course tutor venue date basi basic u und nder erst stand

Course Tutor Venue Date - } Basi Basic U Und nder erst stand - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Course Tutor Venue Date - } Basi Basic U Und nder erst stand anding ng o of T Tab able T e Tenni ennis & s & Coachin Co ing of f the Sp Sport } Basi Basic S Strokes and kes and F Fun Gam un Games es } Inf

  1. Course Tutor – Venue – Date -

  2. } Basi Basic U Und nder erst stand anding ng o of T Tab able T e Tenni ennis & s & Coachin Co ing of f the Sp Sport } Basi Basic S Strokes and kes and F Fun Gam un Games es } Inf Informat ation o n on Id n Ideas o eas of C Coac achi hing ng } Bui Building ng y your ur C Conf nfidenc ence } Pr Prepare and Deliv liver a Table le Tennis is Se Sessio ion } Le Learn n about ut risks sks and nd sa safegua uarding ng

  3. Why choose Table Tennis?

  4. } Ev Everyone ne can n play (Ag Age / Ab Ability / Disa sability) } Ove Over 100 mi million pl playe yers worldw dwide de across 226 226 co countries } So Socia ial/ l/Co Communit ity/Sc School/ l/Clu Clubs } He Health thy/ y/Great t way y to to ge get t fit/ t/Low imp mpact } Co Competit itio ion (Leagues and tournaments) } Ind Indoor & & r rel elat ativel ely l low c cost st to to pl play } Ca Careers (c (coaching g & Running g Courses for TTW)

  5. Coaching Area Emergency procedures } Equipment } Fire Evacuation } Flooring } First Aid Provision } Other Hazards } Contact Numbers Parental / Guardian Consent General Environment Know your Participants } Temperature } Medical Conditions } Storage Area } Emergency Contact } Toilets/Changing Area Numbers } Age/Ability/Progress Details

  6. } Wh Why y Do o We We Wa Warm m Up Up ? } Th The Grip } Bat Bat S Ski kills - Ba Balancing g th the ba ball on th the ba bat - Ke Keep Up Ups - Ba Ball Contr trol } 4 4 Basic c Strokes & & Service ce } Fu Fun Game mes } Ru Rules of Tab able T e Ten ennis

  7. } Fo Forehand d Dr Drive } Bac Backhand khand D Drive } Fo Forehand d Push } Bac Backhand khand P Push ush } Se Serv rvic ice (s (see handout for a comp mprehensive ve ex explan anat ation on to o the e sh shot ots s ab abov ove) e)

  8. } Kno Know your ur Venue nue - Ri Risk Assessments and Health and Safety } Sk Skill ill Level l of f Pa Part rtic icip ipant } Se Sessio ion Aim ims } Ma Making the Session Interesting, Fun and Ch Challe llengin ing } Try Try to o get as as much feedbac ack as as pos ossible } Re Reflect an and re review session on

  9. Po Possi ssible e plan for a 45 min. Sessi ession: * Technical shot work } Forehand Drive 6 min } Backhand Push 6 min } Service and Return 10 min * Games } Top Table/Round the World 20 min } Cool Down and Feedback 3 min

  10. Na Nation onal Gov overning Bod ody of of Table Tennis in } Wa Wales – fu funded by Sp Sport Wale les Around Ar und 6000 playing ng members } Co Commit itted to Co Coach Train inin ing / Educatio ion } We We have a Playe yer Perfor orma mance ce Pathway } If A If Affiliat ated ed t to T Tab able T e Tenni ennis W s Wal ales es } yo you ge get t Coach Insurance

  11. TTW TTW Tale lent Pa Pathway Not all players will National Senior Squad go through to the top of the provision National Squad – Under 15’s - most will exit at and 18’s various points. National Development Squad – The challenge is to Under 13’s retain players that leave the talent Regional Centre of Excellence pathway. Competition at each Regional Squads stage of the pathway High Potential (Under 13’s) is also provided. Local Schools, Clubs and Local Leagues

  12. Coa Coachi hing ng Pa Pathw hway Opportunity to Specialise UKCC Level 4 International Standard UKCC Level 3 Regional and National Standard UKCC Level 2 Club Coach UKCC Level 1 TTW Leader Award

  13. } Ev Every child should be ab able to par articipat ate in sport an and physi sical al rec ecreat eation in a a saf safe e an and en enjoyab able e way way } Di Disclos osure and d Barring g Service (DB DBS) helps ps or orga ganisa sati tion ons s make e sa safe e rec ecruitm tmen ent t dec ecisi sion ons. s. An Anyone undertaking Regulated Ac Activi vity must have ve a cur current nt DBS ce certifica cate } TTW TTW has a ma mandatory policy cy for anyone within the sp spor ort in Wal ales, es, ot other er or organ anisat sation ons s will al also so hav ave e th their ow own } It It is yo your ur respons nsibility y to ens nsur ure yo you u co comp mply y with h yo your ur organi nisation’ n’s requi uirement nts

  14. } Current DBS certificate } First Aid Certificate } Safeguarding Certificate } Table Tennis Coaching Qualification If you have all the above you get a FREE } Table Tennis Wales Coaching Licence

  15. ????


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