developer presentation to members of the planning

Developer Presentation to Members of the Planning Committee 20 - PDF document

Developer Presentation to Members of the Planning Committee 20 November 2017 Waddeton Park Eastern Urban Extension - Tiverton. Present Steve Hawkins Place By Design Darren Summerfield LRM Planning Ciara McGinty - Barratts/David

  1. Developer Presentation to Members of the Planning Committee 20 November 2017 Waddeton Park – Eastern Urban Extension - Tiverton. Present Steve Hawkins – Place By Design Darren Summerfield – LRM Planning Ciara McGinty - Barratts/David Wilson Homes Alice Jenkins - Interdirect Ian Sorenson – Devon County Council, - Highway Authority Christie McCombe – Area Planning Officer Members of the Planning Committee (6) Cllrs Mrs B M Hull and D J Knowles – Tiverton Members Cllr R J Chesterton – Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration Notes The Chairman of the Planning Committee outlined the agreed protocol on Councillor involvement in pre app discussions on planning applications. The Area Planning Officer explained that this was a follow up meeting to the meeting that took place on 14 September, as the project was moving forward the developers could provide details regarding the form and layout of the buildings, the storey height and how the development was proposed to be built out. Mr Hawkins stated that an additional public exhibition had taken place on 13 November which outlined the changes from the previous exhibition, the highway and access details, the phasing of the development, drainage issues, proposed layout and street scenes. He explained that the number of units had been reduced to 248 from 259 and that 71 affordable homes could be delivered by MDDC; access the primary connection through the NHS site still remained. He highlighted the proposed highway improvement works: • Uplowman Road to be stopped up to prevent through traffic. • Access junction from Post Hill onto Putson Lane would include a narrowing and speed reduction to 30mph. • Putson Cross / Uplowman Road junction to be re-aligned and re-marked to improve visibility. • Creation of passing places along Putson Lane.

  2. He also highlighted the other issues that had formed part of the public consultation: that of the construction traffic access and the proposed construction management plan which was due to be submitted shortly, the phasing plan which would identify the build programme, the location of attenuation ponds and the requirement for a foul pumping station. He also explained the reduction in the number of rear parking courts, the repositioning and enlargement of the LEAP and green infrastructure, the low density to the north and south of the site and the higher density towards the centre of the development. He outlined design aspects of the proposal and the Urban Design and Architectural Principles document and the Reserved Matters application which would both be submitted in the near future. Members highlighted the following issues: • The size of the garages within the proposal • The timetable for the building of affordable homes • The proposed passing places in Putson Lane • The access via the NHS site • The Construction Management Plan Cllr Burke on behalf of Tiverton Town Council asked about the location of the allotments, it was explained that the proposal would provide community orchards but allotments would be more likely provided elsewhere within the Eastern Urban Extension. Mrs Cluenis-Ross asked at what stage in the development would the closure of through traffic in Uplowman Road take place? It was explained that this would be identified in the Construction Management Plan. Mr Cook stated that he had always believed that you should have good manners when designing new buildings in the area of existing buildings – he felt that the developers had done quite well. He raised the issue of the buffer adjacent to the existing houses on Uplowman Road. Mr Cook outlined that this had been highlighted at the previous meeting and had now disappeared from the design to allow the new houses to come out onto Uplowman Road. This was not good manners! Most of the houses in that group were on septic tanks and as they are being dragged into the 20th Century they would like to be joined into the main sewer. Mr Hawkins explained that this was an additional access point into the hedge as requested by local residents as they had wanted the road extended and it was only a slight cut in the hedge. He felt that the design in that area of the development was well within existing limits. Mr Buzzacott asked whether there were any details available with regard to utilities within the development and whether Pomeroy Road would be dug up to accommodate these. Mr Hawkins stated that he would look into this. Mrs Bell highlighted her concerns for the dormice in the Devon bank and the impact of the removal of the bank with regard to flooding.

  3. Mr Hawkins responded stating that there was a wide area of woodland within the development specifically for dormice habitat. Mr Quick spoke of the need to reduce the disruptions and pollution through Horsdon, Blundells Road and on to Post Hill and the need for easier access to the site including the modification of the A361 road lay-by. Access via Putson seemed acceptable to Highways but he stated that an alternative should be considered and that he would be happy to enlarge on his proposal. Mr Sorenson stated that the A361 layby would form part of the slip road onto the new junction; the timescales for the roads had been outlined at an early stage of development. Claire Bainbridge highlighted her concerns regarding dedicated footpaths within the site so that people with children could walk safely throughout the new development. Cars being half parked on pavements should be avoided and adequate parking should be available. She also asked what liaison was taking place for the development of the school on the site. Mr Hawkins stated that there were footpaths designed all around the site and cycle paths had also been identified. The developers had worked hard to try to make the parking practical. The Area Planning Officer advised that liaison was taking place between MDDC and the Devon County Council with regard to the education provision. Mrs Quick thanked the developers for their attitude towards local residents, she stated that they were very apprehensive about the impact of the development on Putson Lane and that she didn’t want a repeat of the “Blundell’s’ bumps”. They had been promised a road that would lead to the A361, there was no road and there were no footings for any houses, there was a need for cooperation from both sides. Mr Green suggested that any development should be sympathetic to Fairway, the area had many bungalows, however no bungalows were identified within the design plans for the new development – would it not be prudent to build bungalows in this area? Mr Hawkins stated that there were no bungalows on the site; larger houses in larger plots had been identified for this area of the site. Mr Sorenson spoke of the access to the site and the legal agreement between DCC and the applicants which was required as part of the planning permission. He stated that the landowner was trying to sell the land, the legal agreement would transfer with the land. Mr Grieve from Tiverton Golf Club stated that he was very pleased with the name of the development and asked what the big blank space on land west of Putson Lane was. He also voiced concerns regarding the impact of construction traffic on Putson Lane.

  4. Mr Hawkins advised at this point that the blank piece of land was the affordable housing site that had not been planned to date. Mr Jordan referring to the lack of bungalows on the site and specifically in the Fairway area asked why the plans could not be changed to include single storey dwellings. Mr Hawkins stated that bungalows were very land hungry units and that there was a need to make sure that the site was viable. The Chairman thanked the developers and the public for their attendance The meeting closed at 11.40am


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