Di i ion of Crimin l J Division of Criminal Justice Services tice Ser ice Office of Justice Research and Performance Juvenile Justice Annual Update for 2011 May 15, 2012
New York State Juvenile Justice Processing - 2011 Juvenile Arrests/ Criminal Activity* – 44,000 Other Formal Juvenile Arrests 22,000 , 22,000 22,000 Prob tion Int ke Probation Intake – 18,000 18 000 Adjusted/Other – 8,000 Referred for Petition – 10,000 JD & DF Petitions Filed – 10,000 Dispositions Probation Probation Other Other Placements Placements 1,200 3,100 5,700 * Estimate based on partial data Page 2
NYC Juvenile Formal Arrests Declined (-3%) Rest of State Juvenile Arrests/Criminal in 2011, Felony Arrests Down (-11%) Activity Down (-17%) in 2011 NYC Juvenile Formal Arrests 2007 - 2011 Rest of State Juvenile Arrests/Criminal Activity 2007-2011 12,889 14,000 12,731 12,744 12,371 12,126 18,000 12,000 16,548 15,922 10,000 15,099 14,864 8,146 8,078 7,902 12,000 7,179 8,000 6,653 12,325 6,000 5,473 5,473 5,552 5,552 4 000 4,000 6,000 6 000 4 842 4,842 4,743 4,293 2,000 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Felony Misdemeanor 2 3 Source: NYPD Source: NYS DCJS UCR Robbery Most Common Offense in 2011 JO Arrests Down (-8%) in 2011, Fewest Reported Since the Juvenile Offender Act of 1978 was Enacted Juvenile Offender Arrests NYC = 555 Juvenile Offender Arrests 2007 – 2011 Rest of State = 168 1 200 1,200 A Assault l 1,081 Assault Homicide Sex 15 (9%) 68 (12%) 11 (2%) Offenses Homicide 958 Sex 1,000 14 (2%) Weapons 888 Weapons 2 (1%) Offenses 833 0 (0%) 788 20 (4%) 7 (4%) 723 800 705 Burglary 659 28 (5%) 596 555 Burglary 600 8 (5%) Arson 400 Arson 253 248 229 3 (1%) 3 ( %) 192 192 168 168 7 (4%) 7 (4%) 200 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Robbery Robbery 129 (77%) 411 (74%) NYS New York City Rest of State 4 5 Source: NYS DCJS CCH Source: NYS DCJS CCH Page 3
NYC Probation Intakes Declined (-3%); 2011 Statewide Probation Adjustment Rate: 41%, NYC: 37%, and Rest of State: 46% Rest of State Declined (-24%) 90% NYS Juvenile Probation Intake Cases Opened* 80% Statewide Average: 41% Statewide Average: 41% 16,000 70% 0% 13,610 13,488 14,000 60% 12,021 11,624 11,301 12,000 50% 46% 12,030 37% 10,000 11,321 11,667 11,068 40% 8,000 8,891 30% 6,000 20% 4,000 2,000 2 000 10% 10% 0 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 NYC 11,321 12,030 12,021 11,624 11,301 Rest of State 13,610 13,488 11,068 11,667 8,891 * Includes Juvenile Delinquent and Designated Felony cases. * Only counties with 150 or more total JD cases closed are shown. 6 7 Source: NYS DCJS OPCA PWS Source: NYS DCJS OPCA PWS NYC Probation Adjustment Rate Rest of State Probation Adjustment Increased From 29% to 37% Rate 46%; Slight Increase From 2010 2007 – 2011 2007 – 2011 13,309 14,000 14,000 12,435 12,241 12,274 12,126 11,774 11,547 12,000 11,023 12,000 9,533 9,194 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 6,000 43% 43% 4,000 4,000 44% 46% 46% 37% 37% 42% 42% 29% 29% 2,000 28% 2,000 25% 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 JD Cases Closed Cases Adjusted JD Cases Closed Cases Adjusted 8 9 Source: NYS DCJS OPCA PWS Source: NYS DCJS OPCA PWS Page 4
NYC Detention Admissions NYC Detention Decline Due to Declined (-6%) Since 2010 Drop (-12%) in Secure Admissions NYC Juvenile Detention Admissions and Utilization* NYC Admissions to Detention by Detention Type* 7,000 5 789 5,789 5 744 5,744 5,570 6,000 5,090 2010 v. 2011 4,766 5,000 2009 2010 2011 4,215 4,139 3,950 # Change % Change 3,741 4,000 3,277 3,000 Secure Only 4,215 3,741 3,277 -464 -12% 2,000 1,029 982 814 777 665 Nonsecure Only y 760 684 712 28 4% 1,000 760 712 623 684 0 591 Both Secure 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 814 665 777 112 17% and Nonsecure Total Admissions Secure Detention Only Non-Secure Detention Only Both Non-Secure and Secure Detention Total 5,789 5,090 4,766 -324 -6% * This does not include transfers between custody levels (i.e. secure, limited secure, non-secure, etc) during a youth custody stay. Not comparable to Non-NYC. Includes Juvenile Delinquents, Designated Felonies, and *Does not include PINS Juvenile Offenders. 10 11 Source: NYC ACS Source: NYC ACS Rest of State Detention Admissions Rest of State Detention Decline Due to Declined (-10%) Since 2010 Drops in Both Secure and Non-Secure 4,165 4,500 Rest of State Admissions to Detention by Detention Type* y yp 3,729 4,000 4,000 3 529 3,529 3,327 3,500 2,992 2010 v. 2011 3,000 2,552 2009 2010 2011 2,354 2,388 2,173 2,500 # Change % Change 2,066 2,000 1,261 JD/JO Secure 2,388 2,173 2,066 -107 -5% 1,500 1,060 884 904 743 1,000 326 286 257 250 183 500 JD/JO Non-Secure 884 904 743 -161 -18% 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 JD/JO Mixed 257 250 183 -67 -27% All JD/JO Admissions JD/JO Secure Admissions Total JD/JO Admissions 3,529 3,327 2,992 -335 -10% JD/JO Mixed Admissions JD/JO Non Secure Admissions Note: These are continuous stays comparable to the NYC definition and a youth could have had multiple stays in a year. Total admissions include youth in holdover (26 for 2007 and 29 for 2008 ), a category that is no longer utilized. *Does not include PINS Source: Bureau of Evaluation and Research, NYS OCFS 12 13 Source: NYS OCFS Page 5
11 Counties Accounted For Over 80% of Detention Admissions In Rest of State During 2011 Rest of State Detention Admission in 2011* n=2,340 700 600 * * * * 500 400 300 200 100 0 * Based on originating county, excludes interstate admissions and PINS. Only one admission per youth is counted. Counties with fewer than 25 juveniles not shown. 14 15 Source: NYS OCFS NYC Petition Filings Declined Across JD/DF Family Court Petition Filings All Crime Types Declined 15% in 2011 Total JD/DF Petitions Filed New York City JD/DF Petitions Filed by Crime Type 2010 v. 2011 2010 v. 2011 2009 2010 2011 # Change % Change Crime Type 2009 2010 2011 # Change % Change NYC 5,446 5,039 4,279 -760 -15.1% Personal 2,491 2,628 2,219 -409 -15.6% Rest of State 6,406 6,305 5,341 -964 -15.3% Property 1,893 1,469 1,337 -132 -9.0% Total 11,852 , 11,344 , 9,620 , -1,724 , -15.2% Other 1,062 6 942 723 -219 -23.2% % Total 5,446 5,039 4,279 -760 -15.1% 16 17 Source: NYS OCA Source: NYS OCA Page 6
Rest of State Petitions Declined Across All Crime Types Rest of State JD/DF Petitions Filed by Crime Type / * * * * 2010 v. 2011 Crime Type 2009 2010 2011 # Change % Change Personal 2,244 2,200 1,908 -292 -13.3% Property 3,438 3,382 2,860 -522 -15.4% Other O h 724 724 723 723 573 573 -150 150 -20.7% 20 7% Total 6,406 6,305 5,341 -964 -15.3% 18 19 Source: NYS OCA NYC JD/DF Filings 2010 vs. 2011: Rest of State JD/DF Filings 2010 vs. 2011: Most Serious Petition Charge By Class Most Serious Petition Charge By Class 2010 2011 2010 2011 A B B A A A A 5 5 B B O h Others 275 275 O h Others B 196 3 2 Others 2 0% 141 C 400 4% 295 245 4% 0% C Others C 0% 554 0% 3% 723 6% 5% 4% 1,038 487 764 11% C 11% 20% 11% 18% 605 Felony Felony Felony Felony 11% 2,272 2,403 1,938 2,729 41% 47.5% 45% 41% D D 1,104 836 17% 15% D D 598 D 14% 705 14% E E Misdemeanor E 624 Misdemeanor E Misdemeanor 584 1,864 433 9% Misdemeanor 2,101 459 3,492 11% 10% 42% 44% 3,005 9% 53% 54% 20 21 Source: NYS OCA Source: NYS OCA Page 7
2011 Initial JD/DF Petition Filings: 2011 Statewide JD/DF Petition Filings: Most Serious Charge by Crime Type Age and Gender NYC Rest of State Total Filings: 9,862 Other Other Other 5% 5% Age 12 Age 13 6% Drug Drug and 15% 6% 2% Under Personal 9% 36% Age 16 and Over Male Property Personal 7% 76% Age 14 31% 52% 26% Female 24% 24% Property 54% Weapons 2% Weapons 6% Age 15 43% 22 23 Source: NYS OCA Source: NYS OCA NYC OCFS/Voluntary Down (-36%); NYC Dispositions: 12.9% Resulted Most NYC Placements Still OCFS in Placement in 2011 NYC JD/DF Dispositions NYC Placements by Type 2010 v. 2011 2010 v. 2011 2010 v 2011 2009 2010 2011 # % 2009 2010 2011 # % Change Change Change Change Total 5,680 5,280 4,246 -1,034 -20% OCFS 461 341 332 -9 -3% OCFS/Voluntary Placements 758 662 548 -114 -17% Agency g y 272 277 176 -101 -36% % Placements 13.3% 12.5% 12.9% County DSS** 25 44 40 -4 -9% Probation 1,840 1,668 1,361 -307 -18% Total Admissions % Probation 32.4% 31.6% 32.1% to Placement 758 662 548 -114 -17% Other 3,082 2,950 2,337 -613 -21% % Other 54.3% 55.9% 55.0% **In NYC, County DSS reflects youth ordered placed outside of OCFS’ responsibility. 24 25 Source: NYS OCA Source: NYS OCA Page 8
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