crisis communications master class

Crisis Communications Master Class Austin February 15, 2019 Nick - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Crisis Communications Master Class Austin February 15, 2019 Nick Lanyi Ragan Consulting Group Agenda 9-10:30 Crisis planning: How to lead the creation of an effective crisis plan 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-noon Media training for crisis

  1. The Crisis

  2. First Steps • Get the facts • Assemble team • Triage: assess needs, resources & prioritize tasks • Internal messaging as needed • Start monitoring • Plan today & tomorrow • Call in help if needed

  3. Keep the Focus on Stakeholders • Leadership will be freaking out • Business & legal imperatives paramount in C-suite discussion • Assert the need for effective communications -- not to placate your team or the media but to shape narrative for stakeholders • Emphasize long-term impact on brand

  4. Messaging: Day One • Placeholder statement ➢ “ We are aware of f th the inc incid ident at t our Brentwood loc locatio ion. . We e wil ill l provid ide addit itio ional l inf informatio ion as soon as possible.” • If necessary, correct mistakes/rumors calmly & straightforwardly • Provide information and show compassion • Take responsibility as appropriate • Remember the bigger story

  5. Stakeholder Outreach

  6. Work Flow/Process • Traffic cop must set up a process • Approvals must be expedited • Team check-ins 2-3x day, evening email (or whatever works for you) • Monitor team morale, stress

  7. Media Inquiries • Be responsive • If you don’t tell your story, someone else will • Reporters need you more than ever • Thin ink ahead

  8. Prioritizing Media Inquiries • Be selective if it fits your strategy • But don’t alienate unnecessarily • Ignore fringe outlets that aren’t operating in good faith • Sow seeds for recovery

  9. What to Avoid • Lying • Silence • Confusion • Defensiveness • Combativeness • Ignorance • Mixed Messages • Acting contrary to values

  10. Reactive Proactive Once the record is corrected and your narrative has been established, shift the conversation to better ground: • Values • People • Stakeholders want to believe • Use opportunities to “close and pivot”

  11. United Airlines

  12. United: First CEO Statement “This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United. I apologize for having to re- accommodate these customers.”

  13. United: CEO to Employees (leaked) “While I deeply regret this situation arose, I also emphatically stand behind all of you, and I want to commend you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure we fly right.”

  14. United: CEO Day Three “The truly horrific event that occurred on this flight has elicited many responses from all of us: outrage, anger, disappointment. I share all of those sentiments, and one above all: my deepest apologies for what happened. Like you, I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all customers aboard. No one should ever be mistreated this way.”

  15. Starbucks

  16. Apologies

  17. Protesters

  18. Social Media Crisis

  19. Social Media Crisis: Best Practices • Establish & use social media protocols ➢ What is a crisis? ➢ Escalation protocol ➢ Engage, don’t inflame • Engage in a timely manner • Let allies defend you • Monitor • Landing page for extended issues

  20. Social Media: What to Avoid • Get emotional, defensive or abusive • Delete your posts • Delete their posts (unless abusive) • Start a fight (Rule of Three) • “Corporate speak” or lack of transparency

  21. Boo-Boos on Social Media • Take it down, apologize, explain and move on

  22. Example This tweet was issued from the KitchenAid twitter account during a nationally televised presidential debate in 2012: @KitchenAidUSA : “Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! ‘She died 3 days b4 he became president”.”??? Wow!” # nbcpolitics

  23. Response: Placeholder KitchenAid immediately took down the tweet and posted an apology: Deepest apologies for an irresponsible tweet that is in no way a representation of the brand's opinion. # nbcpolitics

  24. Response: Taking Responsibility, Apologizing, POV KitchenAid also posted this statement and sent it to reporters: During the debate last night, a member of our Twitter team mistakenly posted an offensive tweet from the KitchenAid handle instead of a personal handle. The tasteless joke in no way represents our values at KitchenAid, and that person won’t be tweeting for us anymore. That said, I lead the KitchenAid brand, and I take responsibility for the whole team. I am deeply sorry to President Obama, his family, and the Twitter community for this careless error. Thanks for hearing me out. – Cynthia Soledad, senior director, KitchenAid

  25. Cybersecurity Crisis

  26. Cybersecurity: #1 Crisis Orgs Mobilized Crisis Team in Past Three Years For: Cyber incident 46% Safety incident 45% Security incident 35% Performance issue 34% Govt/environmental 34% Source : Deloitte.

  27. Cybersecurity Best Practices • Disclose as soon as you can • Create secure information channels • Provide frequent updates and show progress • Before a crisis: Educate users/customers • Be as transparent as possible about security precautions and be able to communicate clearly about them in a crisis



  30. The Recovery

  31. Think Ahead During the Crisis • Start planning recovery before the crisis • Develop a recovery strategy during the crisis • Keep track of promises made and hold your peers and leaders accountable • Rely on your organization’s values and strengths to fuel the recovery • Ask for help -- activate stakeholders and surrogates • Most of all: TELL A STORY!

  32. But first…

  33. Crisis Response Assessment • Not a personnel evaluation exercise (yet) • What worked, what didn’t • Lessons learned about stakeholder reaction • Are your brand values and narrative as established as you expected? • What bridges need mending?

  34. Measure, and React • Invest in research to understand key stakeholders’ views in detail • Leaders must be made to understand extent of damage • Try to move the needle

  35. Don’t Slide Back into the Crisis Hole • Any unresolved issues? • Keep communication going with stakeholders, reporters • Look out for investigations, follow-up stories • Don’t act like it’s over – everyone will notice • If you make changes, tell people

  36. How Does Recovery Happen? • Stakeholders will forgive if you take responsibility, explain and fix • Organization also needs to keep promises and inform shareholders • Use progress to reinforce the narrative

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