Detail of the Kalocsa chapel’s charter dated 1513 and the painted representation of its seal of authentication place received in 1739
Contents 1.) Brief presentation of the archbishopric ..............................................3 1.1.) Changes in the use of designations: From Kalocsa-Bács to Kalocsa-Kecskemét .....................................................................................3 1.2.) Territorial changes: From Bács-Bodrog county to Bács-Kiskun county ...........................................................................................................5 1.3.) Tie Archiepiscopal province .....................................................................5 1.4.) Tie Roman Catholic Archdiocese - in the light of the fjgures..............7 2.) Tie nature and structure of the archives ..........................................10 AAK. I. Archives of the Archbishopric of Kalocsa .......................................10 AAK. II. Archives of the Chapter of the Archbishopric of Kalocsa ............11 AAK. III. Archiepiscopal Economic Archives of Kalocsa ............................12 AAK. IV. Archives of the Deans’ Departments .............................................13 AAK. V. Archives of Parishes ...........................................................................14 AAK. VI. Other institutions .............................................................................14 AAK. VII. Successions ......................................................................................15 AAK. VIII. Collections .....................................................................................15 3.) Research options, source types .........................................................16 3.1.) Records .......................................................................................................17 3.2.) School records and documents ...............................................................18 3.3.) Documents relating to records (exceptions, registry patches) ...........20 3.4.) Litigation deeds (the Holy See, manor court) .......................................20 3.5.) Economic deeds from the feudal era (lists of pays, urbariums, maps, robot) ..............................................................................................22 3.6.) Protocols of ecclesiastic visits ..................................................................24 3.7.) Documents of places of authentication (nobiliary diplomas, estate cases, testaments) ...........................................................................24 3.8.) Population censuses, genealogical records, electoral lists ...................27 3.9.) Documents of associations and bodies ..................................................28 4.) Usage of the archives, services ..........................................................29 4.1.) Traditional, local services ........................................................................29 4.2.) Matricula-Historia-online (Genealogy research and local history on the Internet) ............................................................................30
3 4.3.) KFL-online (AAK-online) (other fjles of the archives available 1.) Brief presentation of the archbishopric via the Internet) ........................................................................................31 Our archdiocese located between the rivers Danube and Tisza was 4.4.) E-research service – results .....................................................................33 founded by King Saint Stephen and in the last millennium has become 4.5.) Database of records of Kalocsa and its quarters on the Internet ........34 Hungary’s second prestigious church place after Esztergom. Despite the 4.6.) Extra-curricular school programs ..........................................................35 considerable age of the Archdiocese, almost the complete collection of 4.7.) Publications ...............................................................................................37 the archives is the remains of the last three centuries. The reason for this 4.8.) Prizes and honors .....................................................................................40 is that the Turkish occupation caused significant breakage and important changes in the life of the Archdiocese. After the perish of Mohács, the whole area of the diocese was occupied by the Turkish soon, the operation of the Roman Catholic church organisation was suspended during the Ottoman occupation and most of our previous written and object remains were destroyed. The 18 th century brought mainly restart and reorganisation in the depopulated countryside both to the diocese and Kalocsa, the seat of Archives of the Archdiocese of Kalocsa (AAK) - the Archdiocese. archives presentation booklet 1.1.) Changes in the use of designations: From Kalocsa-Bács to (based on the Hungarian second, enlarged edition: Kalocsa-Kecskemét A Kalocsai Főegyházmegyei Levéltár (KFL) - levéltárismertető Our diocese was mentioned in the sources as the Archbishopric of Kalo- füzet. Szerk.: Lakatos Andor, Kalocsa, 2016.) csa-Bács for nine centuries. The name Bács was used in the Modern Age - referring to the double-seat operation of the medieval diocese - despite the Edited by: Lakatos Andor fact that after the Turkish neither cathedral, no chapter worked or no church English translation: Tóth Noémi Ilona governance took place. The address of the Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács was Kalocsai Főegyházmegyei Gyűjtemények kiadványai 12. used until 1968, the time of establishing the independent bishopric of Subo- Publisher: Kalocsai Főegyházmegyei Levéltár tica. Interestingly, the diocese called simply Kalocsa Diocese in the popular Kalocsa, Hungary, 2018 language wore this short name for less than 25 years because based on the ISBN 978-963-89957-7-3 Bull of Pope John Paul II beginning as “Gens Hungarorum” , the Archdiocese ISSN 1587-3730 of Kalocsa-Kecskemét was born as a part of the national modification of boundaries of the bishoprics. Kalocsa was the stable, unchanged element of the three name versions all over the time and in the last three centuries this city was the seat and residence of the archbishops that is why the simplifying Kalocsai Főegyházmegyei Levéltár (KFL) name became general by which the archbishop and the archbishopric were Archives of the Archdiocese of Kalocsa (AAK) both called “Kalocsa” briefly. H-6300 Kalocsa, Szentháromság tér 1. Tel.: +36 78 467 363, +36 30 602 2191
4 5 1.2.) Territorial changes: From Bács-Bodrog county to Bács-Kiskun River Danube (Duna) River Tisza county The area of the diocese covered Bács-Bodrog county, the southern areas of Pest County and a part of the Kiskunság in the 18 th -19 th centuries. The natural boundaries are Tisza River from the East, the Danube River from the west and south, the borderline started at Solt from the Danube and was Kalocsa-Bács till 1923 Kecskemét sloping toward the South-east to Tisza where it arrived under Szeged town. Kalocsa 1923-1992 In the 20 th century the territory of the diocese changed substantially Solt Kalocsa-Kecskemét several times. After the Trianon treaty, as a consequence of the changes of from 1993 Kiskunfélegyháza country borders, the Archdiocese Kalocsa-Bács nearly three quarters of its territory and population. Hardly more than one third of the parishes and Bács-Bodrog county ministries and nearly half of ministrations remained in Hungary. The Holy Kecel See established the Apostolic Administration of Bács with the headquarters Bács-Kiskun county Kalocsa Kiskunmajsa of Subotica from around a hundred parishes on the 10 th February 1923. Kiskunhalas Hajós For Kalocsa, the loss of territory became final - except for the short period between 1941-1944 - however, Rome declared the Apostolic Administration Jánoshalma Szeged to be an independent diocese much later, only in 1968. The next important territorial change came in 1993 in the life of the archdiocese when the Kalo- Baja csa-Kecskemét Archdiocese was born. Since then, the area of the diocese has Bácsalmás Szabadka been mainly the same as the territory of Bács-Kiskun County. As a result of Vienna reorganisation in 1993 the increase was important, both the surface area and Budapest the population of the diocese after Trianon have grown more than double. Zenta The organization structure of the Archdiocese was divided into three Hungary archdeaconries, such as: Cathedral, Bács and Tisza Archdeaconries the area Topolya Zagreb Serbia distribution of which changed as a consequence of the events described. In Zombor 1979 the name of the Tisza Archdeaconry was changed to Bodrogi and in Belgrade Apatin 1993 in conjunction with the territorial growth, the fourth, the Kiskunság Óbecse Kúla Archdeaconry was born. 1.3.) The Archiepiscopal province Our Archiepiscopal is the head of an archiepiscopal province (metropo- Bács lis, province), and, therefore its significance goes beyond the borders of the diocese. The courts of the Metropolitan archbishops were the appeal forums Palánka Újvidék in the cases of the dioceses belonging to their province (so-called suffra- Titel ganeus), they could hold synods, gave advice to their fellow archbishops in many cases before their decisions that had important economic and legal Changes in the area of the archdiocese
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