I SSUE UER P RESE ESENTATIO ION $15,70 700, 0,000 Gener General Oblig Obligatio ion Bonds, s, T T ax-Exempt S a Seri ries 2 2020A * July y 20, 20, 2020 2020 *Prelim limin inary y subje ject ct to change
Dis iscla laim imer This Issuer Presentation was prepared exclusively for the benefit of and internal use by the recipient for the purpose of considering the transaction or transactions contemplated herein. This Issuer Presentation is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the Bonds and does not purport to be a complete statement of all material facts relating to the Series 2020A Bonds. The offering is made only by means of the Official Statement. If you are viewing this Issuer Presentation after July 1, 2020 (da te of release ), there may be events that have occurred subsequent to such date that have had a material adverse effect on the financial information that is presented herein. Please be advised that neither the Issuer nor the Municipal Advisor have undertaken nor assumed any duty to update any such information and are under no obligation to update any such information. No assurance can be given that any transaction or transactions contemplated herein could in fact be executed. The information contained in this communication has been compiled from sources the Issuer believes to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by the Municipal Advisor or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. Nothing in this communication constitutes legal, accounting or tax advice or individually tailored investment advice. This material is prepared for general circulation and may have been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. The investments or services contained in this communication may not be suitable for a recipient and it is recommended that they consult an independent attorney, investment advisor, or tax advisor if they are in doubt about the suitability of such investments or services. Past performance is not a guide to future performance, future returns are not guaranteed, and a loss of original capital may occur. This Issuer Presentation contains “forward-looking” statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumption. If the risks or uncertainties ever materialize or the assumptions prove incorrect, the results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, we caution you not to place undue reliance on these statements. All statements other than the statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking. All opinions, estimates, projections, forecasts and valuations are preliminary, indicative and are subject to change without notice. All data for 2020 and later is preliminary, unaudited and subject to change. 2
Inf nformation I n Inc nclude uded 1. Overview of Series 2020A Bonds 2. City Response to COVID-19 3. Economy and Tax Base 4. Finances, Management & Debt 3
Par art 1: 1: Over erview o of Ser eries 202 2020A Bon Bonds 4
Over erview o of Ser eries 202 2020A Bon Bonds $15,700,000 General Obligation Bonds, Tax-Exempt, Series 2020A Security Bonds will be a full faith and credit general obligation of the City, with pledge of special assessments, net water revenues, and an abatement levy • $11,550,000 for street improvement projects • $3,380,000 for water projects • $770,000 for Ames Arena parking lot Purpose Proceeds from the Bonds will be used to finance the 2020 street improvement projects, water projects, a parking lot project at Ames Arena, and to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds Authority The Bonds will be issued pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.1812 through 469.1815 and Chapters 429, 444, and 475 Source: Preliminary Official Statement, 2020A Bonds 5
Over erview iew o of S Serie ies 2 s 2020A B Bond nds ( (con ontin inue ued) $15,700,000 General Obligation Bonds, Tax-Exempt, Series 2020A Term Bonds will mature annually each February 1 in the years 2021 through 2031 Tax Status Tax-exempt, not bank qualified Sale Date Underwriter bids due on Monday, July 20 at 10:00 a.m. Central Rating Moody’s Aa1 Closing Date: On or about August 13 Source: Preliminary Official Statement, 2020A Bonds 6
Par art 2: 2: Ci City R Resp esponse t to o COVI VID-19 7
COVI OVID-19 Vi Viru rus – City R Resp sponse onse From public safety to home permit inspections, all aspects of City services have continued City Council, Planning Commission and other Committees have been meeting electronically with information published on the City website as usual City is focused on common goal—to move forward with appropriate public health safety measures, while at the same time ensuring economic success as a community Source: City of Lakeville website: https://www.lakevillemn.gov/993/Coronavirus-Update 8
COVI OVID-19 Vi Viru rus – City R Resp sponse onse City is preparing for both immediate and longer-term financial impact City is well positioned to respond due to its very strong financial management practices and reserves Source: Preliminary Official Statement, 2020A Bonds 9
Par art 2: 2: Econ onom omy an and T T ax ax Base Base 10
Lakeville is a Growing a ng and nd Thri hriving C ng Communi unity The City is located in southern Dakota County, approximately 20 miles south of downtown Minneapolis and Saint Paul City encompasses an area of approximately 38 square miles City anticipates (budgets) for 350 new housing units annually Source: Preliminary Official Statement, 2020A Bonds, Exhibit C 11
Econ onom omy / T T ax ax Base Base Developable land with supporting infrastructure Positive economic impact of quality schools Engaged community, civic and City leadership Growing and diverse business community City sets strategic priorities FY 2020-2023 Strategic Plan and Summary Report to the Lakeville Economic Development Commission: Source: City of Lakeville Website: https://lakevillemn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/7522/2020- 2023-Strategic-Plan-for-Economic-Development-PDF 12
Val aluat ation on H Hist story f for or Ci City Taxable Market Value $10,000 Millions $9,000 $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Pay 2015 Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Pay 2019 Pay 2020 Preliminary Pay 2021 Residential Commercial Industrial Apartments Other Total Source: Dakota County Website: https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/TaxDistricts/Pages/default.aspx 13
Val aluat ation on H Hist story f for or Ci City Taxable Market Value by Classification as Percent of Total 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Pay 2015 Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Pay 2019 Pay 2020 Preliminary Pay 2021 Residential Commercial Industrial Apartments Other Source: Dakota County Website: https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/TaxDistricts/Pages/default.aspx 14
Val aluat ation on H Hist story f for or Ci City Annual % Change in Taxable Market Value 85.0% 75.0% 65.0% 55.0% 45.0% 35.0% 25.0% 15.0% 5.0% -5.0% -15.0% Pay 2015 Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Pay 2019 Pay 2020 Preliminary Pay 2021 Residential Commercial Industrial Apartments Other Total 2019 Industrial includes: Launch Park 1 st Addn – Menasha – built 2017 – 286,000 SF Source: Dakota County Website: https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/TaxDistricts/Pages/default.aspx 15
Val aluat ation on H Hist story f for or Ci City Cumulative % Change in Taxable Market Value from Pay 2014 160.0% 140.0% 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% -20.0% Pay 2015 Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Pay 2019 Pay 2020 Preliminary Pay 2021 Residential Commercial Industrial Apartments Other Total Source: Dakota County Website: https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/TaxDistricts/Pages/default.aspx 16
Val aluat ation on H Hist story f for or New ew Con Const struction on i in Ci City Taxable Market Value from New Construction $200 Millions $180 $160 $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 Pay 2015 Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Pay 2019 Pay 2020 Preliminary Pay 2021 Residential Commercial Industrial Apartments Other Source: Dakota County Website: https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/TaxDistricts/Pages/default.aspx 17
Val aluat ation on H Hist story f for or New ew Con Const struction on i in Ci City Taxable Market Value from New Construction By Classification as Percent of Total 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Pay 2015 Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Pay 2019 Pay 2020 Preliminary Pay 2021 Residential Commercial Industrial Apartments Other Source: Dakota County Website: https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HomeProperty/TaxDistricts/Pages/default.aspx 18
Notable R le Residen enti tial l Develo elopmen ent Developments in progress (pending final plat) include: https://www.lakevillemn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/570/Residentia l-Development-Projects-Report-PDF 703 Single family unit lots 501 townhome unit lots 196 apartment units under review Source: Preliminary Official Statement, 2020A Bonds 19
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