Digital platforms and coring strategies for public-private collaboration IN5320 – 2020 Alexander Kempton PhD Candidate, Digital Innovation
Digital platforms and coring strategies for public-private collaboration • Content – Platforms and Coring strategies – Public sector coring strategies – Welfare technology platform case • Q&A: – Interactive session on Zoom October 12
Assignments for reflection Press the pause button Think and write some notes on the assignment for 5 minutes Then press play
Platforms (Parker, Alstyne, Choudary, 2016)
Figrue from Cusuman, Gawer, and Yoffie 2019, The business of platforms
But how do you go from platform wannabe to platform company (or platform government)?
• Coring Strategies for innovation and hybrid platforms • “the set of activities a company can use to identify or design an element […] and make this element fundamental to a technological system as well as to a market. • “An element or component of a system is “core” when it resolves technical problems affecting a large proportion of other parts of the system.“ (Gawer and Cusumano, 2008)
Establishing a core: • Addressing an essential technological problem in an industry – Assembling the capabilities that third parties need • Facilitate third parties’ to complement the platform • Solve an essential business problem for the them • Create and preserve their incentives to contribute and innovate Platform core (Gawer and Cusumano 2008, Tiwana 2014)
Assignment Give an example of a platform coring strategy Relate this coring strategy to other elements or concepts from the course (architecture, boundary resources, types of platforms..)
• January 2007: iPhone launched • October 2007: From mostly a product strategy, to a platform coring strategy • Boundary resources that enable complementarity • Devices and app store that enables a market / a “We are excited about creating a vibrant third party transaction platform developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users.” Steve Jobs, October 2007 12
Establishing a core: • Addressing an essential technological problem in an industry – Assembling the capabilities that third parties need • Facilitate third parties’ to complement the platform • Solve an essential business problem for the them • Create and preserve their incentives to contribute and innovate Platform core (Gawer and Cusumano 2008, Tiwana 2014)
What about the public sector? • Digital platform seem to be highly successful • How can the public sector follow the same pattern? • What coring strategies can be used in the sector? • Crucial in a Norwegian context
Public sector platforms in Norway
Case: platform for welfare technology • Digital technologies and services that assist citizens with health or social issues
Public-private platform partnerships • Deliver public health care services • Enable public sector innovation • Enable private sector innovation
Case: platform for welfare technology • Digital technologies and services that assist citizens with health or social issues • Public-private platform partnerships • Use and innovation of digital technology in the primary health care service
- Documentation - Work flow service Electronic Electronic supported by Health Patient Patient services Records Records Oslo Electronic Health Patient services Records Bergen Electronic Health Patient services Records Trondheim
Screenshot from Rehm et al 2017 11. april 2011 Ny Powerpoint mal 2011 23
Device Device Electronic Health Device Patient services Records Oslo Device Device Electronic Health Device Patient services Records Bergen Device Device Electronic Health Device Patient services Records Trondheim
Bruker Bruker Bruker User User Helseteknologi User Helseteknologi User Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Devices and Kommune digital services Kommune Kommune Kommune Kommune Kommune Municipality EPJ 1 EPJ 1 EPJ 3 EPR
Assignment 2 • Why would the government (or some other public sector actor) want a publicly controlled platform for welfare technologies?
• Enable innovation (both to develop a market and to get new solutions) • Enable municipalities to plug-and-play different technologies and make them interoperable • Collection and use of data
Assignment 3 • How would you design a platform and a coring strategy for welfare technology? Use concepts from the course ( architecture, boundary resources, ….) Bruker Bruker Bruker User User Helseteknologi User Helseteknologi User Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Helseteknologi Devices and Kommune Kommune digital services Kommune Kommune Kommune Kommune Municipality EPJ 1 EPJ 1 EPJ 3 EPR
Ny Powerpoint mal 2011
Three different architectures and coring strategies over time • 2015-> • Welfare technology program • Directorate of e-health • Municipality of Oslo • Involving several eHealth companies and startups 31
Phase 1: Specifying an architecture • An architecture specification, not a concrete platform implementation • Different strategies for different types of technologies • Specified standards for the whole chain of technologies • The health services should be able to plug and play devices
Phase 2: Procuring a platform • Implementation through a procurement process • Government-owned platform • Extensive functionality in the core
Phase 3: Implementing a “minimal” platform • In-house development WFT system EPR system • Minimal core WFT system EPR system • But with Platform Core possibility of WFT system EPR system growth of WFT system functionality Health Network Internet
In terms of coring strategy: • Addressing an essential technological problem in an industry – Assembling the capabilities that third parties need • Facilitate third parties to complement the platform • Solve an essential business problem for the them • Create and preserve their incentives to contribute and innovate WFT system 1 EPR system WFT system EPR system 3 Platform Core WFT system EPR system WFT system Health Network Internet 2
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