counting walks and the resulting polynomials

Counting walks and the resulting polynomials Marsha Kleinbauer TU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Counting walks and the resulting polynomials Marsha Kleinbauer TU Kaiserslautern, Germany Graph Polynomials: Towards a Comparative Theory, 2016

  1. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Counting walks and the resulting polynomials Marsha Kleinbauer TU Kaiserslautern, Germany Graph Polynomials: Towards a Comparative Theory, 2016 sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  2. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Outline Counting Closed Walks 1 Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs 2 Extensions for Regular Graphs 3 sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  3. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Initial Items G is a simple and connected graph with adjacency matrix A . The roots of the characteristic polynomial P A ( G ; x ) = det ( xI − A ) are the eigenvalues of G . The spectrum of a graph, Sp ( G ) , is the set of eigenvalues with their multiplicity. Sp ( G ) = { 3 , 1 2 , 0 , − 1 , − 2 2 } sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  4. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Counting Closed Walks � λ ℓ w ℓ = i = # closed walks of length ℓ in G i w 0 = n w 1 = 0 w 2 = 2 m w 3 = 6 [ C 3 ] w 4 � = x [ C 4 ] [ H ] -> # of (not necessarily induced) subgraphs of G sciLogo.png isomorphic to H Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  5. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Extensions of w ℓ [Boulet and Jouve 2008] A lollipop graph L ( m , k ) is the coalescence of C m and P k + 1 (at an endpoint). An ℓ - covering closed walk in H , ω ℓ ( H ) , is a closed walk of length ℓ running through all edges of H at least once. � w ℓ = ω ℓ ( H )[ H ] H ∈{ H | ω ℓ ( H ) > 0 } Ex// Given a graph with no C 3 and no C 5 subgraphs, w 6 = 12 [ C 6 ]+ 2 [ P 2 ]+ 12 [ P 3 ]+ 6 [ P 4 ]+ 12 [ K 1 , 3 ]+ 48 [ C 4 ]+ 12 [ L ( 4 , 1 )] . sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  6. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Covering Closed Walk w ℓ Results Motivation #1: Which graphs are determined by their spectrum (DS)? Haemers, Liu, and Zhang 2008 Lollipops L ( m , k ) with m odd are DS. Using a combination of their w ℓ extensions: Boulet and Jouve 2008 Lollipops L ( m , k ) are DS. sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  7. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs More Walk Definitions Consider a walk W = v 0 v 1 · · · v ℓ . If v i − 1 = v i + 1 for some i then W is reducible (otherwise W is irreducible ). (If reducible) W can be reduced at index i by omitting v i and v i + 1 . red ( W ) is the irreducible result of repeatedly reducing at some i . red ( W ) is unique [Godsil 1981]. If red ( W ) is trivial then we say that W is totally-reducible . sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  8. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Extensions of w ℓ [Cvetkovic 1998, Stevanovic 2007] W i = v 0 v 1 · · · v i is a prefix of W , 0 ≤ i ≤ ℓ . If red ( W i ) is a path for each i then W is called a tree-like walk. A tree-like walk is closed if and only if it is totally-reducible. The idea: prove that counting closed walks in an r -regular graph is equivalent to counting them in an r -regular infinite tree use a recurrence relation to count all closed walks around cycles specifically for r = 4 Given a 4-regular bipartite graph w 4 = 28 n + 8 [ C 4 ] w 6 = 232 n + 144 [ C 4 ] + 12 [ C 6 ] w 8 ≥ 2092 n + 2024 [ C 4 ] + 288 [ C 6 ] sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  9. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Motivation # 2: Which graphs have integral spectra? [Harary and Schwenk 1974] An integral graph is a graph whose eigenvalues are integers. Ex// C 3 , C 4 , C 6 , K n , P 2 , cube, triangular prism Connected integral graphs with n vertices n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # 1 1 1 2 3 6 7 22 24 83 113 325? Bussemaker and Cvetkovic 1976, Schwenk 1978 There are exactly 13 connected cubic integral graphs. sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  10. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Lists of possible spectra 4-Regular Bipartite Integral Graphs: Sp ( G ) = { 4 , 3 x , 2 y , 1 z , 0 2 w , − 1 z , − 2 y , − 1 x , − 4 } n x y z w C 4 C 6 8 0 0 0 3 36 96 10 0 0 4 0 30 130 12 0 1 4 0 27 138 12 0 2 0 3 30 112 14 1 0 3 2 36 102 . . . 560 76 84 84 35 0 0 The first such list [Cvetkovic, Simic, Stevanovic 1998] The improved list [Stevanovic et al. 2007] 43 different values for n sciLogo.png 828 different entries Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  11. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs List Building Tools Diophantine equations (inequalities) for w ℓ , ℓ = 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 Upper bound on the number of vertices of G (radius R ): n ≤ 2 ( r − 1 ) R − 2 r − 2 A Lemma of Hoffman: k k � � ( r − µ i ) J = n ( A − µ i I ) i = 2 i = 2 where µ 1 , µ 2 , ..., µ k are the distinct eigenvalues, J is the all 1s matrix, and I is the identity matrix Graph angles equations ( α ij : the angles of G ) k � α 2 ij µ ℓ i = # closed walks of length ℓ from vertex j sciLogo.png i = 1 Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  12. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs New Found Integral Graphs All 4-Regular Bipartite Integral Graphs with n ≤ 24 that realize one of the possible spectra are found, listed and drawn [Stevanovic et al. 2007]. Figure : Sp ( G ) = { 4 , 0 6 , − 4 } sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  13. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs McKay’s Result Let u ℓ be the number of totally-reducible walks of length ℓ in G . McKay 1981 Let G be an r -regular graph. For even ℓ , ℓ/ 2 � ℓ � ℓ − 2 i + 1 � ℓ − i + 1 r i u ℓ = n i i = 0 A totally-reducible walk must have even length, so u ℓ = 0 for all odd ℓ . sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  14. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Extending w ℓ [K. and Wanless] The idea for regular G : Use u ℓ to count totally-reducible walks. Count not totally-reducible walks z ℓ : Use a generating function to count closed walks containing a cycle C k . Use a generating function to count closed walks containing a polycyclic subgraph w ℓ = u ℓ + z ℓ We count z ℓ by extending walks from a set of base walks . sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  15. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Extending Walks To W = v 0 v 1 ... v ℓ we add the following extras: A diversion : a closed walk v i d i of length ≥ 0 occuring in the place of v i for some 0 < i ≤ ℓ such that red ( v i d i ) = v i and no intermediate step of the reduction results in v i v i + 1 ... v i Result: W ′ = v 0 v 1 ... v i d i v i + 1 ... v ℓ A tail : a pair of walks u 1 u 2 ... u t v 0 and v ℓ u t ... u 1 where t ≥ 1 occuring in the place of v 0 and v ℓ respectively with u 1 u 2 ... u t v 0 irreducible, u t � = v 1 , and u t � = v ℓ − 1 Result: W ′ = u 1 ... u t v 0 v 1 ... v ℓ u t ... u 1 sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  16. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs The Base Walks W = v 0 v 1 ... v ℓ is a Base Walk if ℓ > 0 W is closed W is irreducible W has no tail ex// 0120 − − > 30141203 sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  17. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Tree-Like Walk Generating Function Lemma Let T be an infinite rooted tree in which the root has degree k 1 and every other vertex has degree k 2 + 1 . The generating function for closed rooted walks in T is 2 k 2 T k 1 = � 1 − 4 x 2 k 2 2 k 2 − k 1 + k 1 This result: Wanless 2010 , Similar results: Quenell 1994 , Chung and Yau 1999 sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials

  18. Counting Closed Walks Extensions for 4-Regular Bipartite Graphs Extensions for Regular Graphs Generating Functions for z ℓ Let G be an ( r + 1 ) -regular graph. Wanless 2010 Let W = v 0 v 1 ... v k be a walk of length k in G . The generating function for walks in G that are formed by adding diversions to W is x k T k r T r + 1 . K. and Wanless Suppose W is a closed walk in G of length k . The generating function for walks in G that are extensions of W is � 1 − x 2 T 2 r ψ ( l ) = x k T k � r T r + 1 1 − rx 2 T 2 r sciLogo.png Marsha Kleinbauer Counting walks and the resulting polynomials


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