Developing an integrated tool for decisionmaking, to promote the management and delivery of ecosystem services in grassland habitats Ž ymantas Morkv ė nas, BEF Lithuania LIFE Nordic Platform meeting, April 19-20, 2017 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
INTEGRATED PLANNING TOOL Linking spa4al data on natural, socio-economic, agricultural, ecosystem service contexts to ü Prioritization of grasslands ü Land use types according relevant parameters receive decision-making ü Land quality ü Grassland ecosystem services ü Relief/slope assesment support encouraging ü Ecosystem services ü Ecosystem service trade off ü Socio-economic factors graphs ü Criteria maintenance of valuable ü Matrixes with values ü ... grasslands 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
Main project objective • Analyse synergy poten6al & shortcomings in land use & nature conserva6on policy and provide proposals for policy improvement; • To offer integrated, ecosystem based planning solu6ons based on economically viable grassland management scenarios; • Encourage implementa6on ü Land use types ü Prioritization of grasslands ü Land quality of economically viable according relevant parameters ü Relief/slope ü Grassland ecosystem services grassland management ü Ecosystem services assesment models within areas of ü Socio-economic factors ü Ecosystem service trade off different natural and socio- ü Criteria graphs economic contexts. ü Matrixes with values ü ... 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
COMPLICATED PROCESS... Is the tool In which working applicable/useful processes to Gathering ini6al for the stakeholder? use? Focus on data availability and stakeholder How does the Tool methodological aspects expecta6ons fulfils DMS D ecision (basemap, grassland expecta6ons? M aking classifica6on, ES valua6on..) Is adjustment of S ystems the “architecture” Handing over and is needed? V0.01 agreements on Capacity building Tool maintenance & user manual Socio-economic ?? Adjus6ng vision of element for the the tool: the product Tool Nego6a6ng with data perspec6ve providers on data layer integra6on/update Are we in line with objec6ves of the Vivagrass project? V1.00 Defining Tool “products” deriving Stakeholder Gathering data layers Adjus6ng from DMS; focussed feedback and developing func6onality and on real user in mind evalua6on matrixes user interface V0.02 Next partners mee6ng 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
Concept for accessing different user needs and integrating in already existing working processes Different ”skins” of the same tool to adopt to the needs of the user VIVAGRASS informa4on products VIVAGRASS portal Story Data Tool VIVAGRASS data products App Matrix Doc 3rd party Data Data app VIVAGRASS planner VIVAGRASS viewer VIVAGRASS link 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
A core data layer (basemap) Assessment blocks Grassland analysis pre-calcula6on Relief/slope Land quality Land use types 3D matrix Land use categories ES services Scenarios 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
Different grassland types and their ecosystem services Different ES scenarios for the land plot in case of: a) Land abandonment; b) Turning into arable c) Maintaining grassland 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
Socio-economic risk of area Demographic forecast (risk for land abandonment) Combined from 10 indicators: such as density of inhabitants, population change, remoteness from regional centers, etc. 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
Some (early) examples of the use of the Tool 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
VIVAGRASS planner for combating alien species: setting priorities to remove Giant Hogweed SeMng criteria : • Roads; • Water streams • Grassland habitats; Adding weights for criteria. • Area status; • Ecosystem services; 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
Setting priorities for grassland management in the protected areas Choosing priority criteria: • Species number and importance; Data upload • Conserva6on status of the area; • Ecosystem services (e.g. poten6al for tourism); • Infrastructure availability; • Management frequency needs; • Risk of abonnement; • Area importance to local community; • Economic viability precondi6ons • … 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
Challenges ü Aggregation of ecosystem services and their values on different scale levels; ü Integration of meaningful socio-economic data related to grassland ecosystem into the Tool; ü Understanding of cross-sectoral potential and benefits among public administration remains challenging; ü Economic viability decisions in most cases depends on local circumstances on farm level, a lot of them cannot be grasped with the spatial data and the Tool. 2017 LIFE Viva Grass LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189
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