CSE 115 Introduction to Computer Science I
Road map ▶︎ Review ◀ HTML injection SQL injection
Persisting data Central Random Processing Access Unit Memory CPU RAM persistent storage (e.g. file or database)
Persisting data text file - stream of characters CSV file - fields separated by comma database - can support highly e ffi cient operations on data
SQLite import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('atest.db') cur = conn.cursor() do things to database conn.commit() conn.close()
Changes to add_song def add_song(song): #{"song_id": song_id, "title": title, "artist": artist} if songNotValid(song) or songIDAlreadyExists(song['song_id']) return with open(songs_filename, "a") as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([song['song_id'], song['title'], song['artist']]) def insertSong(song): cur.execute('INSERT INTO songs VALUES (?,?,?)', (song['song_id'], song['title'], song['artist'])) Now we can migrate from CSV to SQLite
Changes to add_song def add_song(song): #{"song_id": song_id, "title": title, "artist": artist} if songNotValid(song) or songIDAlreadyExists(song['song_id']) return insertSong(song) conn.commit() def insertSong(song): cur.execute('INSERT INTO songs VALUES (?,?,?)', (song['song_id'], song['title'], song['artist'])) Define insertSong function to construct SQL command.
Changes to ratings.py def rate_song(song_rating): #{"song_id": song_id, "rating": rating} if ratingNotValid(rating) or not songIDAlreadyExists(rating['song_id']): return with open(ratings_filename, "a") as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow([song_rating['song_id'], song_rating['rating']]) Migrate from CSV to SQLite
Changes to ratings.py def rate_song(song_rating): #{"song_id": song_id, "rating": rating} if ratingNotValid(rating) or not songIDAlreadyExists(rating['song_id']): return insertRating(rating) conn.commit() def insertRating(rating): cur.execute('INSERT INTO ratings VALUES (?,?)', (rating['song_id'], rating['rating'])) Migrate from CSV to SQLite
Road map Review ▶︎ HTML injection ◀ SQL injection
HTML injection User can type any text into a text field. If that text is incorporated into the HTML rendered by the browser, then a user could 'inject' HTML. In the application, see what happens when this text is entered as both an "Unsafe review" and a "Safe review": <b>Some bold text</b>
HTML injection User can type any text into a text field. What about this scary but in e ff ect harmless HTML: <button onclick="alert('You\'ve been hacked!!');">Click This</button>
HTML injection User can type any text into a text field. How about this more nefarious HTML? <!--
HTML injection User can type any text into a text field. Or some HTML which makes the browser redirect to a di ff erent site.
HTML injection User can type any text into a text field. Or this HTML which makes the browser redirect to a di ff erent site: <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1;url=http://www.buffalo.edu">
HTML injection prevention User can type any text into a text field. Don't incorporate directly. Use an HTML escape mechanism which allows us to distinguish data from program. Characters like < > & " are encoded as < > & " http://doc.locomotivecms.com/making-blog/2-6-html-escaping
HTML injection prevention In our ratings.py code: re = rating['review'] re = html.escape(re)
Road map Review HTML injection ▶︎ SQL injection ◀
SQL injection User can type any text into a text field. The application has a search feature that allows a user to retrieve all the songs by a particular artist. Suppose the user enters Boston in the search box - what do we expect to see?
SQL injection User can type any text into a text field. The application has a search feature that allows a user to retrieve all the songs by a particular artist. Suppose the user enters Boston in the search box - we'll see a listing of the songs by the artist Boston: More than a feeling - Boston Something about you - Boston
SQL injection User can type any text into a text field. If that text is incorporated into the SQL executed by our database engine, bad things can happen. ' OR '1'='1' -- -- starts a comment in SQL causes rest of SQL in command to be ignored
SQL injection The SQL command DROP TABLE someName removes the table whose name is someName , as in DROP TABLE songs or DROP TABLE ratings
SQL injection What would this do if we typed it into our search field? Boston'; DROP TABLE songs; -- ; separates commands in SQL
SQL injection It turns out nothing, because the execute function does not permit multiple commands.
SQL injection prevention with safe substitution As a function def insert(title, director, year): cur.execute('INSERT INTO movies VALUES (?,?,?)', (title, director, year)) '?' is a placeholder that is used for safe replacement: parameter substitution. Usually your SQL operations will need to use values from Python variables. You shouldn’t assemble your query using Python’s string operations because doing so is insecure; it makes your program vulnerable to an SQL injection attack (see https://xkcd.com/327/ for humorous example of what can go wrong). Instead, use the DB-API’s parameter substitution. Put ? as a placeholder wherever you want to use a value, and then provide a tuple of values as the second argument to the cursor’s execute() method. https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html
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