cupertino union school district

Cupertino Union School District Facilities Master Plan Committee - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cupertino Union School District Facilities Master Plan Committee Meeting 0 1 | October 1 5, 20 1 9 1 agenda | fmp committee meeting 01 Introductions + Committee Welcome 5 minutes FMP Team + Process Overview 1 5 minutes 45 minutes

  1. Cupertino Union School District Facilities Master Plan Committee Meeting 0 1 | October 1 5, 20 1 9 1

  2. agenda | fmp committee meeting 01 Introductions + Committee Welcome 5 minutes FMP Team + Process Overview 1 5 minutes 45 minutes Goal-Setting Activity 20 minutes Principal Surveys + Preliminary Needs Assessment Findings Defining Success 30 minutes Roundtable Discussion 5 minutes Next Steps + Open Discussion 2

  3. facilities master plan committee (fmpc) Purpose: To develop broad visioning concepts, review and provide input on the development of the site master plans, and inform the proposed prioritization of projects. Members of this committee also function as communication ambassadors to their representative stakeholder groups. 3

  4. introductions | our team Jim Kisel Walter Estay Principal Project Manager Director of School Planning Architecture Architecture Matt Anderson Andrea Pippin Program Manager Educational Facilities Planner EMG Architecture Facilities Assessment 4

  5. roundtable activity W hy did you join the FMP Committee? 5

  6. introductions | firm overview 53 years in business Sacramento 425+ San Jose employees 125 Irvine staff dedicated to San Diego Dallas education 120 + sustainable projects San Antonio energy & water use, user experience, health + wellness focus 6 6

  7. integrated design | process single-point client-inclusive and stakeholder driven LPA contact a holistic approach to problem solving engineering architecture that places the client and students at the center fostering participation and direct interaction with the multidisciplinary team of specialists • FMP is first step in facilities improvement process • recommended every 3-5 years by CDE and to apply interior furniture design for state funding • important to engage District and local community stakeholders • data driven decision making • sustainable focus facilitates good stewardship • development of high performance learning educational landscape facility environments architecture planning • mission and strategic vision technology 7 7

  8. FMP Process Overview 8 8 8

  9. approach | process Cupertino USD Missio n Statement -centered environment that cultivates character, fosters academic excellence, and embraces diversity. District families, communities, and staff join as partners to develop creative, exemplary learners with the skills and enthusiasm to contribute to a Strategic Plan 9 9

  10. FMP process organization | approach 1 focused master plan • maintenance and repair driven • proposed scopes managed to an available funding budget • school and community expectations tempered 2 comprehensive long-term vision • starts with educational philosophy for how students will learn in the future • discovers the impact of educational programs to facilities • phased implementation approach defining success 1 1 0 0

  11. FMP process organization | components Demographics Educational Review Vision and Goals • Enro llment Trends • • Site Capacities • Guiding Principles • Student Lo ading • Student Learning Standards Methodologies • Attendance • Pro gram Standards Bo undaries • Techno logy Integratio n • New Develo pment • Increased Student Outco mes and Achievements Collaboration • Community Stakeho lders • Cost Estimates District Staff and Teachers • Parents and Students and Prioritization • Communicate Needs • Campus Master Plan Concepts • Build Suppo rt fo r District Goals Financial Analysis Facilities Final Facilities Master Plan Condition • Lo cal Revenue Recommendations • Assessments State Eligibility • Vo ter Appro ved • Campus Overview Options • Existing Conditio ns • Funding Plan • Health/ Life Safety Scenario s Issues • Code/ ADA Compliance • Building Systems Visual Observations Community Outreach 1 1 1 1

  12. approach | process schedule 1 2

  13. group activity • W hat Are Your Goals for the Master Plan? • W hat Big District + Community Topics Should the Master Plan Consider? 1 3

  14. Stakeholder Engagement Update Principal Surveys 1 4

  15. principal survey | district-wide results How would you rank the functionality of the following: campus organization and ability to support current enrollment classrooms staff and administrative spaces food service spaces shared student spaces (library, assembly, social spaces) physical education / athletics buildings playgrounds / asphalt / fields special education spaces parking, drop-off / pick-up restrooms Poor Functions, but Excellent needs improvement 1 5

  16. principal survey | elementary school results How would you rank the functionality of the following: campus organization and ability to support current enrollment classrooms staff and administrative spaces food service spaces shared student spaces (library, assembly, social spaces) (McAuliffe School) physical education / athletics buildings playgrounds / asphalt / fields special education spaces parking, drop-off / pick-up restrooms Poor Functions, but Excellent needs improvement 1 6

  17. principal survey | middle school results How would you rank the functionality of the following: campus organization and ability to support current enrollment classrooms staff and administrative spaces food service spaces shared student spaces (library, assembly, social spaces) physical education / athletics buildings furniture in the playgrounds / asphalt / fields special education spaces parking, drop-off / pick-up restrooms Poor Functions, but Excellent needs improvement 1 7

  18. principal survey | district-wide Frequency that item was mentioned as a top priority: playfields, hardcourts, and track improvements parking, drop-off, access improvements fencing / securable campus playgrounds (play yards, play structures) classroom renovation / modernization restroom improvements / access for TK, K, SDC exterior paint / roof improvements outdoor dining (shade, table area) large group meeting space (whole-school assemblies) replace portables with permanent construction GLC improvements (acoustics, technology, as a shared learning space) flexible furniture expand / build new administration purpose-built student support spaces (counselors, RSP, etc) each of the following was mentioned once: outdoor learning spaces, storage for electives, classroom technology, other flex space, electronic marquee, quad, new gym, library, outdoor lighting, kitchen upgrade 1 8

  19. Facilities Needs Assessments Findings To-Date 1 9

  20. facility needs assessments | components Focus Group Interviews Principal Survey and Interview • • maintenance, skilled maintenance online survey • • hvac follow-up conversation • plumbing • electrical Site Walks • • grounds LPA functionality assessment • • student nutrition EMG repair- and replacement-driven assessment • transportation & garage • information technology 20

  21. facility needs assessments | good work done to-date Measure H Projects roof repairs new construction fire alarm systems upgrades accessibility upgrades interior modernization (flooring, paint, restroom upgrades tackable walls, ceilings) lighting upgrades refurbish casework storm drain and site utility improvements technology refresh lunch shelters 21 21

  22. facility needs assessments | common themes CATEGORY [2] • • • Garden Gate ES De Vargas ES Blue Hills ES • • • McAuliffe Dilworth ES Collins ES CATEGORY [0 ] • • • Meyerholz ES Eisenhower ES Eaton ES • • • Muir ES Faria ES Murdock-Portal ES • • • Regnart ES Lincoln ES Operations Center ] CATEGORY [1 • • Sedgwick ES Montclaire ES • • Stevens Creek ES Nimitz ES • • West Valley ES Stocklmeir ES CATEGORY [0 ] • Cupertino MS received full interior modernization • Hyde MS CATEGORY [1 ] • Kennedy MS received limited interior modernization • Lawson MS CATEGORY [2] • has not received modernization Miller MS 22

  23. facility needs assessments | common themes Focus Group Meetings damaged floors, roofing at portables hardcourts need a slurry, seal, and re-stripe at all sites switch to rubber surfacing at all play equipment turf field and rubberized track at all middle schools roof assessment (20 1 8): 40 % of all district roofs need to be restored or replaced sewer re-piping within the buildings electrical capacity upgrades to support increasing classroom technology needs using the Cupertino MS model, add event centers to other middle schools food service: indoor serving areas are desired (most sites have service windows) transportation: replace the 1 5 to 1 7 older buses technology: increase wireless capacity; create an IP-based network for phone/ clock/ intercom; re-cabling + true IDF room at all sites 23


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