deployer with retrievable capability

Deployer with Retrievable Capability for Space Applications 1 st - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Modeling a New Concept of Tether Deployer with Retrievable Capability for Space Applications 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015 Gilberto Grassi , Riccardo Mantellato MSc Aerospace Engineering

  1. Modeling a New Concept of Tether Deployer with Retrievable Capability for Space Applications 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015 Gilberto Grassi ⋆ , Riccardo Mantellato ⋆ MSc Aerospace Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering University of Padova

  2. Overview 1. Introduction 2. Proposed concept 3. Models & control 4. Simulations 5. Conclusions 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 2 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  3. Introduction 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 3 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  4. Scope & Requirements What did we want to do? 1. Model a tether deployer with retrievable capability 2. Simple & reliable 3. Compact & light 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 4 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  5. Tether heritage (1/2) 1992 – TSS-1 – 20 km tether  670 kg satellite + tether  4800 kg pallet & support 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 5 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  6. Tether heritage (2/2) 1994 – SEDS-II – 20 km tether  33 kg tip mass + tether  10 kg deployer hardware 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 6 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  7. Proposed concept 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 7 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  8. Proposed concept (1/2) Fixed spool Openable bail 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 8 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  9. Proposed concept (1/2) Tether Deployment phase Fixed spool Openable bail 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 8 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  10. Proposed concept (1/2) Tether Retrieval phase Fixed spool DC motor Openable bail 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 8 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  11. Proposed concept (2/2) How to control tether motion during deployment? Low-Inertia (SEDS- like)… … Inductive Brake (TSS-like) PD control 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 9 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  12. Proposed concept (2/2) How to control tether motion during deployment? Low-Inertia (SEDS- like)… … Inductive Brake (TSS-like) PD control 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 9 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  13. Proposed concept (2/2) How to control tether motion during deployment? Low-Inertia (SEDS- like)… … Inductive Brake (TSS-like) PD control 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 9 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  14. Models & control 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 10 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  15. Models (1/2) Dumbbell tether model � M z l θ x m y 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 11 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  16. Models (2/2) Mechanical brake (low-inertia) Rollers Friction Motion Tether Actuator x 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 12 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  17. Control (1/2) Reference trajectory optimization – Nelder-Mead algorithm 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 13 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  18. Control (2/2) . Reference trajectories feed-forward – l ref (t), l ref (t) . l ref (t), l ref (t) . l , l Tether/probe - dynamics ε control tension T PD controller 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 14 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  19. Equations (deployment) LI IB 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 15 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  20. Equations (deployment) LI Control Inner friction IB 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 15 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  21. Equations (deployment) LI 15 mN Control Inner friction IB 150 mN 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 15 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  22. Simulations 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 16 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  23. Deployment scenario (1/2) x E.g. active debris removal local vertical z Target Chaser 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 17 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  24. Deployment scenario (1/2) x E.g. active debris removal local vertical z Target Chaser 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 17 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  25. Deployment scenario (1/2) x E.g. active debris removal local vertical Target Tethered Chaser de-orbit package 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 17 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  26. Deployment scenario (2/2) 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 18 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  27. Deployment scenario (2/2) θ 0 . l 0 l goal 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 18 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  28. Results Simulations results ( ): successful deployments ( ): insufficient brake authority control ( ): insufficient initial velocity 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 19 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  29. Results Simulations results Required higher launch velocity ( ): successful deployments ( ): insufficient brake authority control ( ): insufficient initial velocity 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 19 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  30. Results Simulations results Less control authority w.r.t. IB ( ): successful deployments ( ): insufficient brake authority control ( ): insufficient initial velocity 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 19 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  31. Deployment example (1/3) Successful deployment 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 20 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  32. Deployment example (2/3) Deployment failure – insufficient launch velocity 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 21 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  33. Deployment example (3/3) Deployment failure – insufficient deployer control authority 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 22 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  34. Conclusions 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 23 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  35. Conclusions Inductive brake Low-inertia 1. More control authority 1. Easier ground test phase 2. Requires less energy ( T 0 ) 2. Less actuators 3. Some critical issues during 3. Higher tolerance of design deployment are addressed inaccuracies (less parts in synch. motion) 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 24 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  36. Conclusions Inductive brake Low-inertia 1. More control authority 1. Easier ground test phase 2. Requires less energy ( T 0 ) 2. Less actuators 3. Some critical issues during 3. Higher tolerance of design deployment are addressed inaccuracies (less parts in synch. motion) 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities 24 of 24 Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  37. - Questions? -

  38. Extras – YES2 2007 – YES2  12 kg endmass + tether  24 kg deployment hardware

  39. Extras – motion equations 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  40. Extras – motion equations Tether tension Gravity gradient (control) Convective Centrifugal . Stabilizing if l > 0 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  41. Extras – system parameters Low-inertia Inductive brake Higher inner friction in IB due to more sliding parts 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  42. Extras – deployment scenario LV LV T@bod Relative T@eo motion d Easier deployment No relative motion but higher v rel @eod! T@bod ≡ T@eod LH LH C C 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  43. Extras – deployment scenarios θ 0 values chosen in the simulations 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  44. Extras – Nelder-Mead algorithm 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  45. Extras – Nelder-Mead algorithm 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  46. Extras – abort capability 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  47. Extras – mechanical brake Mechanical brake 2 α x p α d 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  48. Extras – models α p α d/p = 3 2 α x d x 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  49. Extras – models α p α d/p = 3 60° 2 α x d x 9 cm 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  50. Extras – applications What could we do? New docking techniques 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015

  51. Extras – DC motor R J � τ V 1 st Symposium on Space Educational Activities Padova, December 11 th , 2015


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