data drive n l e ade rship t e ams

Data-Drive n L e ade rship T e ams Princ ipa l-to -Princ ipa l We - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Richard Woods, Georgias School Superintendent Educating Georgias Future Richard Woods, Georgias School Superintendent Educating Georgias Future Data-Drive n L e ade rship T e ams Princ ipa l-to

  1. Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Data-Drive n L e ade rship T e ams Princ ipa l-to -Princ ipa l We bina r Se rie s January 13, 2016 Rodne y Bullar d Bar bar a He use l Andr e a Cr uz Princ ipal Sc ho o l I mpro ve me nt Spe c ialist Pro fe ssio nal L e arning Pro g ram Spe c ialist Albany Hig h Sc ho o l Albany Hig h Sc ho o l Sc ho o l and Distric t E ffe c tive ne ss ro dne y.bullard@ do c o sc ho o ls.o rg barbara.he use l@ do c o sc ho o ls.o rg ac ruz@ do e .k12.g 229-431-3300 229-431-3300 404-656-3436

  2. Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Pur pose : T o suppor t e duc ational le ade r s in the ir sc hool impr ove me nt e ffor ts and to addr e ss the e xpr e sse d ne e ds of pr inc ipals in Ge or gia. Pr inc ipals fr om thr oughout the state will shar e how the y have e ffe c tive ly imple me nte d the be st pr ac tic e s r e late d to e ac h topic .

  3. Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Date and Time Topic and Related Georgia School Performance Standard “Educating Georgia’s Future” January 13, 2016 Establishing and supporting a data ‐ driven school leadership team that is focused on 10:00 A.M. student learning (Leadership Standard 6) February 10, 2016 Using processes to systematically analyze data to improve student achievement 10:00 A.M. (Leadership Standard 4) March 9, 2016 Using research ‐ based instructional practices to positively impact student learning 10:00 A.M. (Instruction Standard 4) April 13, 2016 Monitoring implementation of the school improvement plan (Planning and 10:00 A.M. Organization Standard 3) May 11, 2016 Evaluating and improving school culture (School Culture Standards 1 ‐ 5) 10:00 A.M. June 8, 2016 Summer Planning: How do effective principals use their summers to prepare for 10:00 A.M. the upcoming school year?

  4. Ge o rg ia Sc ho o l Pe rfo rmanc e Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Standard: L e ade rship 6 • E stablishe s and suppor ts a data-dr ive n sc hool le ade r ship te am that is foc use d on stude nt le ar ning • A hig hly e ffe c tive , pro ac tive , and data-drive n sc ho o l le ade rship te am is fo c use d o n stude nt le arning . • T he le ade rship te am addre sse s ne arly all are as o f stude nt and staff le arning and sc ho o l le ade rship, inc luding the de ve lo pme nt, imple me ntatio n, and re g ular mo nito ring o f the sc ho o l impro ve me nt plan.

  5. Richard Woods, Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” “Educating Georgia’s Future” Ge or gia Sc hool Pe r for manc e Standar ds: http:/ / www.g ado e .o rg / Sc ho o l-I mpro ve me nt/ Sc ho o l-I mpro ve me nt- Se rvic e s/ Do c ume nts/ Sc ho o l%20and%20Distric t%20E ffe c tive ne ss/ GA%20Sc ho o l%2 0Pe rfo rmanc e %20Standards.pdf SDE Pr ofe ssional L e ar ning: http:/ / www.g ado e .o rg / Sc ho o l-I mpro ve me nt/ Sc ho o l-I mpro ve me nt- Se rvic e s/ Pag e s/ Pro fe ssio nal-L e arning .aspx

  6. Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Data-Drive n L e ade rship T e ams Princ ipa l-to -Princ ipa l We bina r Se rie s January 13, 2016 Rodne y Bullar d Bar bar a He use l Andr e a Cr uz Princ ipal Sc ho o l I mpro ve me nt Spe c ialist Pro fe ssio nal L e arning Pro g ram Spe c ialist Albany Hig h Sc ho o l Albany Hig h Sc ho o l Sc ho o l and Distric t E ffe c tive ne ss ro dne y.bullard@ do c o sc ho o ls.o rg barbara.he use l@ do c o sc ho o ls.o rg ac ruz@ do e .k12.g 229-431-3300 229-431-3300 404-656-3436

  7. AHS Principal: Rodney Bullard SIS: Barbara Heusel

  8. AHS Demographics • Priority School • SIG School 2011-2014 • Student Enrollment-776 on-campus/842 total • 93% Student Population African-American (Excluding White and Hispanic Origin) • 89% Economically Disadvantaged

  9. AHS ear Longitudinal Data – Graduation Rate 5 Y

  10. Albany High School Three Year Analysis of ISS Days Assigned for 1 st Semester AHS 600 500 400 503 300 493 347 200 100 0 IS S 2013-1st S em. 2014-1st S em. 2015-1st S em.

  11. Albany High School Three Year Analysis of OSS Days Assigned for 1 st Semester AHS 600 500 597 400 300 200 259 198 100 0 OS S 2013-1st S em. 2014-1st S em. 2015-1st S em.

  12. CCRPI Data AHS Three Year Comparison of AHS CCRPI Scores 70.00 60.00 CCRPIScore 65.33 50.00 64.40 40.00 54.16 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 2012 2013 2014

  13. AHS Data Compared to S tate, S W RES A, DCS S & S W Ga. Priority S chools Georgia Milestones EOC

  14. S UMMAR Y of Ga. Milestones Proficient & Above AHS • AHS scored highest in District in 4/ 8 EOCs • AHS scored higher than S W RES A in 4/ 8 EOCs • AHS S cored higher than S TATE in 2/ 8 EOCs • Developing and above had the same summary information

  15. AHS Summary of Ga. Milestones Proficient & Above : Out of the 11 SW Region Priority HS • AHS scored highest on 5/ 8 EOCs scored 2 nd on 1/ 8 EOCs • AHS scored 3 rd on 1/ 8 EOCs • AHS scored 6 th on 1/ 8 EOCs • AHS

  16. GAP Analysis AHS Gaps between AHS and S tate Avg S tudent Performance Gains AHS made on State Average Positive number reduced Negative numbers are less than the state, the GAP Negative number increased the GAP Positive numbers are greater than the state Gains made on state S PR 2015 GAP S PR 2013 S PR 2014 Gains made Closing the Gains made on state in in proficient learner between AHS & S PR 2015 GAP GAP GAP Gap on State from 2013 Developing learner and and above from 2014 ‐ S tate AVG. between AHS & S ubj ect between between to 2014 above from 2014 ‐ 2015 2015 Developing S tate AVG. ‐‐‐‐ 11% 8% AHS & AHS & Analytic Geo Learner & Proficient S ubj ect S tate S tate Above Learner & Above 3% 3% 2% Biology ------ -22% Analytic Geo -11 -14 ‐ 8% 7% 5% Coor. Algebra -11% -8% -5 -6 Biology ‐ 1% ‐ 12% ‐ 15% Economics -16% -24% -17 -19 Coor. Algebra 9 th grade Lit 8% 2% 5% -7% -8% -20 -23 Economics ‐‐‐ 25% 8% Physical S cience* 9 th grade Lit -12% -4% -2 1 8% 24% 27% US His -26% **---- 1 -18 Physical S cience* 13% ‐ 3% ‐ 6% American Lit -26% -18% US His 6 9 NET Gains 21% 57% 34% American Lit -15% -2% -5 -8 ** No Physical Sci Was taught on campus in 2013 ‐ 14 any state data came from a few taking it in 32% if PS is 26% if PS is college omitted omitted NET Gains AHS made on S TATE AVG.

  17. Leadership Team AHS • Organizational Chart • Procedures

  18. AHS Organizational Chart 2015-16 Identification of LT members

  19. Leadership Team (LT) Logistics AHS • LT meets one time per week • Consistent time(Third period on Monday) • Consistent meeting place- (Data Room) • Leadership Focus Team (LFT) meets 1/ week • Department Chair S chedule • Off two periods • One period is for departmental collaborative planning • Other period is during 3 rd period for LT , FWs, and other departmental duties

  20. Consistent LT Meeting AHS FOCUS : School Improvement (Not Daily Operational Items)

  21. AHS Set Monthly Agenda: Non-Negotiables Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Indistar Attendance report- monthly Indistar Indistar Collaborative planning report from TKES / LKES Discipline report-monthly TKES / LKES admin (ELA) Indistar FLP Professional Learning FLP Collaborative planning report Collaborative planning report from Collaborative planning report from Focus walk-in house (report) from admin (S S ) admin Math admin (S ci) Focus walk- in house Plan Priority monitoring Reports- quarterly Focus walk- in house Plan Graduation rate (flexible as (standard and focus) walk (standard and focus) walk needed) Parent engagement report - Focus walk-in house (report) Department chair report (S ci) Credit Recovery report-monthly monthly Additional items (celebrations and Dept. Chair report (S S ) Department chair report Math Department chair report (ELA) concerns) S tudent performance data (adj ust Additional items (celebrations Additional items (celebrations and Additional items (celebrations and as needed based on progress and concerns) concerns) concerns) report and report card schedule) Benchmark data (9 weeks exam)- GAPS S – Review progress on District Focus walks - quarterly ILT- support/ enrichment classes quarterly recommendations Grad Rate – Parent Engagement Monthly report Report on Monitoring of S eniors 9th grade Overage & Repeaters


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