data update

Data Update : DPI Ac c o unta b ility Re po rt Ca rds Ba c kg ro - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Data Update : DPI Ac c o unta b ility Re po rt Ca rds Ba c kg ro und De sig ne d a nd pro vide d b y DPI to he lp ide ntify sc hool pe r for manc e a nd ar e as of impr ove me nt Sc o re s b a se d o n WKCE pe rfo rma nc e a nd g ro

  1. Data Update : DPI Ac c o unta b ility Re po rt Ca rds

  2. Ba c kg ro und De sig ne d a nd pro vide d b y DPI to he lp ide ntify sc hool pe r for manc e • a nd ar e as of impr ove me nt Sc o re s b a se d o n WKCE pe rfo rma nc e a nd g ro wth, ACT • pe rfo rma nc e , atte ndanc e , a nd gr aduation WK CE re sults fro m No ve mb e r 2011, 2012, 2013 (plus No v. 2009 a nd 2010 fo r g a ps) – Atte nda nc e , a b se nte e ism, g ra d ra te s fro m 2012-13 sc ho o l ye a r (plus 2010 thro ug h – 2012 fo r g ra d ra te g a ps) Distric ts a nd sc ho o ls re c e ive ove r e s a nd subsc or e s fo r all sc or • Stude nt Ac hie ve me nt, Stude nt Gro wth, Clo sing Ga ps, a nd On-T ra c k a nd Po stse c o nda ry Re a dine ss Sc ho o ls a nd distric ts ma y re c e ive 5 o r 10 po int pe na ltie s fo r lo w te st • pa rtic ipa tio n, hig h a b se nte e ism, o r hig h dro po ut ra te s

  3. DPI Re po rt Ca rds vs. SI P PAS asse ssme nts , while DPI Re po rt Ca rds use SIP use s MAP and E • WK CE a nd ACT da ta SIP data is a ll fro m 2013- 14 , while DPI re po rt c a rds inc lude da ta • fro m prio r ye a rs E xa mple : a tte nda nc e , a b se nte e ism, a nd g ra d da ta fo r DPI re po rt c a rds a ll fro m – 2012-13 SIP data fo c use s o n E ng lish L a ng ua g e L e a rne rs ( E le ve ls 1- 6 ), L L • while DPI re po rt c a rds fo c us o n L imite d E ng lish Pro fic ie nt stude nts (E L L le ve ls 1-5) SIP data use s high sc hool c omple tion (inc luding HSE Ds), while DPI • re po rt c a rds use c o nve ntio na l diplo ma s o nly

  4. Ac c o unta b ility Re po rt Ca rd L a yo ut Subscores Overall Score and Rating Five Student Categories Engagement Indicators (possible deductions) School/district demographic WSAS history for information school/district and state

  5. Distric t Ove ra ll Sc o re 1.3 po int o ve ra ll impro ve me nt • Big g e st impro ve me nt in Stude nt Gro wth (4.3 po ints) •

  6. MMSD Sc o re s MMSD Schools Score Distribution Category Score Range Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Significantly Exceeds 83-100 5 4 Expectations Exceeds Expectations 73-82.9 12 14 Meets Expectations 63-72.9 20 22 Meets Few Expectations 53-62.9 11 8 Fails to Meet Expectations 0-52.9 0 0 No schools scored in “Fails to Meet Expectations” either year

  7. MMSD Sc o re s Highest Scoring Schools Lowest Scoring Schools Van Hise Elementary 90.4 Allis Elementary 59.3 Shorewood Elementary 88.3 Midvale Elementary 59.1 Hamilton Middle 85.2 East High 57.1 Franklin Elementary 84.1 Falk Elementary 55.7 Scores by Attendance Area 4 of 4 East La Follette Memorial West “Significantly Significantly Exceeds Expectations 0 0 0 4 Exceeds Exceeds Expectations 3 1 Expectations” 6 4 schools Meets Expectations 6 8 5 3 Meets Few Expectations 3 1 4 0 7 of 8 “Meets Few Expectations” schools

  8. I mpro ve me nt a nd De c line 2012 to 2013 Greatest Improvement Greatest Decline Fall Fall Fall Fall School Change School Change 2013 2014 2013 2014 La Follette High 59.1 66.8 7.7 Midvale Elementary 64.0 59.1 -4.9 Nuestro Mundo 61.0 68.6 7.6 Lapham Elementary 85.3 81.1 -4.2 Elementary Chavez Elementary 69.9 76.0 6.1 East High 60.9 57.1 -3.8 Black Hawk Middle 60.1 65.7 5.6 Marquette Elementary 80.2 76.8 -3.4 32 of 49 r ate d sc hools impr ove d, 16 de c line d, 1 staye d the same • Re sults for any K- 2 loc ation ar e base d on Gr ade 3 r e sults at the ir • fe e de r sc hool. Be c ause this r e pr e se nts a c ompar ative ly small numbe r of stude nts and the c omposition of the se stude nts c hange s e ntir e ly, r e sults for the se sc hools e xpe r ie nc e a lot of volatility fr om one ye ar to the ne xt.

  9. Sta te Co nte xt Category Score Range Districts Schools Significantly Exceeds Expectations 83-100 9 116 Exceeds Expectations 73-82.9 159 752 Meets Expectations 63-72.9 247 824 Meets Few Expectations 53-62.9 7 159 Fails to Meet Expectations 0-52.9 1 66 As a distric t, MMSD sc ore d 69.8, in the “Me e ts E xpe c ta tions” c a te g ory a nd be low the sta te a ve ra g e distric t sc ore of 72.2. T his g ra ph shows the distribution of sc hool sc ore s for MMSD a nd the sta te .


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