dan brawn chris saker outline

Dan Brawn & Chris Saker Outline Mathematical Sciences at Essex - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reflections on using Maple T.A. for summative assessment Dan Brawn & Chris Saker Outline Mathematical Sciences at Essex How and why MapleTA Real world experiences and reflections Questions Some History Mathematical

  1. Reflections on using Maple T.A. for summative assessment Dan Brawn & Chris Saker

  2. Outline ▪ Mathematical Sciences at Essex ▪ How and why MapleTA ▪ Real world experiences and reflections ▪ Questions

  3. Some History…

  4. Mathematical Sciences at Essex ▪ Why MapleTA ▪ It allowed us to start working in an environment we were already familiar with; ▪ It allows for an effectively limitless number of questions for students to attempt; ▪ Students received instant feedback and staff could see a detailed breakdown of each student’s work.

  5. How we use MapleTA ▪ Summative and formative homework assignments on several first and third year modules; ▪ MapleTA allows students multiple attempts at homework assignments; ▪ What about when there are problems? ▪ The impact on marking.

  6. Real world experiences and reflections

  7. Getting Going with Maple TA ▪ Learning curve for Maple TA development ▪ Maintenance of Algorithms over time and Maple TA upgrades. ▪ Advantages and limitations in the admin facilities of Maple TA.

  8. An ODE question: student view Algebraic answer required

  9. Student’s work graded Missing “2” in student’s answer

  10. Feedback to the Student Tailored feedback

  11. Feedback to the Student Teaching tool

  12. Feedback to the Student Feedback Done !

  13. An ODE Question: Devs View m1,m2,m3 random variables

  14. An ODE Question: Devs View Algebraic Equivalence?

  15. “simplify” The Maple command “simplify” is required to check for algebraic equivalence: evalb(simplify(($ANSWER)- ($RESPONSE)=0) ; The “simplify” command in Maple is sophisticated. Alternative software might need this level of sophistication ???

  16. Students acclimatising to MTA “…there was a problem with the syntax of your Maple TA homework -- you must write the word "Matrix" every time to input a matrix, e.g., Matrix([[1,0],[0,1]]) for the 2x2 identity” … from a lecturer’s email to a Linear Algebra student .

  17. What next? • Implementation in Stats modules and more widely Encouraging lecturers to engage •

  18. Any Questions?


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