CS 6360: Educational Technology Lecture 1: Overview
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments?
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments?
Why should you take this class? Education is exciting! Make a difference A long history, but suddenly a lot of attention
Why is education hard?
ok ok ?
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments?
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments?
What is this class? educational technology
What is this class? educational technology
What is this class? educational technology
What is this class? research and design in educational technology
What is this class not? comprehensive distilled polished tried-and-true
Themes: How to design for learnability and usability engage every learner model what they know utilize computer science for education enable new instructional modalities brainstorm ideas evaluate prototypes
Learning outcomes Summarize current research in many different areas Present information clearly and concisely Innovate in one particular area of research Design, implement, and release a research artifact Work with a team to engineer something great
Learning outcomes Summarize current research in many different areas Paper and artifact evaluations before each class Present information clearly and concisely Postmortem presentations Innovate in one particular area of research Design, implement, and release a research artifact Work with a team to engineer something great Semester-long team project
Educational Games: DragonBox
Educational Games: RumbleBlocks
Educational Games: Codespells
Gamification: DuoLingo
Gamification: Foldit
Memorization Support: Anki
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Classroom Support: CMS
Large-scale Experimentation
Engagement... A) increased B) decreased C) increased AND decreased D) didn’t change
Engagement... A) increased B) decreased C) increased AND decreased D) didn’t change
Flow Anxiety Challenge Boredom Skill M. Csikszentmihalyi
Zone of Proximal Development can’t do yet can do with guidance can do now L. Vygotsky
Diagnosis of Misconceptions
Course Website http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/CS6360/2015sp/ Syllabus information is here Should be up-to-date within a 2-week horizon Ask me if it’s further in the future 37 Introduction
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments?
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments? 39 Introduction
Grading 35% Class Participation Paper reports Artifact reports Class activities 65% Research Project Milestones (Paper prototype, Alpha, Beta, Friends Release, Actual Release) Postmortem presentations Final paper
Paper Reports Your name. Paper title and author(s). What problem does the paper address? How is it different from previous work, if any? What is the approach used to solve the problem? How does the paper support or otherwise justify its arguments and conclusions? Was the paper, in your estimation, successful in addressing the problem? Two important, open research questions on the topic, and why they matter.
Artifact Reports Your name. Artifact title. What is the knowledge that this artifact is trying to convey? What is the approach used to solve the problem? Is the artifact, in your estimation, successful in conveying this knowledge? What is innovative? How is the artifact different from other artifacts in this space? Two important, open research questions on the topic, and why they matter.
Class Activities Work either alone or in groups Turn something in at the end of class
Presentations Graded on Completeness Clarity Cognitive Load Diction Enthusiasm Graded through peer evaluations
Project Requirements Must do something new Must involve human learning Must reach its intended audience Must have a user interface
Project Grading Novelty Usability Learnability Improvement across releases Impact
Model l laa laang glaang
Deployment venues In-person trials Game websites Brainpop Kongregate Newgrounds Forums thai-language.com Kickstarter?
Example ideas Game/tool/website that teaches ______ Tool that improves itself through reinforcement learning Automatic grading for _______ Tool for visualizing student data Tool for showing students what they know
We have a logging server gdiac.cs.cornell.edu
Project Schedule Week 1 Think 1/19 Week 2 Form Groups 1/26 Pre-Production Week 3 Rough Proposal 2/2 Week 4 Paper Prototype 2/9 Week 5 Full Proposal 2/16 Week 6 Build 2/23 Development Week 7 Alpha (barely works) 3/2 Week 8 Revise 3/9 Week 9 Beta (basically works) 3/16
Semester Schedule Week 10 Revise 3/30 Week 11 Friends Release 4/6 Week 12 Revise 4/13 Week 13 Release #2 4/20 Iteration Week 14 Revise 4/27 Week 15 Release #3 5/4 Week 16 Final Presentations 5/11 During Final Exam Period
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments? 56 Introduction
Friday 1/23 Class: Educational Games Due: Artifact Review DragonBox Play for 30 minutes Free educational trial (link on course website)
Monday 1/26 Class: Gamification Due: Artifact Review DuoLingo Due: Paper Review DuoLingo Effectiveness Study Vesselinov R. and Grego, J. www.duolingo.com , 2012
Wednesday 1/28 Class: Brainstorming Paper Review Prototyping dynamics: sharing multiple designs improves exploration, group rapport, and results Dow, S. P., Fortuna, J., Schwartz, D., Altringer, B., Schwartz, D. L., Klemmer, S. R. CHI 2011 Assignment: Group Formation
Promise Why should you take this class? What is this class? How will you be evaluated? What are the first assignments? 60 Introduction
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