customs declaration service

Customs Declaration Service Date: 21 January 2020 Time: 11:00 15:00 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Customs Declaration Service Date: 21 January 2020 Time: 11:00 15:00 Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon CR0 2WF Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 1 NCTS API changes

  1. Customs Declaration Service Date: 21 January 2020 Time: 11:00 – 15:00 Venue: HMRC Business Centre, Suites 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 1 Ruskin Square Dingwall Road Croydon CR0 2WF Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 1

  2. NCTS API changes James Waters Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 2

  3. NCTS API changes We want to speak to you! We are making some changes to the NCTS API that is currently in use We would like to understand • how you use it now • what we can do to help you make these changes easier • Understand any problems you have with the current API • If we remove EDIFACT, how does that effect you? And help us shape what you want the new API to do For further details please contact: Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 3

  4. SDST Stats Raymond Cameron Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 4

  5. Trade Test Queries 3% Total Number of Queries 3821 Raised Total Number of Queries 3708 Resolved 97% Total Number of Queries 113 Outstanding Accurate up to and including 15 th January 2020 Total Number of Queries Resolved Total Number of Queries Outstanding Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 5

  6. Query Statistics by Month Total responses Outstanding (from Month Queries Raised sent (per month) that month) July 201 227 0 August 174 186 3 September 240 238 7 October 200 176 8 November 182 194 22 December 130 174 34 Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 6

  7. Average Response Time 16 Average Response Time 14 Month (working days) 12 10 July 14 8 August 14 6 September 12 4 October 9 2 November 10 0 December 9 July August September October November December Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 7

  8. CDS Trade Test – Answered Queries Log (AQL) Raymond Cameron Mick Buckley​ Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 8

  9. Background • Specialist Projects team commissioned by the Director and DD to deliver new tools and processes to support Software Developers and CSPs. • To date delivered i) an FAQ and ii) a newsletter (about to be issued). • Commissioned to deliver a tool that enables SWDs to view closed queries raised by the developer community without breaking commercial confidences. • Explored IT solutions – restricted by time to deliver and commercial issues with suppliers. • Opted for a simple spreadsheet solution that would provide quick results but requires a) a one-off historical query review and b) essential changes to current ticket processes Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 9

  10. What is the AQL and where can I find it? • T he AQL is a spreadsheet that has been introduced to provide software developers participating in the CDS Trade Test with visibility of queries raised by other developers. • The AQL contains both the developer's query and HMRC's response. • Each query is categorised to facilitate search. • The AQL will be published on Google Drive. Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 10

  11. How and when will the AQL be updated? • Following the initial launch, we plan to update the AQL on a regular basis, frequency to be agreed. Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 11

  12. Which queries will be included in the launched AQL? • To ensure that content is relevant we have opted to include closed queries you raised from 4 th September 2019, following Trade Test Release 8.1.0 • Queries have not been added to the AQL if: • responses were superseded by updated guidance • they contained personal information • they related to personal requests (e.g. request for an application ID to be whitelisted) • a final answer is yet to be provided • they were chasing a response to a previous query • they related to a past event – e.g. system outage. Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 12

  13. Permission to share • A query is only entered on the AQL if the developer raising it has given HMRC explicit permission to do so. • If after receiving a response to your query you no longer wish to share it via the AQL, you must e-mail SDST within 5 working days. Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 13

  14. How do I provide feedback to AQL? • You can provide feedback at any time via the SDST mailbox or via your Business Responsible Manager. • We will be asking for structured feedback via a survey in March as part of a formal review of the AQL. Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 14

  15. Programme Updates Dave Morgan Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 15

  16. Programme Updates KELs (Known Error Logs) Tax Lines Document High level overview of Release 2.6.0 to 3.6.0 / TT 8.4 - TT9.0 OGD Routes Customs Declaration Service | Official Marking 16

  17. CDS Trade Test Roadmap V4.1 Last updated 17/01/2020 | OFFICIAL | Trade Test Roadmap | 17

  18. CDS Trade Test Roadmap – Mar 2019 TTM6. Imports Imports Frontier 2 Imports Exports Further Imports Tariff Download Initial Exports All Imports Supplementary Declarations and TTM5.1 Scope Enhancements Supplementary Frontier Declaration Immediate Service Inventory Linking Declaration Types TTM6.0.0 Declarations Declarations TTM6.1.0 Payments Continued on Next Slide Inventory linked types: Aggregation of DMSTAX Tariff download Amendment of type: Submission & declarations. consolidation service. cancellation of type: • • C, F. A, B, C, Y, Z. change. • Relief & Suspension: Exports Y, Z. Submission of type: Cancellation of type: Unhappy path • Onward Supply Authorisation • • C, F, Y, Z. A, B, D, E, F. imports inventory Relief. validation: Cancellation of type: linking. Further Relief & • • Inward SDP, EIDR, Suspension. • C, Y, Z. Removal of Processing. AEO. • workarounds on Increased range Currency conversion. Resolution of some Licensing. inventory-linked of procedure Front-End Credibility checks. inventory linking submissions. codes available. defects. Declare goods with local DIT Submission of types: Imports Immediate / RPA licences. Authorisation Payments MOP: • A, B, D, E. validation: Value build-up. • A (cash). • SDP, AEO, EIDR CCG authorisation validation. • B (cheque, and special Validation of DAN / EORI bankers draft). procedures relationship. • authorisations. C (card). Procedure codes: • Error code H (electronic bank • 40 00 000. transformation. transfer). • 40 71 000. Procedure codes: • • 61 23 000. 07 00 000. Key Notes: • • 71 00 000. 51 71 000. 1. Trade Test roadmap calls out key externally-facing functionality that has • • 42 71 000. 51 00 000. been prioritised, but is not indicative of all releases into Production and is • • 07 71 000. 51 21 000. not a definitive list of all content within each Trade Test delivery. • 42 00 000. 2. The order of releases into CDS Trade Test and their content are subject to change. Specifically, multiple functional areas may be delivered • 40 53 000. together or a single functional area may be broken into smaller releases. • 40 51 000. In addition, system upgrades may be released into the Trade Test 18 environment between releases to resolve high priority defects. | OFFICIAL | Trade Test Roadmap |

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