dawlish exmouth beach management scheme

Dawlish & Exmouth Beach Management Scheme Update to South West - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dawlish & Exmouth Beach Management Scheme Update to South West Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes Annual Partners Meeting, 8 October 2013 Richard Cox, EA Recent Context South Devon and 2010 Dorset SMP 2 2010- Exe Estuary FCRM

  1. Dawlish & Exmouth Beach Management Scheme Update to South West Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme’s Annual Partner’s Meeting, 8 October 2013 Richard Cox, EA

  2. Recent Context South Devon and 2010 Dorset SMP 2 2010- Exe Estuary FCRM Strategy 2013 Dawlish Warren & 2013- Exmouth Beach 2018 Management Scheme

  3. Dawlish Warren and Exmouth Beach Management Scheme – Indicative Timescales April-July 2013 Planning stage Now 2013-2014 Project appraisal stage Pre and post monitoring Detailed design stage 2015-2016 Construction stage 2015-2018 Post-construction After 2018 performance stage

  4. Background behind the Scheme Exe Estuary Strategy PAG Partnership

  5. Background – Exe Estuary FCRM Strategy Public consultation on the Exe Estuary FCRM Strategy in February-March 2013 Approval during 2013-14 Five priority schemes identified to be progressed in the next 5 years Dawlish Warren and Exmouth Beach Management Scheme

  6. Dawlish Warren – Strategy Outcomes Dawlish Warren village is currently at ~4% annual chance of tidal flooding Sand spit shelters the wider estuary, particularly Starcross and Kenn Valley but is eroding Economic justification to improve FCRM assets relating to Dawlish Warren village, and avoid loss of control of sand spit distal section prior to 2030 Address SSSI ‘unfavourable declining’ condition, and avoid interfering with natural processes Avoid impacts to SAC (primarily related to humid dune slacks and petalwort, also white and grey dunes)

  7. Exmouth – Strategy Outcomes Erosion of beach in front of and to the east of the Maer threatening seawall, road and nature reserve No economic justification for full FDGiA funding

  8. Dawlish Warren and Exmouth BMS – Strategic Option Key Dawlish Warren Sub-tidal Intertidal 10-1% AEP EWL Localised embankment raising near 1-0.1% AEP EWL >0.1% AEP EWL Second and Visitor Centre SAC outline third phase of Indicative sand spit outline gabion removal. Commentary Beach recharge/recycling First phase of gabion removal. Groyne works 0.75m embankment raising. Phased gabion removal The Maer, Exmouth Beach recharge/recycling Beach recharge, recycling and Groyne works groyne maintenance.

  9. Marine Survey Survey being undertaken through TDC’s Framework Bathymetry CPT Vibro-coring Sampling Testing Complete by November 13

  10. Dawlish Warren and Exmouth BMS – next steps include .. MMO liaison Confirm suitability or otherwise of Pole Sands as dredging site Clearer view on management of The Maer, with seawall maintenance, beach recharge/recycling and groyne works Consider beach amenity, tourism improvements, dune management EIA Develop options for appraisal, consult and develop preferred solutions for business case submission end 2014


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