de constructing bias on skin lesion datasets

(De)Constructing Bias on Skin Lesion Datasets A. Bissoto, M. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

(De)Constructing Bias on Skin Lesion Datasets A. Bissoto, M. Fornaciali, E. Valle, S. Avila RECOD Lab., IC, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) RECOD Lab., DCA, FEEC, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) ISIC Workshop @ CVPR 2019 RECOD

  1. (De)Constructing Bias on Skin Lesion Datasets A. Bissoto¹, M. Fornaciali², E. Valle², S. Avila¹ ¹RECOD Lab., IC, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) ²RECOD Lab., DCA, FEEC, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) ISIC Workshop @ CVPR 2019

  2. RECOD Titans melanoma research 5 years 2014–2019 2

  3. 3 h t t p : / / w w w . t o d a y i f o u n d o u t . c o m / i n d e x . p h p / 2 0 1 3 / 1 2 / a n t i - t a n k - d o g s - w o r l d - w a r - i i /

  4. Bias Reproduced from: “Unbiased Look at Dataset 4 Bias”, Torralba et al. (2011)

  5. Confounders on Skin Lesion Datasets Vignetting (dark borders) Staining Rulers Color markers 5 Reproduced from: “An Overview of Melanoma Detection in Dermoscopy Images Using Image Processing and Machine Learning”, Mishra et al. (2016)

  6. Bias Play Down Performance Inflate Performance Legitimate (Overlooked?) Spurious Correlations Correlations Destruction Experiments Construction Experiments 6

  7. Datasets Atlas of Dermoscopy ISIC Archive Educational Large ➔ ➔ Rich Metadata Diverse ➔ ➔ Clinical and dermoscopic Different sources, different ➔ ➔ images for every case devices Clinical data (location, Segmentation masks for lesion ➔ ➔ diameter, elevation) (large subset) Metadata for dermoscopic Segmentation masks for ➔ ➔ features. dermoscopic features (small subset). 7

  8. Destruction Experiments 8

  9. Traditional 9

  10. Traditional Only Skin 10

  11. Traditional Only Skin Bbox 11

  12. Traditional Only skin Bbox Bbox70

  13. Destruction Experiments 13

  14. Destruction Experiments 14

  15. Destruction Experiments Performance of machine learning with all cogent information removed on ISIC Archive: 71% AUC 15

  16. Destruction Experiments Performance of machine learning with all cogent information removed on ISIC Archive: 71% AUC Performance of 157 dermatologists¹ on ISIC Archive: 67% AUC 16 ¹“The Melanoma Classification Benchmark”, Brinker et al. (2019)

  17. Construction Experiments 17

  18. Traditional b) Grayscale Attributes c) RGB Attributes d) Traditional + Grayscale Attributes 18

  19. Traditional Grayscale Attributes c) RGB Attributes d) Traditional + Grayscale Attributes 19

  20. Traditional Grayscale Attributes RGB Attributes d) Traditional + Grayscale Attributes 20

  21. Traditional Grayscale Attributes RGB Attributes Traditional + Grayscale Attributes 21

  22. Construction Experiments 22

  23. Conclusions Machine learning results results are probably optimistic Feeding the model with relevant dermoscopic attributes is worse than feeding it with “only skin” or “bbox” sets Solving the bias problem is critical for deploying automated skin lesion analysis to the real world 23

  24. Team 24 24

  25. Acknowledgments REC D reasoning for complex data 25

  26. Thanks! ISIC Workshop @ CVPR 2019


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