direct readout community

Direct Readout Community NOAA Satellite Conference for Direct - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

JPSS Science Data Services for the Direct Readout Community NOAA Satellite Conference for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, and GOES-R/JPSS Users. April 27 May 1 2015 Dr. Bob Lutz FTS Manager NASA GSFC Code 581 1 Agenda FTS Overview FTS

  1. JPSS Science Data Services for the Direct Readout Community NOAA Satellite Conference for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, and GOES-R/JPSS Users. April 27 – May 1 2015 Dr. Bob Lutz FTS Manager NASA GSFC Code 581 1

  2. Agenda • FTS Overview • FTS Requirements and Functions • FTS System Architecture • FTS Software Design • Progress to Date • FTS Schedule • Summary 2

  3. JPSS Ground System High-level Architecture OV-2 (Jul 14, 2014) DMSP DP AFWA , MD Frames EUMETSAT PPF, Space/Ground WindSat NRL/FNMOC Comm. Node SCaN POP GSFC TT&C Management & Operations Node WSC TDRS Supporting SMD (J-1+) JPSS Ground Ops System Flt Dynamics AGS System NSOF MMC Support Nodes Coriolis/ SvalSat TT&C MD Frames WindSat NASA CARA MetOp-n HRD JPSS Ground Network Node DMSP-Fn Performance (NASA) SMD (J-1+) MD Frames AGS TT&C Fairbanks CDA Fairmont CBU ANC Data Alt MMC MSD SMD STAR SMD Alg & Val LCFs GCOM-n TrollSat Alg, ASF, DRs, Findings TT&C Ops Sim & Test Simulation Node Cal/Val Node Data Data Systems Alg. • Integrate TT&C/ MSD Support Data Correlative Data SMD Element level Sources McMurdo simulators TT&C Findings • Maintain CLASS Simulators Alg. Support GRAVITE Data FVS FVTS Field Terminal NASA SDS S-NPP MSD Alg. Support Support Node JPSS-n xDRs, IPs HRD xDR, IPs HRD SMD APs Performance MSD HRD Monitor Data Processing Node MSD xDRs, IPs ESPC SMD APs TT&C TT&C Fairmont Alt Launch NSOF IDPS CGS Support Service IDPS Network supports routing of NASA FNMOC Node (L3) Field Terminal SCaN-supported missions, & Users & McMurdo NSF data NAVOCEANO Security xDRs, IPs AFWA (Blk 1.2 only) LEGEND: Provider of SMD, No Internal Support, Flight Development MD – Mission Data JPSS Ground System FVTS Black/White Text – Block 1.2 TT&C, LRD/HRD/MSD Pass-thru Only Organizations SMD – Stored Mission Data + Common Ground Direct Readout & MSD – Mission Support data Red Text – Block 2.0 GRAVITE External Provider of SMD Only System (CGS) Field Terminals Purple Text – Block 3+

  4. Satellite Communication Links Direct Broadcast components indicated in green TDRS SMD Antenna DB Antenna S-Band Antenna Direct Broadcast High Rate Data (HRD) Downlink 8.2125 GHz TDRSS 300 Mbps 7.812 GHz Ground Link 15 Mbps Ground Station TDRSS Svalbard, McMurdo, Fairbanks, Troll White Sands Station Direct Readout User Terminal 4

  5. FTS Level 1 Requirements • JPSS Level 1 Requirements Document (JPSS L1RD) provides the fundamental requirements and scope of JPSS FTS – JPSS-1 will provide HRD broadcast – JPSS-2 will provide HRD broadcast – JPSS shall provide the Direct Readout community with software, documentation, and periodic updates to enable them to produce data products from JPSS, using their own hardware to receive the JPSS HRD broadcasts • The JPSS Program is not responsible for developing, testing, or deploying any JPSS capable field terminal • JPSS will not perform encryption of the direct broadcast 5

  6. Key Functions of FTS (1 of 2) • Provide the following functionality: – Hardware Specifications • Suggested field terminal configurations – DFCB and RF-ICD • Containing specifics on direct broadcast data format – Software to produce RDRs from packets • Provide and maintain RT-STPS – Algorithms & Software • Used to create data products from direct broadcast – Updated algorithms & software • Notification when updates are available – Mission Support Data • Ancillary/auxiliary data 6

  7. Key Functions of FTS (2 of 2) • Provide the following functionality (cont’d): – Maintain list of registered users • Condition for NTIA Frequency allocation approval – Mission status • Users are provided status of the JPSS direct broadcast – HRD Link status • Users are provided post-pass performance information – On-orbit checkout and special tests – Promote the use of the JPSS data products from HRD link 7

  8. Algorithm Development Library (ADL) Centerpiece of FTS Implementation • JPSS Science Team members heavily rely JPSS Science Team / STAR ADL upon ADL as part of the Algorithm Change Package (ACP) • ADL provide a means for processing RDRs GRAVITE into SDRs and EDRs • Most of the direct broadcast users are not familiar with using ADL • JPSS Program will provide support for the CGS development and maintenance of user- HRD Link Status friendly software packages (derived from ADL ADL): GSFC DRL (IPOPP) and University of IDPS ADL Wisconsin (CSPP) FTS Distribution Server Svalbard JPSS Ground Project Requirements Community Satellite International Polar Orbiter DRL/IPOPP UWISC/CSPP Processing Package (CSPP) Processing Package (IPOPP) Customer Community Customer Community 8

  9. FTS Logical Architecture JPSS Ground System 6 JPSS Field Terminal Support 1 CGS FTS FTS 4 Distribution FTS Acquisition CGS Support 2 Server Customers Server Node 3 GRAVITE 1. Mission Support Data(MSD) 5 2. Software (ADL) and Documentation JPSS CM 3. Intermediate Products 4. Software, MSD, Field Terminal Documentation 5. Documentation 6. HRD 9

  10. FTS Data Acquisition and Organization • FTS acquires and organizes data and documentation relevant to HRD processing from JPSS-managed satellites • Data is obtained from the CGS, the CGS support node, GRAVITE and JPSS CM, and stored in the Data Acquisition server • This data includes processing source code (e.g., ADL, algorithm update packages, RT-STPS), documentation, ancillary data, intermediate products and auxiliary data (PCTs, LUTs, Mission Notices, Schedules) 10

  11. FTS Data Distribution • The FTS mechanism for data distribution is a web portal. Selected data stored on the FTS server is made available for distribution by the FTS Distribution Server • Customers desiring the system building blocks (e.g., ADL, algorithms or RT-STPS) interact with the FTS Distribution Server to download source code distribution packages for these components • Mission Support Data, updated regularly from the CGS, is similarly made available to FTS customers 11

  12. FTS Customer Registration and Reporting • Customer registration for FTS access is a self-service capability enabled through interaction with the Distribution Server main page • Customer-provided contact information is available to the FTS operator for reporting purposes (e.g., to support requests for frequency usage documentation) and notification purposes (to make FTS customers aware of changes to in system status) 12

  13. FTS System Status and Health • The FTS internally monitors FTS component health and status, and logs relevant information on the FTS server to support FTS troubleshooting and recovery • The monitoring approach planned for the FTS leverages existing capabilities used for monitoring DPES infrastructure. Expected items to monitor may include: – Hardware Status, – Disk, CPU and Network Utilization – Server Availability – Process Status 13

  14. System Architecture 14

  15. Software Design 15

  16. Software Design Top Level Design Overview • Data Acquisition: components on the private, secured system that is not reachable by customers – Data Manger: schedules tasks that transfer, organize, and prepare data for distribution – Private Repository: contains an internal copy of downloaded data • Data Distribution: components on the public facing system that are provide access to customers – Web Portal: provides an interface for customers to register and access data – Public Repository: contains the data to be made available to customers through the web portal 16

  17. Data Acquisition 17

  18. Data Acquisition Overview of Data Acquisition Components • Data Manager: Schedules the following tasks – Transfer Module: establishes a connection and pulls data from a particular external data source – Organizer: organizes incoming data for distribution – Replicator: pushes data from the private repository to the public repository. • Private Repository – Incoming data: data from external sources that has not been organized – Organized Data: incoming data organized to make data more meaningful 18

  19. Data Acquisition – Data Manager: Transfer Modules • One transfer module for each external source of data that is obtained automatically. • Each transfer module shall: – Connect to the external source – Download data automatically – Log activity and generate notifications via email – Report a problem when an external source is unreachable – Report a problem when data integrity is questionable (failed checksum, etc.) 19


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