dear parents guardians on behalf of the entire factory

Dear Parents/Guardians, On behalf of the entire Factory Shoals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dear Parents/Guardians, On behalf of the entire Factory Shoals Middle School faculty and staff, I would like to express our well wishes to you and your family during this digital learning period. We are fortunate to live in a strong and caring

  1. Dear Parents/Guardians, On behalf of the entire Factory Shoals Middle School faculty and staff, I would like to express our well wishes to you and your family during this digital learning period. We are fortunate to live in a strong and caring community. Together we will not only face our challenges, we will overcome them. During this unprecedented time, we want to make sure you remain well-informed and that you understand our efforts to maintain a continuity of learning for students in a safe learning environment. Thank you “Knight” family for your support! “Spirit of Excellence” Raymond D. Leonard, Ed.D. Principal

  2. Principal 770-651-5808 Dr. Raymond Leonard Assistant Principal 770-651-5813 Ms. Angela Holley Assistant Principal 770-651-5895 Mr. Rueben Pitts Media Specialist 770-651-5815 Ms. Jennifer Mathews Counselor 770-651-5811 Ms. Chandra Peyton Counselor 770-651-5814 Ms. Keisha White Student Records 770-651-5804 Ms. Toni Johnson

  3. Factory Shoals Middle School (FSMS) Remote Learning is designed to give students an engaging online learning experience that includes clear expectations and outcomes for each week. These expectations will include online and offline learning activities. The work for the week in each content area can be found in Google Classroom in a module overview. Tools in Google Classroom such as instructional videos, live and recorded sessions, online resources and chats on Google Meets will be used. Not all components of online learning will happen in the first few weeks, but build over time as teacher and student comfort increases. It is important that students understand their responsibility as learners to engage in their classrooms each day. In addition, they are responsible for the same regulations as listed in FSMS Code of Conduct. This includes appropriate online behavior within the Learning Platf orm.

  4. ● Create a dedicated work space for your student ● Ensure the student adheres to the digital learning schedule ● Monitor the student’s progress in the Google Classroom(s) ● Refrain from interacting with the teacher and student during live instruction ● Encourage your student to ask questions ● Support the FSMS Code of Conduct ● Ensure proper attire ● Ask questions of the teacher during offi fice hours or via email

  5. After five unexcused absences: ● The School will make two attempts to contact the parent by phone/and or email. In addition, the Excessive Unexcused Absences letter #1 will be mailed or emailed to inform the parents of the student’s unexcused absences. Upon the seventh unexcused absences: ● The School will ensure that the unexcused absences are verified. ● The School will send Excessive Unexcused Absences letter #2 via first class mail or email to inform the parents of the student’s unexcused absences. A copy of the current Douglas County Attendance Policy will be sent with the letter as well.

  6. ● Engage with the classroom and use tools (like headphones) to focus on instructional videos, etc. ● Communicate with your teacher and examine feedback ● Follow the FSMS Code of Conduct ● Demonstrate online learning etiquette ● Reach out to your teachers if you are overwhelmed ● Collaborate with peers using respectful language and behaviors ● Wear attire acceptable for school ● Support each other in this new way of learning

  7. ● Create a space and dedicated time for learning ● Break up the day to be their productive best ● Seek help when needed (teachers, counselors, assistant principals, and principal) ● Create balance by taking opportunities to work offline and upload tasks ● Sign into the classrooms daily- keep connected ● Use Google Calendar to organize classes ● Demonstrate learning with completion of assignments


  9. REASONS FOR A SCHEDULE CHANGE? ● Academic misplacement - student is placed in the wrong level of class (Advanced, Co-Taught, Foreign Language, etc.) ○ Advanced and Foreign Language classes have requirements for enrollment ■ Foreign Language classes, for the full year, are for 7th and 8th grade students ○ Student wants to take Band, Chorus or All Year Art ■ All year Art is only eligible for 7th and 8th grade students ● Missing an academic class ○ Student is missing a core class such as English, Social Studies, Math or Science SCHEDULES WILL NOT CHANGE FOR: ● Changing class periods/terms for the class ● Wanting a different teacher ● Wanting classes with friends

  10. GOOGLE MEET: As we transition to digital learning, Google Meet will be Factory Shoals primary platform for direct instruction. Google Meet can be joined directly from a teacher’s Google Classroom. GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Google Classroom will be the platform where FSMS students manage their work and submit assignments. All class assignments and instruction will be in Google Classroom. GOOGLE CALENDAR: Please get comfortable with utilizing this tool. It is a great resource for students to use to remain organized. SYNCHRONOUS: Learning occurs when students engage in the learning process at the same time ASYNCHRONOUS: Learning occurs when students engage in the learning process at different times.

  11. ● Teachers will enter a minimum of one grade per week for students. ● Assessments will be administered in a digital platform (Illuminate). Each teacher will provide guidance, to their students, on their course assessments. ● Students are expected to submit work to the appropriate teacher when it is due. ○ When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher and ask for assignments missed. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in make-up work based on teacher expectation per the syllabus. ● Communication will be disseminated regarding student progress on assignments. Please help us and make sure we have the correct contact information in our Parent Portal: ■ Email ■ Phone number ■ Mailing address

  12. ● Before the first day of school (August 17), please work with your student and ensure they can access their teachers’ Google Classroom through Classlinks ( All passwords have been reset. Please use ○ 2YkEpfCR6Lwbq_WxIp6riH/view?ts=5f2d9 530 for directions. Students will utilize school issued Classlink Portal account to login when accessing digital platforms for all school interactions (i.e. Google Meet, Classworks, STAR 360, etc.)

  13. ● Grades will be posted in Infinite Campus - minimum of one per week ● Parents must set up and sign into Parent Portal to view grades. ○ Click link for instructions

  14. The following steps are taking to resolve Digital Learning Inappropriate Behavior: 1. Student is sent a direct email reminding him or her of classroom rules and expectations for Digital Learning. 2. Student’s microphone is muted. 3. Student is removed from the class. 4. Grade Level Administrator is emailed and made aware of the issue. 5. Parent/Guardian is emailed and made aware of the student’s inappropriate behavior during digital learning. 6. Parent/Guardian will receive a follow up telephone to discuss the inappropriate behavior observed and actions taken. 7. Students are given an opportunity to complete assignment by due date. Students must log into google classroom, view the entire lesson, complete the assignment, and submit to be graded. 8. Three incidents during Digital Learning will result in a written referral to the Grade Level Administrator.

  15. ● ELA is a balanced literacy course in which students are challenged to improve in the areas of reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, speaking and listening. ● This content area aligns with the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). ● All FSMS ELA classes will require students to read independently for at least 30 minutes and complete three activities from the FSMS Reading Response Choice Board. ● On Tuesdays and Thursdays, FSMS students will be required to complete 30 minutes of Language Arts at Classworks. Standards: English Language Arts Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) 6-8

  16. ● The Star 360 Reading assessment will be administered in September, December, and March to see how our students are progressing toward mastery of the Georgia Standards of Excellence. ● It delivers the valid, reliable screening, progress monitoring, and student growth data teachers need to make informed decisions about what the concepts that students are ready to learn, and it provides related instructional resources. ● Star 360 Reading results help to create Individualized Learning Plans for students into the instructional program, Classworks. ● Plus, Star Reading fully integrates with Renaissance Accelerated Reader.


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