Audi VR experience The Future of Digital Retail Nvidia GTC, April 2016
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process How buying a car looked & felt like in the 50‘s…
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process Amazing things happend since then - life was digitalized.
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process Amazing things happend since then - life was digitalized. But… how does it feel to buy a car today - 60 years later?
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process Only to remember … 1950…
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process … and today!
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process The retail process is nearly the same!
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process The retail process is nearly the same! Barely progress since decades!
Audi VR experience History of the car sales process The retail process is nearly the same! Barely progress since decades! Meanwhile people visiting their dealer only to negotiate the price.
Audi VR experience How can we change that?
Audi VR experience What is our „ mission to moon “?
Audi VR experience What is our „ mission to moon “? 1. Bring customers back to the dealer through … 1950: How buying a car looks & feels like in the pre digital era
Audi VR experience What is our „ mission to moon “? 1. Bring customers back to the dealer through … 1950: How buying a car looks & 2. Exciting retail experiences feels like in the pre digital era supported from …
Audi VR experience What is our „ mission to moon “? 1. Bring customers back to the dealer through … 1950: How buying a car looks & 2. Exciting retail experiences feels like in the pre digital era supported from … 3. Progressive digital sales tools , which are able to …
Audi VR experience What is our „ mission to moon “? … show all >50 different Audi models with all options - as realistic as possible !
Audi VR experience How can we realize that?
Audi VR experience How can we reach „ our moon “?
Audi VR experience How can we reach „ our moon “? Immersive techs, especially Virtual Reality, have the potential to make that happen!
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded?
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Defintion of our main mission :
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Defintion of our main mission : Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Defintion of our sub missions : Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Defintion of our sub missions : Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Very high performance needed…
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Very high performance needed…
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Very high performance needed…
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience …although we’re using 5-7 mio polycount models
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Selection of competent partners
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Selection of competent partners
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Selection of competent partners Vizualization partner Hardware partner
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Progress during our development
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Progress during our development 2013: 50 fps
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Progress during our development 2014: 75 fps 2013: 50 fps
Audi VR experience 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience Progress during our development 2015/16: 90+ fps 2014: 75 fps 2013: 50 fps
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillment of our sub missions : Create an revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillment of our sub missions : Create an revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillment of our sub missions : Create an revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers?
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning visual quality
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning visual quality
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning visual quality Unexpected possibilites
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning Unexpeted visual quality possibilities
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning visual quality Fascinating environments
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning Unexpeted Fascinating visual quality possibilities environments
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning visual quality Special cars & environments
Audi VR experience 2. Enable inspiring elements Which components will excite customers? Stunning Unexpeted Fascinating Special cars visual quality possibilities environments & experiences
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillment of our sub missions : Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillment of our sub missions : Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillent of our main mission : Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillent of our main mission : ? Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience Why is this approach revolutionary?
Audi VR experience Why is this approach revolutionary? VR car configurator • All models • All options • fully integrated
Audi VR experience Why is this approach revolutionary? VR car configurator Rational • All models • All options Help • fully integrated
Audi VR experience Why is this approach revolutionary? VR car configurator VR experiences Rational • All models • All options Help • fully integrated
Audi VR experience Why is this approach revolutionary? VR car configurator VR experiences Emotional Rational • All models • All options Help Excitement • fully integrated
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillent of our main mission : ? Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
Audi VR experience How did we proceeded? Fullfillent of our main mission : Create a revolutionary VR retail application with real & high customer value 1. Show our cars as realistic as possible and secure a comfortable experience 2. Enable inspiring elements
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