digitalisation infrabel

Digitalisation @ Infrabel Intelegent Maintenance Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Digitalisation @ Infrabel Intelegent Maintenance Systems 08-09.09.2020 Jan MYS Deputy Director Infrabel Asset Management Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel Key Figures 4.099 11.426 6.515 km 1.713 turnouts CE structures Main line Level

  1. Digitalisation @ Infrabel Intelegent Maintenance Systems 08-09.09.2020 Jan MYS Deputy Director Infrabel Asset Management

  2. Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  3. Key Figures 4.099 11.426 6.515 km 1.713 turnouts CE structures Main line Level crossings 5.871 km 10.196 10.434 Electrified main Signals Employees line Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  4. Our Priorities A railway network for In tune with all the trains of Safety First ! the society tomorrow Trains on time A financially fit company Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  5. Stakeholder expectations Punctuality More trafic Higher safety Digital Railway Improved cost Durability efficiency Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  6. v Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  7. Infrabel Digitalisation projects Digital Railway Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  8. PLANIFICATION DATA CELL Works Possession & Evaluation Smarter-M Management DIGITAL STATUS EXECUTION CHECK Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  9. Proces redesign with impact on Organisation Turnout maintenance 9 Infrabel Turnout strategy 2017

  10. MJ3 E2E Asset Management information flow MJ4 Technician Asset owner (expert) + data scientist Measurement Data Portal Intervention Malfunction Train Control Incident Computer SAMx Computer logs AMDx Interlocking Model Verified measurement results Big data platform Predictive notifications SAP EAM Assets checked by Planner Measurement trains Asset Master data Assets to be maintained Infrabel Smarter Maintenance 2018 10

  11. Dia 10 MJ3 Je eerste pâragraaf zou voor mij als zeer eenvoudig moeten overkomen. "we collecteren alle data in een centraal platform, laten hier wat routines op los en voorspellen zo wanneer de technieker het onderhoud moet doen. Zo gaat de technieker alleen als het nodig is. Mys Jan; 6/06/2018 MJ4 In de volgende stap kan je uitleggen waarom dat niet zo evident is. Voorspellen is niet evident. De technieker heeft ook nog een planning en staat niet klaar op uit te rukken als het dringend wordt en de informatie moet op een correcte manier verzameld en gecommuniceerd worden. Mys Jan; 6/06/2018

  12. DATA CELL Evaluation Digital WO Artifical Inteligenc Measure train Smart asset

  13. Safer-M Workers Interaction Train Access Restriction Machine Restriction Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  14. PRO cedures D igital I nfrabel S afety Before my Out of service team can enter Out of tension the track … Rail gauge intrusion …I need to Planned traffic make sure that the area is secured . Guarding a cross leveling Working with contractor Etc etc…. 20/06/2019 13

  15. Actually: (Too) many So I need to safety procedures apply some & paper based (Too) many procedures . documents Up to 15 !!! 20/06/2019 14

  16. Design thinking We brainstormed The end users on how we can helped us defining improve this the shape of their process future solution 20/06/2019 15

  17. It resulted in 3 key ideas Make all relevant 1 data available to all stakeholders Everybody sees 2 the same data at the same time 3 No data input required 20/06/2019 16

  18. Together with we build

  19. And this is the result 20/06/2019 18

  20. 20/06/2019 19

  21. TRACKING BORDER SIGNAL Keep it simple AUTOMATISATION BORDER SIGNAL SPADWATCH Interlocking Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  22. Workers Interaction Digitalization of working interaction Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  23. Digitalisation Succes Factors Proces Evaluation User involvemen End to End t Keep it Data simple Expertise Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

  24. QUESTIONS Digital Maintenance @ Infrabel

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