developing reading at hill view primary

Developing Reading at Hill View Primary January 2016 How is - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing Reading at Hill View Primary January 2016 How is reading taught? In Reception Term 1 children are taught initial sounds (Read, Write, Inc. set 1 sounds). In Reception Term 2, children begin word time and learn to blend.

  1. Developing Reading at Hill View Primary January 2016

  2. How is reading taught?  In Reception Term 1 children are taught initial sounds (Read, Write, Inc. set 1 sounds).  In Reception Term 2, children begin word time and learn to blend. This is consolidated in Term 3, until the child is able to blend independently.  Through Y ears 1 and 2, children will continue to progress through the Read, Write, Inc. scheme until they can know and can use all of their sounds.  Through Read, Write, Inc. children are taught the skills of simple inference and deduction. This becomes a larger focus during Y ears 3 and 4 due to their increased decoding skills and fluency.  In upper Key S tage 2, the focus shifts more towards deduction and evaluation of a text as well as applying their skills of skimming and scanning, which will be used more in later life.

  3. Word reading, punctuation, grammar and comprehension. Word reading Punctuation and Comprehension grammar Decoding unfamiliar words. How words are put together This is the act of gaining meaning to make units of meaning. from a text. Decoding using initial Clarification of word Discussion about texts. sounds. meaning, Developing positive attitudes to Blending. Looking at word choices, reading. Breaking words into tenses and sentence Linking what they read to their own syllables. structure. experiences. Impact of different Retelling. punctuation. Predicting. Increasing vocabulary. S equencing. Asking questions. Making inferences and deductions by reading between the lines. Identifying main ideas. Answering questions by finding evidence.

  4. Example Text – Y ear 1

  5. How we use texts to support learning.  We ensure children are exposed to a range of high quality storybooks and non- fiction books to try to build on their interests and natural curiosity. These are also linked to our curriculum units.  http:/ /  The library is available to use during school time and books within the library are changed regularly to keep choices fresh. The Library S ervice visits to promote new books.  S hared reading provides opportunities to teach the skills of reading and discuss the content, structure and the complete comprehension of the text. S imple sentence punctuation is also taught through reading.

  6. Home reading and how it works.  Our home reading books are banded with colours.  These are different colours to the Read, Write, Inc. books used in Key S tage 1.  Because Read, Write, Inc. introduces sounds in a certain order, your child may have a home reader with sounds which they haven’ t yet been taught. If they get stuck on a word or sound, tell them what it is.  As a school, we have tried to match the Read, Write, Inc. books to the home readers as best as we can.  In Key S tage 2, once the children are off the banded reading scheme, the books are coloured by their suitability for children of that age. For example, Gold books in Y ear 6 are deemed suitable for pupils of that age.  Children should be able to read and enj oy their home reading book with fluency and ease.

  7. Developing a love of reading.  We work hard to develop a love of reading through our curriculum and through our story sharing at the end of the day.  We would like your help to enrich this love of reading at home by trying to find time to share a great text with your child and support them in their book choices.  Read anything and everything!


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