CTE Presentation MISSION COLLEGE IN THE SPOTLIGHT Janice Morgan Applied Science Division Chair Dr. Shara Crary Director of Health Occupations
CTE programs at MC Health Occupations Computer Science and Information Technology Child Development Fitness Specialist Fire Protection Technology Digital Music Hospitality Management Business Computer Applications
What is a CTE program? Career Technical Education Career Pathway Stackable degrees Focus on industry standards Advisory boards
Funding for CTE Programs Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act Mission College received just over $171,000 for 2015-2016 State CTE Enhancement Funds, new for 2015 - 2016 College-level program funding to MC: ~ $237,000 $2,600,000 to Bay Area Community College Consortium (BACCC) for regional collaboration of CTE programs
Child Development What we do “Mission College students Training students to work in the community are graduating from Pacific Oaks with BA degrees this What is unique semester and one with a Master’s Degree. Her first Working lab school on campus (infant toddler lab) ECE class was at Mission.” How are we effective What our students say 2013 - 2014 Course success rate 81% Course retention rate 87% # Awards 27
Fire Protection Technology What we do Two programs Both preparation and continuing education certificate What is unique New fire tower and truck on campus Educational certificate 2013 -2014 How are we effective Course success rate 77% What our students say Course retention rate 85% # Awards 52
Hospitality Management What we do Training supervisors and leaders for the hospitality industry What is unique Current industry workers looking to move ahead Mission Bistro on campus restaurant Partnership with Levi Stadium/Centerplate Food truck initiative 2013 - 2014 How are we effective Course Success Rate 90% What our students say Course Retention Rate 73% # of Awards 26
Health Occupations Department What we do Educate nurses at all levels (CNA to RN) What is unique Spiral curriculum with multidisciplinary didactic coursework How are we effective Pass rates on our accreditation boards What our students say 2013 -2014 Course Success Rate 91% Course Retention Rate 96% # of Awards 105
Future directions Digital Music Community HOD HM Digital Music Technology Fitn. Spec. CSIT MC2IT HOD CSIT Health Navigator Community Community Health Information Technology CSIT Virtualization Program