department activities

Department Activities Planning Activities Plan Reviews City Wide and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Department Activities Planning Activities Plan Reviews City Wide and Neighborhood Comprehensive Subdivisions Development Plans Waterfront Development Wilmington Transportation Initiatives Parking Lot Landscaping Capital Improvements Program /

  1. Department Activities Planning Activities Plan Reviews City ‐ Wide and Neighborhood Comprehensive Subdivisions Development Plans Waterfront Development Wilmington Transportation Initiatives Parking Lot Landscaping Capital Improvements Program / Budget Curb Cuts Crime & Blight Abatement Action Team Environmental Zoning and Land Use Street Dedications and Removals Zoning Code Map/Text Amendments Public Facility Naming/Renaming Land Use and Zoning Studies Demolition Commissions and Committees Historic Preservation City Planning Commission Section 106 reviews Design Review & Preservation Commission Advise on National Register and WILMAPCO – TAC and Council Historic Preservation Tax Credits Neighborhood Planning Council Leadership Heritage Tourism Outreach Access Wilmington | Bike Wilmington City Historic Districts and Neighborhood Conservation Districts

  2. Department Vision The mission of the Department of Planning and Development is to improve the quality of life for City residents by ensuring that physical, social, and economic development in the city occurs in a rational and comprehensive manner that addresses community needs and governmental priorities. 3

  3. Three Top Priorities Comprehensive Plan Update • • Perform mandated functions in a timely manner • Update and improve the development process 4

  4. Three Performance Measures • Implement the process to update the Comprehensive Plan • Track number of in ‐ house administrative reviews • Track number of Planning Commission and Design Review and Preservation Commission Cases 5

  5. Council Questions 6 6

  6. Discuss any changes to positions. There are no changes. 7

  7. Discuss the additional $50K budgeted in Consultants. • City Code and Regulation Changes: Zoning Code, subdivision regulations, sign ordinances, and other related issues to come out of the comprehensive planning process. • Professional Training: Will provide training for persons involved in land use decision making including staff, Planning and Design Review Commissioner members, NPC Leadership Committee and City Council members. 8

  8. City ‐ Wide Comprehensive Development Plan Questions. a. FY 17 Allocation Update : Of the $125K allocation, $50K remains as $75,000 has been spent for background work on the plan b. Total cost budgeted : $350,000 c. Funding Sources : Planning ‐ $125K; Housing Strategic Fund ‐ $125K; Chase Bank ‐ $75K and Barclays Bank ‐ $25K d. Update Frequency; State Code: Five ‐ Year Review and Ten ‐ Year Update for recertification by the Governor. The last update was in 2010. e. Specify how the Neighborhood Comprehensive Plans feed into the City ‐ Wide Comprehensive Development Plan. The City’s Comprehensive Plan is composed of the City ‐ Wide Plan which outlines more general policy information and the individual Neighborhood Plans which provide more specific information on neighborhood issues. 9

  9. Discuss the $57.3K budgeted in the Temporary Salaries account line. a. Shift in funding from Temporary Agency, to the Temp Salaries account line : Allows us to work directly with HR instead of through a temp agency which saves the City money. $16.7K will be used for clerical coverage for Planning. b. State Historic Preservation Position: Funding allocation for the re ‐ occurring local match pertaining to the State Historic Preservation non ‐ allocated grant position. $40.6K will be used to partially fund the Historic Preservation Planner position. 10

  10. 4. Provide an update on the amount of capital funding available for the NPC’s Funds available currently and funds allocated since FY2000 District Funds Available District Funds Available 1 st 5 th $ 102,139.38 $ 83,773.75 2 nd 6 th * $ 111,299.72 $ 163,293.00 3 rd 7 th $ 151,691.51 $ 66,643.72 4 th $ 147,014.00 8 th $ 90,463.50 Each NPC received $200K in FY2000, $50K in FY2006 and $100K in FY2014. * 6 th District was awarded an additional $31,256 in FY2009 from external source. 11

  11. Discuss the annual funding commitment of 7K to WILMAPCO The City is a member agency of WILMAPCO which is the regional • transportation planning agency for New Castle County, Delaware and Cecil County, Maryland. The City has a key role in transportation for the region as demonstrated by one of WILMAPCO’s key programs – the Wilmington Initiatives . This project is a partnership between DelDOT, the City and WILMAPCO to coordinate and prioritize the City’s transportation projects. 12

  12. Sampling of funded Transportation Projects • FY 2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): – Christina River Bridge – Walnut Street improvements – including sweep removal – New Wilmington Transit Center – Industrial Track Bikeway connecting Wilmington to the City of New Castle • Transportation Alternatives Projects (TAP) – projects up to $1 million: 9 th Street Enhancements – – Rodney Square Beautification – Trolley Square Improvements • Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP): – Wilmington Initiatives – Downtown and Southbridge Circulation Studies 13

  13. Provide FY18 proposed organizational chart with the total number of employees (i.e. permanent, temporary, contract and vacancies). Herb Inden Director Vacant 14

  14. a. Outline specific duties of each employee. Planning Manager City Planning Commission, site planning review functions, zoning code and map amendments, comprehensive and urban renewal planning, annual State reporting and certification requirements, annual Capital Budget/Program, annexation procedures, new land use and zoning policies, WILMAPCO. Senior Planner Design Review and Preservation Commission, applications for work within city historic and conservation districts, demolition applications and annual Certified Local Government reporting. Senior Planner II Planning Commission case work, neighborhood planning initiatives, zoning recommendations, census data reports, requests for census data from citizens, governments and businesses. Planning Grant Coordinator Access Wilmington, FOIA, ADA regulations, collection and analysis of data. Historic Preservation Planner Responsible for historic property reviews (Section 106) for HUD projects and other federal projects; National Register nominations and architectural surveys; providing information on city history to constituents and city departments; and other related tasks. 15

  15. Planner II Environmental reviews for all federally funded or federally associated projects, Wilmington Neighborhood Conservancy Land Bank, Crime and Blight Abatement Action Team, department budget monitoring and processing. Planner II Major and minor subdivisions, site plan review, curb cuts, waterfront development, street removals/dedications and parking lot landscaping. Handles department GIS functions. Planner II Demolition requests and administrative reviews related to City Historic and Conservation Districts, supports Design Review and Preservation Commission and field work. Assists with research and analyses, special studies, proposed zoning code regulations related to historic preservation, demolition and vacancy issues and research. Planner I Neighborhood Planning Councils, Bike Wilmington and Bike Share, departmental support on the South Wilmington Wetlands Project, and staff support to the City Planning Commission, Design Review and Preservation Commission. 16

  16. 17 Thank You!


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