covid 19

COVID-19 school health-related closure preparedness plan NJDOH - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COVID-19 school health-related closure preparedness plan NJDOH guidance identifies school closure as a potential strategy to limit transmission within a community In the event a BOE is provided a written directive by the NJDOH to institute a

  1. COVID-19 school health-related closure preparedness plan

  2. NJDOH guidance identifies school closure as a potential strategy to limit transmission within a community In the event a BOE is provided a written directive by the NJDOH to institute a public health-related closure, the BOE may utilize home instruction to provide instructional services to enrolled students. Any day in which students impacted by a public health-related closure have access to home instruction services (consistent with guidance) will count as a day in which the board of education has provided public school facilities toward its compliance with the 180-day requirement in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:7F-9

  3. All boards of education should develop a school health-related closure preparedness plan The planned services should include: ● Equitable access to instruction for all students. ● The provision of appropriate special education and related services for students with disabilities ● The provision of school nutrition benefits or services for eligible students. ● The preparedness plans should be submitted to the Executive County Superintendent.

  4. The provision of appropriate special education and related services for students with disabilities ● West Long Branch Schools 504 Plan students or classified students whose IEP requires the related services of Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy services will receive these services at home should West Long Branch Schools be required to close. ● In the event that students are not able to receive these related services at home, Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy make up sessions will be conducted during the course of the remainder of the school year and/or during July/August 2020.

  5. LESSON PLANNING Teachers will be expected to adapt existing lesson plans in order to deliver instruction digitally: ● Google Classroom or a comparable platform ● Email Teachers are to post course content on a daily basis at the beginning of and throughout the scheduled course time (as needed). ● Assignments ● Resources ● Assessments

  6. Instruction ● Akin to summer courses and institutes, teachers will be expected to maintain online office hours during the scheduled course time . ○ Discussion posts & responses, blogging, email exchanges ● Online exchange to be utilized for supporting students who may need individual or group assistance when completing assignments or assessments. ● Basic skills and in-class support teachers are expected to be available and active participants for each assigned course. ● For multi-day assignments , teachers and students will be expected to engage in daily progress checks.

  7. Assessment and grading ● It is expected that students will be assessed and graded on submitted work ● It is expected that teachers provide ongoing digital feedback to students ● Assessing and grading are to occur during regularly scheduled preparation periods ● Students are required to be online during course time and to submit completed work products ● Please be mindful we will likely be required to provide the New Jersey Department of Education evidence of learning following this quarantine period. Additional information in this regard will be shared when available. ●

  8. Notes and Additional Information ● Mobile Hotspots will be made available to students (survey/request) so assignments and assessments can be completed with Chromebooks previously issued to students. ● ● Teachers and staff are encouraged to take a digital inventory to ensure access to digital resources from their residence ● Pertaining to parent/guardian communications, teachers are expected to ● maintain contact through email. This is in conjunction with standard protocol absent having telephone access at school.

  9. Notes and Additional Information ● All faculty and staff members serving in a role other than teacher are expected to be available to complete assigned work tasks within the scope of their daily duties. ● ● This will occur during their contractual times as assigned by his or her immediate supervisor.

  10. March Department Meetings To take place 3/10 - 3/17 for the purposes of: ● Planning, development, discussion of co-taught course (BSI/Special Ed) ● Establishing common time for online communication within departments ● Brainstorming of ideas ● Identification of potential obstacles/issues Please notify administration of meeting date. Submit sign-in and agenda minutes

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