Caisse des Dépôts Sustainability Bond presentation September 2020
Table of contents 01 03 A commited Group 02 06 Framework Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds 03 13 Sustainability Bond 2020 04 20 Examples of landmark projects 05 26 Appendices 2 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
A commited Group
A commited 01 Group Act for a green and united recovery, in all territories Act for the economic recovery Massive investments in the economy with more than € 26 billion between 2020 and 2024 SDGs ’ contribution Financing the ecological transition Strengthen social cohesion € 0.5bn in investments Bpifrance and Banque des territoires : the Climate Bank More than € 40bn including € 6.3bn in investments Improve the professional integration of disabled people Promote professional retraining € 14.4bn mobilized for the energy renovation of buildings Make it easier to manage your retirement € 14.5bn mobilized in renewable energies Improve the professional integration of young people € 3.5bn mobilized for sustainable transport Develop access to healthcare € 1.5bn mobilized for the decarbonisation of industry Modernize the care of the elderly € 5.8bn mobilized for innovation Act for housing Support our businesses and the economy € 11.1bn in investments, including € 8.3bn in investments, including € 8.3bn for the construction of 40,000 off-plan housing € 1.3bn mobilized for the Tourism Plan € 900m to support social housing organizations € 300m mobilized to relocate companies Upgrade the 1,514 districts of the city's policy 9.1 million premises connected to the very high-speed network 6,000 shops supported to revitalize city centers 1,200 Bpifrance tickets to strengthen the capital of SMEs 4 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
A commited 01 Sustainable Development Goals Group Act for the economic recovery The SDG action plan contributes to a sustainable recovery SDGs ’ contribution Contribute to the human capital Accelerate a fair transition to carbon Mobilize for a more inclusive development and the fight against neutrality economic development inequalities 7 High-priority SDG 5 Significant SDG Financing the ecological transition Financing the ecological transition A Act for housing Act for housing Act for housing SUSTAINABLE Strengthen social cohesion Support our businesses and the Support our businesses RECOVERY economy and the economy 5 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
Framework Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds
02 Framework A versatile framework Key features Process and reporting To reflect the broad scope of To of its in intervention in in favor of of these goals, Caisse des Dépôts has has set up a sustain up inable framework to to is issue Green, Social or or Sustain inabilit ity bonds: Sustainability Bonds Green Bonds Social Bonds Projects with environmental Projects with Projects with social and social benefits environmental benefits benefits Some social projects may have positive environmental impact, and similarly some green projects may have positive social outcomes. 7 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
02 Framework A framework responding to the highest international standards Key features Process and reporting Second Party Opinion Audit of the statutory auditors ESG reporting The external sign-off on the proceeds Caisse des Dépôts was assisted by EY to The framework underwent an external allocation and the conformity certificate identify and develop ESG indicators to review. The transaction benefits from a of the projects to eligibility criteria will objectivize the environmental and social Second Opinion provided by Vigeo Eiris. be provided annually by current CDC impacts of eligible projects. Caisse des dépôts « Green, (cf. Appendix 1) auditor : Mazars. Social and Sustainability « Vigeo Eiris is of the opinion that the Green, Bonds » Framework has Social & Sustainable Bond Framework of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is aligned with the been aligned to the Green four core components of the Green and Social Bond Principles 2018. Bond Principles (issuer We express a reasonable assurance (our highest member) and the Social level of assurance) on the Issuer’s commitments and on the contribution of the contemplated Bond Principles (observer Bonds to sustainability. » member) 2018 version. 8 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
02 Framework Key features of Caisse des Dépôts Sustainability Bond Key features Process and reporting Use of proceeds Projects evaluation and selection Management of the Proceeds Reporting process Green energy and heat production and Managed by the “Green, Social and Annual reports provided: • Sign-off on the funds allocation , storage infrastructure Managed by the “Green, Social and Sustainability Bond” Committee Green real estate Sustainability Bond” Committee certified by Mazars • Conformity certificate of the projects Decontamination & remediation of sites Tracking of the proceeds within the Transportation and sustainable mobility Eligible criteria: information systems of Caisse des to eligibility criteria , certified by • Equity and quasi-Equity financing Eco-efficient data centers Dépôts. Mazars • Non controversial projects • Impact reporting with ESG metrics, Access to digital • With a balanced breakdown of (i) Education and professional insertion Pending allocation of an amount equal aiming to emphasize the quality and Social and Solidarity Economy financing and refinancing , and (ii) to the net proceeds to eligible assets, positive impact of the projects Social real estate future projects and operating assets unallocated funds will be invested in financed • Disbursements related to Eligible Healthcare and social-healthcare short-term liquidity instruments : • SSA et Banks ; Projects made in the 2 calendar years • Denominated in EUR, maturity under prior to the issuance may be allocated to the bonds 1y, Floating Rate Eonia or Euribor and with a minimum rating A1/P1 9 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
02 Framework Process of evaluation and selection of projects Key features Process and reporting ACTORS 1 Investment Department of the Banque des The project is received at the investment management teams’ level. territoires Identification Investment Department of the Caisse des Asset managers and project managers carry out its eligibility analysis. and eligibility Dépôts analysis 2 Caisse des Dépôts decides to commit to the project when it passes before the Commitment committee Commitment decision-making body. The project's compliance with the eligibility criteria is decision and also confirmed. confirmation of eligibility 3 Investment management teams track the disbursements and realization of the Investment Department and Finance asset. The decision to allocate assets to the bond is endorsed by the Green, Allocation Department of the Banque des territoires Social and Sustainability Bonds Committee. decision Investment Department of the Caisse des 3.1 Before issuance Dépôts The asset's compliance with the eligibility criteria is checked annually and the Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Committee approves the Committee Allocation continuation of the allocation or re-quests the asset's deregistration. decision 3.2 After issuance 10 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
02 Framework Monitoring process of the net proceeds Key features Process and reporting ACTORS Collection of disbursements relating to eligible assets Investment Department and Financial Department of Banque des territoires Investment Department of Caisse des Dépôts Department of Execution of Financial Operations of disbursements data Annual Frequency Consolidation and Group Financial Department reconciliation • Accounting and Management team of the summary document for the Green • Financing team Communication Bond, Social and Sustainability committee of selection or non-selection Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Committee Decision of eligible assets Department of Execution of Financial Operations of accounting data Extraction and Statutory auditors review of the attestation of good allocation of funds Department of Communication and the list of selected green, social or Publication sustainability assets 11 — Caisse des Dépôts Group
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