Comparative analyses of accidents with fatalities/injured persons caused by wagons and trucks due to technical defects in relation to transport performance in special consideration of applicable regulations and laws On behalf of UIP Topical Committee “Economic Evaluation” Draft Cologne/Bonn airport, 23 rd of May 2013 1
1. Overview accident statistics 2. Presentation of first results 3. Discussion further proceedings 2
Working packages of the study – mandated with effect of 11.04.13 only WP 1 UIP topical committee „ economic evaluation “ has mandated hwh with effect of 11.04.2013 to WP1 fullfill a feasibilty study “ accident statistics ” (WP 1) in order to analyse, whether statistical information regarding deaths and casualties caused by technical failures wagon and truck is √ available for EU-countries for 2003 until 2012. If statistical information is available in quantity and especially high quality the amount of WP2 deaths and casualties in rail freight and truck traffic shall be compared by tkm and/or km √ Interviews with selected IWK‘s will be carried out in order to receive more information about WP3 accident data as well as information about the mileage of wagons Interviews with selected wagon keepers from national railways in order to receive more WP4 information about accident data as well as information about the mileage of wagons 3
A lot of statistical information about accidents in EU-27 is available – but not for technical failures of trucks or wagons (1) Quelle Bemerkungen AUT Getoetete_nach_unfallart_und_personenkategorie_a uf_dem_oesterr._schienenve_2011 Angaben über Getötete bei Schienenunfällen, ohne Unterscheidung nach PV und GV AUT Schwere_schienenverkehrsunfaelle_nach_art_der_un faelle_auf_dem_oesterr2011 Angaben über Art der Unfälle im Schienenverkehr Angaben über Getötete bei Schienenunfällen und Angaben über Unfallart ohne Unterscheidung nach PV und GV AUT Vorfallstatistik_2011 Übersicht aller Toten ohne Unterscheidung nach GV und PV, Eurostat Zahlen für EU-27 verfügbar CH BAV Publikation Verkehrsunfälle in der Schweiz 2011 Überblick Unfälle, Getötete über alle Verkehrsarten ohne Unterscheidung PV und GV CH BAV Unfallstatistik alle Verkehrsträger Überblick Unfälle, Getötete über alle Verkehrsarten ohne Unterscheidung PV und GV CH BAV Unfallstatistik Eisenbahn Überblick Unfälle, Getötete im SV ohne Unterscheidung PV und GV CH BAV_Sicherheitsbericht_2011_D Zahlen inkl. Passagiere, ohne Unterscheidung PV und GV, Zahlen Strasse für Auto- und Trollybus CH Überblick Unfälle, Getötete im SV ohne Unterscheidung PV und GV, Angaben über Unfallereignisse pro Bericht+Evaluation+Sicherheit+Schienengüterverkehr Tkm und Zkm, Vergleich Schiene, Strasse ADAC Anzahl Unfälle und Verunglückter im Güterstraßenverkehr 2008 Allianz pro Schiene Anzahl getöteter Reisende im Schienen- und Personenkraftverkehr Angaben über Unfallzahlen und Personenschäden mit Beteiligung von Güterkraftfahrzeugen bis 2003, BAG sowie Eisenbahnunfällen mit Beteiligung von Gefahrgut bis 2002 BASt Destatis Anzahl Unfälle mit Personenschaden und Anzahl Tote Stat. Bundesamt - Unfälle von Güterkraftfahrzeugen Unfälle von Gkfz im Strassenverkehr, Zahlen auch pro Bundesland, nach Unfallgrund 4
A lot of statistical information about accidents in EU-27 is available – but not for technical failures of trucks or wagons (2) Quelle Bemerkungen Anzahl Unfälle von Gefahrguttransporten LKW und Schiene, Anteil der ödlich endenden Unfälle mit und VdB ohne Lkw-Beteiligung Register/Documents/SafetyReport2012.pdf Unfälle mit Todesopfern und Schwerverletzten, Selbstmördern im Schienenverkehr, nach Railway safety performance in the EU Unfallkategorien, ohne Unterscheidung GV, PV, Jahrestabellen ganz EU und aufgeteilt, FR Rapport accidente 2011 IT Lévoluzione della sicurezza 2011 Zahlen im internationalen vergleich, Unfälle/Verletzte pro trkm LUX - Rapport manuell 2011 Keine Unterscheidung GV, PV Übersicht aller Eisenbahnunfälle und Störungen ohne Unterscheidung nach GV und PV inkl. Unfälle mit Lkw, Anzahl der Verletzten, keine Toten EBU Jahresbericht_2010 EBU Jahresbericht_2011 Übersicht aller Eisenbahnunfälle und Störungen ohne Unterscheidung nach GV und PV ITF Road Safety Annual Report 2011 Zahlen im internationalen Vergleich für den Strassenverkehr, ohne Unterscheidung GV, PV UIC International Railway Statistics 2009 UIC International Railway Statistics 2010 Also research in the national railway agencies databases But usually no differentiation between passenger and freight traffic. Especially no differentiation between technical failures and other causes for accidents 5
All kind of information about accidents in rail and road are available but mostly without further differentiation Only passengers killed No rail freight Causation of accident not known All kind of road traffic Causation of accident not known Source: EC Statistical Pocket Book, Transport in figures 2012 6
The amount of deaths caused by accidents with trucks involved is available until 2009 Amount of deaths – Truck traffic EU 27 without Bulgaria and Latvia Source: European Road Safety Oberservatory – Traffic Safety Basis Facts 2011 - DaCoTA 7
The amount of deaths caused by accidents with rail is also available EU Statistics 2011 for railway accidents in EU-27 No differentiation between freight and passenger trains No differentiation between causes of accidents Source: Eurostat 2011 8
Fatal train accidents with five or more fatalities Source: ERA Accident Archive combined with ERADIS database 9
Finally a data base for railway accidents with differentiation between the causations of accidents has been found Source: 10
With three statistics the foundation is laid for further comparisons of accidents between rail and truck Rail freight Truck European Road Safety Oberservatory – EU 27, Norway, Switzerland and Croatia Traffic Safety Basis Facts 2011 - DaCoTA Years 2005 until 2012 EU 27 without Bulgaria and Latvia Manual research of accident reports for each Years 2003 until 2009 year and country Only truck accidents (all causations) Accounting of deaths and casualties only in Only deaths, number of casualties not case of technical failure wagon responsible available on EU-level for accident ETAC European Truck Accident Causation, IRU (2007), Study about causations of truck accidents appr. 5% of accidents were caused by technical failure 11
In focus of the statistical research have been EU 27 countries as well as Norway, Switzerland and Croatia Finnland Norwegen Schweden Russland Estland NORDSEE Litauen Dänemark Großbritannien Irland Weißrussland Polen Deutschland Ukraine Tschechien ATLANTIK Slowakei Moldau Österreich Ungarn Frankreich Schweiz Rumänien Kroatien Serbien Bosnien/ Herze- Bulgarien Monte- govina negro Italien Portugal Türkei Spanien Albanien Griechenland MITTELMEER Malta 12
1. Overview accident statistics 2. Presentation of first results 3. Discussion further proceedings 13
It is assumed that appr. 5% of all truck accidents are caused by technical failures* Main causes for truck accidents The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has executed the scientif study „ETAC“ – European Truck Accident Causation in 2007 5,1% 4,4% Human Factors Appr. 624 accidents with truck involved have 5,3% been examined in detail Technical In 5,3% of all cases the cause of the accident Failure lies in technical failure of the truck (brakes, Infrastructure steering, tires ,….) Condition Weather On European level there exist no statistcs about 85,2% Condition accidents of trucks because of technical failures For further comparisons between road and rail it is assumed, that 5% of all truck accidents happen because of technical failure *Source: ETAC European Truck Accident Causation, IRU (2007), 14
In Germany statistics for truck accidents because of technical failures are available for single years Technical Failures Truck Accidents Fatalitites and injured persons all truck 2011 in Germany accidents 2011 in Germany Technical Failure Fatalities Injured All Truck accidents Fatalities Injured Persons Persons Total 212 2.930 Electric lighting - 20 Tires 1 172 Brakes 2 63 Steering 1 17 Share of fatalities caused by technical failure: 2,3% Towing device - 18 Others 1 86 Share of injured persons Total 5 376 caused by technical failure: 12,8% The german truck accident statistics 2011 shows, that the chosen causation rate for technical failures (5%) is not really an exact figure but solely an assumption, based on a scientific study. Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, Verkehr, Verkehrsunfälle, Fachserie 8 Reihe 7, 2011, S. 274 und S.85 15
As no other figures are available it will be assumed that appr. 5% of all truck accidents are caused by technical failures* Amount of deaths – Truck traffic EU 27 without Bulgaria and Latvia Source: European Road Safety Oberservatory – Traffic Safety Basis Facts 2011 – DaCoTA *Assumption based on study of ETAC European Truck Accident Causation, IRU (2007), 16
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