course objectives

Course Objectives The technical, political, and economic environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Course Objectives The technical, political, and economic environment in which many pavements are designed, constructed, and rehabilitated today differs significantly from that which existed [50 years ago, so] pavement engineers need the tools

  1. Course Objectives The technical, political, and economic environment in which many pavements are designed, constructed, and rehabilitated today differs significantly from that which existed [50 years ago, so] pavement engineers need the tools to practice true engineering, as a supplement to the “cookbook” pavement design that has been most prevalent in the past. C. A. Richter, “Seasonal Monitoring of Pavements—A Whole Lot More,” Proceedings of the Conference on Road and Pavement Response Monitoring Systems , ASCE, New York, 1991, pp. 182-195

  2. Load Transfer (Rigid) Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  3. Load Transfer (Flexible) Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  4. Pavement Structure (Flexible) Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  5. Pavement Structure (Rigid) Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  6. Contraction Joints Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  7. Missing Contraction Joint Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  8. Skewed Contraction Joints Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  9. Slab Continuity

  10. Slab Continuity

  11. Aggregate Interlock Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  12. Dowel Bars Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  13. Tie Bars Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  14. JPCP Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  15. JRCP Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM

  16. CRCP Source: WSDOT Pavement Guide Interactive CD-ROM


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