Direct Online Sales, How to increase your direct business through Metasearch and Google
What are Metasearch sites?
The main platforms today:
Trends: Leisure tourism 36% of leisure tourists use Meta-search platforms to plan their stay Source: PhoCusWright
TRENDS: Meta-Search Source:
Trends: Where does traffic come from? Booking. com portal Adwords by affiliates keywords email Adwords Total marketing by Brand of your sales campaign clients Presence SEO of your Meta brand platforms SEO of keywords
Trends: OTA traffic: Source: Similarweb
Trends: Meta-search
Evolution Hotel Hotel OT As Meta-search Travelers Travelers
How does it work? 2 levels of visibility Horizontal visibility : This concerns making your rates most visible within your page on the meta-search platform. 10-15% of the queries (aim is to reduce distribution costs)
How does it work? 2 levels of visibility Vertical visibility : Concerns the increase of visibility within the area (e.g. Paris) This represents 85-90% of enqueries and is where we can generate new business
Costs / Meta Search Cost modules Variable (live bidding) CPC % of confirmed bidding CP A
Strategy • There is not just 1 Trivago or TripAdvisor, there are many • Different CPC’s per platform per markets are needed • We advise a Maximum cost of distribution of 20%. Why? • Adjust according to periods, empty in August: increase your visibility to fill the hotel – during the busy months we reduce it. • Exp – hotel with OCC 60% --Is not it better to sell these rooms at 20 or 25% than not at all?
Parity rates yes, or no? Can be the difference between attracting 50% of the viewers and 80%
Conclusion? • Price comparators are not sales channels, but traffic generators • Every hotel is present on Meta-search platforms. The question is no longer should I be on it but rather should I be on it directly or via 3rd parties
Conclusion? Is it profitable: Why are my OTA’s showing my room rates? Distribution cost < than the price at which they resell you the reservation (Your commission rate)
What are the foundations of a good campaign? • A good modern website • An effective booking engine • Reasonable rate policies • Positive costumer feedback on platforms • Daily management of your Meta-search campaigns • An attractive profile (professional pictures etc.) = A successful campaign
What are the foundations of a bad campaign?
Online sales via Wholesalers Revente
What is stopping you from making your website your own OTA?
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