creation of smart device gateways

Creation of Smart Device Gateways Final Talk Maximilian Geissler - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lehrstuhl fr Netzarchitekturen und Netzdienste Institut fr Informatik Technische Universitt Mnchen Creation of Smart Device Gateways Final Talk Maximilian Geissler Chair for Network Architectures and Services Department for Computer

  1. Lehrstuhl für Netzarchitekturen und Netzdienste Institut für Informatik Technische Universität München Creation of Smart Device Gateways Final Talk Maximilian Geissler Chair for Network Architectures and Services Department for Computer Science Technische Universität München August 12, 2015

  2. Content q Overview & Motivation q Analysis q Related work q Smart Device Gateway Design q Implementation of a Smart Device Gateway q Demo q Evaluation q Future work q Contributions Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 2

  3. Overview & Motivation q Research area § Building Automation Systems (BAS) § Home Automation Systems § Home Automation devices: Temperature sensors, wall switches, remote controlled power outlets, infrared remote controlled devices, Philips Hue, … q Motivation: Interconnect Home Automation devices from different manufacturers Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 3

  4. Analysis q Building Automation Systems § Large scale: LonWorks, KNX, BACnet § Small scale: X10, CEBus, HomeMatic, RWE SmartHome q Current situation § BAS from many different manufacturers § Most BASs are incompatible to other BASs q Research questions § Connect software applications to BAS devices § Overcome heterogeneity of BAS à Solution needed: Smart Device Gateways Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 4

  5. Analysis: Requirements Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 5

  6. Analysis: Requirements F = Functional requirement, N = Non-functional requirement Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 6

  7. Related work q openHAB v1 § Open Home Automation Bus § Control and monitoring of Home Automation devices § RESTful API q DS2OS § Distributed Smart Space Orchestration System § Stores and distributes state context between networked devices § Simple Java interface q Assessment (functional requirements): Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 7

  8. Hardware q Analysis of various Home Automation protocols q Signal analysis with software defined radio (SDR) § Hardware: RTL2832U based DVB-T stick § Software: RTLSDR, GNU Radio and HDSDR q Analyzed protocols Protocol Devices using the protocol Physical layer (OSI) Pollin Pollin power outlets 433 MHz, AM, OOK BidCoS HomeMatic devices 868 MHz, FM, BPSK NEC, RC-5 IR remote controlled devices, e.g. TV 940nm, 38 KHz q Results lead to hardware design § Software controlled transceivers § Protocol drivers: Homegear, pilight and LIRC Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 8

  9. Design: Software: Architecture HomeMatic SmartDeviceGateway Hardware Software Switch 868 MHz transceiver Power outlet Details: Software applications Next page Web application IR remote controlled devices Samsung TV IR transceiver Control script Pollin Power outlet 433 MHz transceiver Power outlet Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 9

  10. Design: Software: Architecture SmartDeviceGateway Hardware Software HomeMatic ProtocolBinding RESTful API InterfaceBinding Protocol Driver Protocol Adapter 868 MHz transceiver Homegear Bus <-> Driver Protocol Adapter Interface Driver Driver <-> Bus RESTful API IR ProtocolBinding Protocol Driver IR transceiver LIRC Bus Cacheable Storage Protocol Adapter Driver <-> Bus CLI InterfaceBinding Protocol Adapter Bus <-> Driver Pollin ProtocolBinding Protocol Driver 433 MHz transceiver pilight Interface Driver CLI Protocol Adapter Driver <-> Bus Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 10

  11. Design: Software: API q HTTP REST API q Server push is possible, e.g. using WebSocket à R10 can be fulfilled q Fulfills functional requirements R5, R6, R7, (R10) and R19 q Resource hierarchy: /devices GET /add POST /discover GET /<device> GET, POST, DELETE /state GET, POST /addons GET /repo GET /add POST /<addon> GET, POST, DELETE /settings GET, POST /status GET Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 11

  12. Implementation q Software § Protocol drivers: Homegear, pilight and LIRC § Integration software: openHAB § Protocol adapters: openHAB Bindings • Homegear: HomeMatic Binding exists • pilight: Implemented using Exec Binding • LIRC: Implemented using Exec Binding q Hardware § Picture on next slide Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 12

  13. Demo Switching Pollin power outlets on and off with a HomeMatic switch using a Smart Device Gateway. 868 MHz transceiver 433 MHz transceiver IR transceiver CUL Raspberry Pi Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 13

  14. Evaluation ß ß ß ß ß à Solution works Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 14

  15. Future work q Implementation of proposed API (R5, R14) § Let external applications control and monitor Smart Device Gateways § Installing and removing protocol drivers remotely q Interconnect multiple SDGs (R13) § Redundancy § Extend radio range q Integrate into DS2OS § Home Automation devices available in DS2OS Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 15

  16. Contributions q Requirements for Smart Device Gateways q Overview of existing approaches q Assessment of existing solutions: DS2OS and openHAB q Overview and assessment of state-of-the-art technology q Software design § Architecture for Smart Device Gateways § API for external applications q Hardware design q Implementation of a Smart Device Gateway q Assessment of implementation (evaluation) Questions? Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 16

  17. Thank you Creation of Smart Device Gateways Maximilian Geissler Thank you for your attention! Thanks to Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl (Advisor) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle (Supervisor) Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 17

  18. References Maximilian Geissler - Creation of Smart Device Gateways - BA Final Talk 18

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