customer satisfaction score increased

Customer Satisfaction Score Increased 20% Through Digital - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How Boston Children's Hospital's Customer Satisfaction Score Increased 20% Through Digital Optimization Session Title TORIN GILKEY Manager of Digital Marketing Boston Childrens Hospital Torin Gilkey Manager of Digital Marketing Boston

  1. How Boston Children's Hospital's Customer Satisfaction Score Increased 20% Through Digital Optimization Session Title TORIN GILKEY Manager of Digital Marketing Boston Children’s Hospital

  2. Torin Gilkey Manager of Digital Marketing Boston Children’s Hospital

  3. Boston Children's Hospital • Founded in 1869 1869 • A pediatric teaching hospital of Ha Harv rvard Medical l Sc School • Ranked the #1 #1 ch chil ildren's hos ospital by U.S. News & World Report (2015-16) • Ov Over 600 600,0 ,000 inpatient and outpatient visits per year • Ov Over 55,00 55,000 emergency room visits per year 3

  4. Boston Children's Hospital • Find a doctor that they want to work with • Set up an appointment • Research medical conditions • Participate in hospital activities 4

  5. The Challenge – Complexity of website • 15,000+ pages • 4 blogs • 200+ content editors 5

  6. The Challenge – Poor user experience • 50% of audience is mobile and tablet 6

  7. The Challenge – Poor user experience April 2014 - Satisfaction (SAT) Scores 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Functionality Look and Feel Navigation Site Information Site Performance Satisfaction 7

  8. The Challenge – Poor user experience “The doctors are not listed in alphabetical order. It’s a pain to find the doctor. I kept hitting alphabetize but it just mixed them up” – actual feedback, sat score 37 “Couldn't find the doctor I was looking for. I am sure the information is there, just poorly organized or just not user friendly” – actual feedback, sat score 11 8

  9. Before and After – Improved navigation 9

  10. Before and After – Improved navigation 10

  11. Before and After – New features New profile features include: • Physician name and title • Video • Photos • Personal message • Contact info 11

  12. New mobile experience 12

  13. Measuring usability April 01, 2014 - March 01, 2015 100 90 80 Score 70 60 50 40 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 Functionality 70 70 71 75 75 75 77 81 80 81 78 84 Look and Feel 74 79 75 79 78 80 83 81 78 86 84 88 Navigation 67 70 68 70 75 73 76 75 72 79 80 83 Site Information 73 79 71 75 77 76 77 80 79 80 79 90 Site Performance 76 79 80 84 84 83 87 87 85 87 89 92 Satisfaction 67 71 68 73 73 71 75 78 77 79 75 87 Source: 13

  14. Visitor satisfaction 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 Source: 14

  15. Top takeaway We focus a lot of our metrics on conversion but we also need to think about the digital experience as a whole. Using more intangible metrics, like customer satisfaction, help us to better understand the entire customer journey.

  16. Thank You Torin Gilkey

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