to do it prematurely • SIW Paper 18W-SIW- 028 has a general overview of what’s changing 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 2
Gen 3 Design Features • Protocol compatibility with future versions • Translation compatibility for past versions • Extensibility ▪ Every PDU has an extension record section ▪ Some records will be standardized, users can add custom records • Consistent and efficient PDU design ▪ Every PDU has a header, a fixed body portion, and extension records ▪ Allows machine readable syntax description (e.g. XML or JSON) • Standard document organization ▪ Improved descriptions and rules, information for each PDU co-located • Significant clarification on several topics, including coordinate system 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 3
PCR 277 – Coordinate Systems Clarification • The World Coordinate System (WCS) used in DIS is based on Geocentric Coordinates (GCC), aka Earth Centered, Earth Fixed (ECEF) ▪ Earth X, Y, Z axes for position, velocity, acceleration ▪ Euler angles about Earth X, Y, Z axes for orientation Real-world X, Y, Z DIS X, Y, Z • Provide clarifications Terrain above Geoid Terrain modeled above Ellipsoid Z axis ▪ WGS-84 Ellipsoid Undulation ▪ No Geoid correction (DTED over ellipsoid) Geoid Beach Real-world Ocean surface sea level ▪ Diagrams for helping understand elevation Ellipsoid Simulation ▪ Discussion of conversions between coordinate Ocean floor sea level Latitude of mountain systems (reference frames) Latitude of peak beach Equatorial (XY) plane 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 4
Updated Header Proto Ver Compat Ver Exercise ID PDU Type PDU Status HDR Len PDU Length HDR Timestamp • V8 Header Revision ▪ Maintains Protocol Version as first byte ▪ Adds: Compatibility Version, PDU Header Length ▪ Compatibility Version ➢ Indicates the lowest Protocol Version to which this PDU remains compatible Field Size ▪ PDU Header Length Field Name Data Type (bytes) ➢ Expandable Headers for V9+ enhancements 1 Protocol Version = 8 8-bit enumeration 1 Compatibility Version = 8 8-bit enumeration ▪ PDU Type 1 Exercise ID 8-bit unsigned integer 1 PDU Type 8-bit enumeration ▪ Built-in Forward Compatibility 1 PDU Status 8-bit record 1 PDU Header Length = 16 8-bit unsigned integer 2 PDU Length 16-bit unsigned integer 8 Timestamp 64-bit signed integer Total PDU Header record size = 16 bytes 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 5
New PDUs Three new proposed PDUs • Application Control PDU ▪ SIMAN PDU to discover and allocate simulation resources to an exercise ▪ Also includes simulation health monitoring • New Synthetic Environment PDUs for Dynamic Terrain ▪ Scaled Height Map PDU ▪ Soil Attribute Map PDU • PCRs but have submitted for these PDUs but not been reviewed 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 6
Combine Similar PDUs • Simulation Management with Reliability combined with the 12 original SIMAN PDUs ▪ Record-R, Set Record-R, and Record Query-R no longer needed ▪ Any extension record can be designed to contain a Record Set • Entity State Update - no advantage over shortened Entity State PDU • Collision-Elastic now an extension record for Collision PDU • Supplemental Emission/Entity State (SEES) now extension records • Intercom combined with Radio • Proposal to combine Point Linear, Areal Object State PDUs with Entity State 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 7
Proposed Deletions • DIS V8 will eliminate PDUs and features that are not used and have no proponents ▪ The PDUs and rules in the Version 7 standard can still be used • Minefield family - Four PDUs with no known users • Attribute PDU ▪ Every PDU is now extensible, replaces the primary purpose of Attribute PDU ▪ But there could be other purposes • IsGroupOf PDU • Non-real-time Protocol ▪ Little or no use, DIS concentrates on LVC, therefore primarily real time • Live PDUs – Five PDUs with no known users 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 8
Ready for First Draft The following have PCRs that have been reviewed and are generally ready to go into the first draft, some need minor cleanup • Entity Information PDUs – Entity State, Collision • Warfare PDUs – Fire, Detonation, Directed Energy, Damage Status • Logistics PDUs – All six are ready • Emission Regeneration PDUs – EE, Designator, Underwater Acoustics ▪ Need IFF • Entity Management PDUs – Transfer Ownership ▪ Need Aggregate State and IsPartOf 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 9
Ready for First Draft (continued) • Synthetic Environment – Environmental Process ▪ Need Gridded Data • Information Operations PDUs – IO Action and IO Report • Clause 4 General Requirements – DIS Exercise, State PDU, Coordinate Systems, Time, Data Representation ▪ Proposal for change in Dead Reckoning has not been reviewed 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 10
Needs Some Work • These are not necessarily complicated, just needs to get done ▪ Not proposing change in capability and usage ▪ But need to convert to DIS V8 format ▪ We have general PDU design figures but don’t have PCRs yet • SIMAN PDUs • Aggregate State PDU • IsPartOf • Gridded Data PDU 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 11
Needs Significant Work • IFF ▪ Base PDU is defined, along with Mode 5 and Mode S records ▪ Want to replace the “layer” terminology, but it is pervasive ▪ 100-page annex could be a lot of work • Communications ▪ Combine Radio and Intercom ▪ Proposed to combine Transmitter, Signal, and Receiver in a single PDU ▪ But a lot of details to work out • Combine Objects and Entities ▪ Objects use an Environment Manager ▪ Rules need to be merged 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 12
Summary • The first draft is in sight • The goal is to stand up a PDG in 2020 and create the first draft • Three areas requiring significant work before drafting can start ▪ IFF, Communications, Object/Entity combination • Some work needed on these PDUs ▪ SIMAN, Aggregate State, IsPartOf, Gridded Data • Some work also needed on the new PDUs ▪ Application Control and Dynamic Terrain PDUs 2020 Simulation Innovation Workshop 13
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