
DataMap Roundtable April 2019 DataMap Defects/Enhancements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DataMap Roundtable April 2019 DataMap Defects/Enhancements DataMap 18.8 Updates Do not restrict student matching by school year Only for New Districts to the ProgressBook Suite DataMap 18.8 Updates Interventions Caution

  1. DataMap Roundtable April 2019

  2. DataMap Defects/Enhancements

  3. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Do not restrict student matching by school year – Only for New Districts to the ProgressBook Suite

  4. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Interventions – Caution message displays when closing an Intervention – Once an Intervention is closed • Teachers may VIEW the Student’s Intervention only – Note – Teachers can still Delete the Student’s Intervention • Intervention Admin has ability to edit – Scheduled for 18.9 (early May) • Once an Intervention in Closed • Only Intervention Admin can Edit or Delete the Intervention

  5. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Interventions > Only from the Student Roadmap – Caution message when closing an Intervention

  6. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Menu > Graduation Points > Graduation Pathways – Students Prorated for an End-of-Course Assessment are indicated with a “P”

  7. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Analysis > Multiple Measures – Added Assessment Areas • Option to view Horizontal or Vertical

  8. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Analysis > Multiple Measures > Vertical

  9. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Discipline Available on Student Roadmap – Must have Role – DataMap – Discipline Data Assess – Roles Assigned in StudentInformation/DASL – Management > Security > View Users > Add/Edit User – Search for the staff member > Pencil – User Roles tab – Must be assigned at the District Level – Please contact NEOnet if you would like all DataMap Users to have access to view Discipline on the Student Roadmap

  10. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Discipline Role > Assigned in StudentInformation

  11. DataMap 18.8 Updates • Student Roadmap > Discipline Incidents – Only Discipline Incidents with a Discipline Action display

  12. DataMap Open Defect/Enhancement Report Handout • KRA – If loaded KRA assessment prior to 12/6/2019 (18.6 updated) • Students scores were switched due to a previous defect – If load the KRA again, scores may be duplicated – Student Roadmap

  13. DataMap Open Defect/Enhancement Report Handout • RIMPs – DataMap EMIS Import – Previously the DataMap EMIS Import updated the Membership Date of the day the import was performed instead of using the Start Date on the RIMP – Corrected in the 18.8 Update (2/18/2019) – To Use the Start Date on the RIMP – Those who processed the DataMap Import prior to 2/18 (18/8 update) the Date for RIMP Memberships was corrected to the Start Date of the RIMP

  14. DataMap Open Defect/Enhancement Report Handout • In-Active Teachers – Prior In-Active Teachers listed in Teacher Drop-down – Corrected in the 18.8 Update (2/18/2019) – However, if SYI was run prior to Feb 18 th , the In-Active Teachers will still list in DataMap for the 2019/2020 school year – Please submit a ticket to remove In-Active Teachers from DataMap Teacher Drop-down if noticed in the 2019-2020 School Year

  15. DataMap Enhancement Prioritization Survey 1. Interventions: Ability to view attachments from a student’s Intervention without having to download 2. Notifications: Notify teachers when a student is added to an Intervention 3. Student Roadmap: Ability to print the Roadmap 4. ELA Assessment: Pull the Math and Reading scores from StudentInformation 5. Intervention Templates: Ability to attach documents to the Intervention Template

  16. DataMap Enhancement Prioritization Survey 6. Interventions: Ability to insert a working Hyperlink in a Student’s Intervention 7. Multiple Measures: Ability to view multiple years of 3 rd party assessments 8. Grad Points: Graduation Pathway view, add a column to show total points for OST 9. State Assessment Summary: Ability to select multiple Grade Levels 10. Student Roadmap: Have all sections open, do not have any collapsed by default.

  17. Future of DataMap • Interventions: – Once closed • Only Intervention Admins will be able to Delete a Student’s Intervention – Add “Other” as an Exit Reason – Both items Tentatively scheduled for early May release

  18. Future of DataMap • Assessments – ELP21 Screener Assessment – adding as a supported assessment – KRA – Valid Assessment for the RIMP Initial Screener • Scheduled prior to beginning of the 19/20 school year – Ability to Click a Button from StudentInformation to push assessment data to DataMap – “Looking at adding”

  19. Future of DataMap • Add KRA as Supported RIMP assessment – Defect 13970

  20. Future of DataMap • Early Warning System – New Landing Page – Ability to Predict Students “At Risk” initially – Ability to allow Districts to Set the Thresholds according to Attendance and Discipline for Student’s “At Risk”

  21. Future of DataMap • Early Warning System – District Configurable thresholds – ABC’s • Attendance • Behavior • Course Grades – Different views based upon roles – Trending Data – Will Flow into other applications – Planned for 19.0 Summer Release

  22. DataMap • Ad Hoc Report to Pull Report Card Marks from StudentInformation to DataMap – Quarterly or Final – Only Marks stored in StudentInformation – Option to Schedule Ad Hoc Report to automatically run after all Marks are entered for each marking/reporting period – Submit a ticket if you would like the Ad Hoc reports for your District

  23. DataMap Ad Hoc Report – Marks to DataMap • DataMap Report Card Marks – Student Roadmap

  24. DataMap • RIMPs 18.4 Release – Menu > Intervention > RIMPS • Sort ‘On Track Status’ column to find students without a status • Hover over student – Click Paper/Pencil icon to open RIMP and update

  25. DataMap • RIMPs – Close your RIMPs – Menu > Intervention > RIMPS • This will lock the RIMPs from being Edited

  26. DataMap • RIMPs – Close your RIMPs – Student’s RIMP • Individually – Change Status to ‘Closed’

  27. DataMap • RIMPs – Close your RIMPs – Closed – Can only View

  28. DataMap • RIMP – DataMap EMIS Import • All Students that were assessed must be reported as On Track/not on Track • In StudentInformation – First set all assessed students to On Track • DataMap EMIS Import – will update all Not On Track students – 13 Districts used the RIMP process this school year – 7 Districts did not – Schedule your trainings now for New Districts or Refresher training

  29. DataMap • Matching Students – Admin > Manage Assessment Scores • Look for Bolded • Click

  30. DataMap • Matching Students – List all unmatched students • Hover over row – Click to match the student in DataMap

  31. DataMap • Matching Students – Tips • If Name hyphenated, apostrophe – Remove part or all of name • Remove Birthdate – many times incorrect • Remove ID(s) – Click Find – Click Checkmark to Import student data

  32. DataMap • VirtualClassroom – VirtualClassroom will be part of the ProgressBook Suite of Products starting in the 19/20 school year – Cost for Professional Development and Support $1.25 per students • To be Approved by the Board – VirtualClassroom – Districts can create a District Assessment • Option to Tie Standards to the Questions – Students take the assessment in ParentAccess – their ProgressBook Student Account – District Assessment may be loaded easily in to DataMap

  33. DataMap • VirtualClassroom – Teacher’s View to Assess District Assessment in GradeBook

  34. DataMap • VirtualClassroom – Teacher’s View of Results in VirtualClassroom

  35. DataMap • VirtualClassroom – Teacher’s View of Results in VirtualClassroom

  36. DataMap • VirtualClassroom – Load Results in DataMap

  37. DataMap • VirtualClassroom – DataMap Student Roadmap

  38. DataMap • VirtualClassroom – DataMap > Multiple Measures

  39. DataMap • VirtualClassroom Demo – Wednesday, May 8 th at 1:00pm – NEOnet / WebEx • *New at NEOnet – ProgressBook Suite Shared Services – A la carte option – Load all your Assessment Data for an entire year – $0.50 per student • DataMap Training – Schedule at NEOnet? – Contact Janet for District Customized Trainings • Newsletters/Communications – Are you receiving? – Email

  40. District Sharing/ Best Practices • How do you use DataMap Interventions? • How does DataMap help your District to know your students?

  41. Upcoming Events • VirtualClassroom Demo / WebEx – May 8 th at 1:00pm • GradeBook / DASL Roundtable – September 25 th • DataMap Roundtable – September 25 th

  42. ProgressBook Videos on YouTube

  43. ProgressBook Videos on YouTube ProgressBook DataMap: Creating RIMPs ProgressBook DataMap: EMIS Import DataMap by ProgressBook Overview ProgressBook DataMap: Adding Individual Students to an Intervention ProgressBook DataMap 2016 Release ProgressBook DataMap User Roles ProgressBook DataMap Loading Data into DataMap from ProgressBook

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