P&O and Recycling Board December 11, 2014
Accomplishments ◦ FY 13/14 review ◦ Highlight recipients of previous grants ◦ New focus areas - utilizing goals from Strategic Plan Distribution of FY 14/15 funds
Distributed $267,327 to 31 nonprofits FOCUS AREAS: FUNDED ◦ 17 Community Outreach Grants $ 85,000 ◦ 3 Competitive Grants $ 94,700 ◦ 6 Reuse Grants $ 45,000 ◦ 7 Mini Grants $ 25,657 ◦ 2 Charity Thrift Grants $ 16,970 TO TOTA TAL: $267 267,32 327 ◦ 2 Food Waste Prevention Grants $40,000 (Grants now administered through the Waste Prevention: Institutional Foodservice Target)
Goal: Promote and improve participation in food scrap recycling to the non-English speaking/low income communities To Reach Goal, StopWaste Offers: $5,000 mini grants to organizations that reach these communities (emphasis on South/East County) Grant Recipient Must Meet 4 deliverables for $ : 1. Host a meeting with community members for presentation 2. Invite StopWaste Associate to Board Meeting 3. Distribute StopWaste articles/outreach materials to community 4. Perform one additional outreach activity of choice
Mission is to improve the health and local economy of West Oakland through investing in the local food system. #stopwaste Taking the pledge to #turnscrapsintosoil at Peoples Grocery's #communitygarden located at the CA Hotel. #compost #oakland
Thank you Ms. Barlow and her ESL class at Valley High for taking the time to learn about compost & recycling! Here they are taking the pledge to #compost food scraps and food soiled paper in the #greenbin. #Dublin
Mural at Melrose Academy School in East Oakland
FY 14/15 Grants Budget $300k to distribute Budgeted Max Per Grantee Competitive: $100k $15k - $45k* Reuse grants $ 60k $15k Mini Grants $ 15K $ 5k Charity Thrift $ 15k $15k Community Outreach $ 70k $ 5k Lawn to Garden Conversion $ 25k $ 5k HOA Lawn Conversion Design $15k $ 5k * No maximum, suggested range
COMPETITIVE ◦ Larger grants $25-$60k ◦ Open focus areas revolving around 4 Rs REUSE ◦ Up to $15k for reuse operations ◦ Typical of a “block grant” MINI GRANTS ◦ Up to $5k per org ◦ Open to variety of project types CHARITY THRIFT ◦ $6.49 per ton reimbursement to Charity Thrifts ◦ Up to $15k per org
2 new Lawn Conversion Pilot Grants Utilizes existing educational and outreach materials Builds upon successful Agency projects Ripple effect – community participants spread the message. Lawn to Garden Conversion Mini Grants Conversion of small lawns using sheet mulching protocol to create sustainable landscapes at nonprofit facilities. HOA Lawn Conversion Design Grants Develop and adopt Lawn Conversion Designs as approved HOA landscape options. Community area sheet mulch demonstration project.
Before After San Leandro Lawn Conversion Garden Party
Pleasanton City Manager’s Offices
Competitive/Reuse Grants Round Opens Mid January, Applications due March, 2015 All other Grants on First Come-First Served basis until funding expired Evaluate internally by appropriate staff Grants under $50,000 processed administratively (under ED signature) Requests over $50,000 brought to the board for approval
Utilize project focus areas stakeholders Community Outreach Associate in the field Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Previous Grantees Mailer to 7,000 nonprofits in Alameda County TAC Board Members! ◦ January Board Meeting -- outreach materials
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