cotton opportunities in women s wear women s wear plan

Cotton Opportunities in Womens Wear Womens Wear Plan Objective : To - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cotton Opportunities in Womens Wear Womens Wear Plan Objective : To develop breakthrough performance technology for knits Background : Price and style are the primary purchase drivers at retail Priority : Womens wear is the

  1. Cotton Opportunities in Women’s Wear

  2. Women’s Wear Plan • Objective : To develop breakthrough performance technology for knits • Background : Price and style are the primary purchase drivers at retail • Priority : Women’s wear is the biggest opportunity for cotton in terms of bales and market share

  3. 2010 U.S. Apparel Sales In US$ Billions Menswear $9.1 26% Womenswear $25.9 74% Source: Euromonitor, 2010

  4. Cotton’s Market Presence Men's Clothing Women's Clothing 15% 32% 68% 85% Contains Cotton Contains Cotton Does Not Contain Cotton Does Not Contain Cotton Source: Cotton Incorporated Retail Monitor™ survey, 2010

  5. More 100% cotton in More cotton blends in menswear womenswear 75% of men’s cotton clothing is 60% of women’s cotton clothing 100% cotton is a cotton blend 75% 48% 40% 17% 6% 4% 4% 3% 2% 2% 100% 60-99% 51-59% 50% 1-49% 100% 60-99% 51-59% 50% 1-49% Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton % of men’s cotton clothing that contains the specified % of women’s cotton clothing that contains the specified cotton content cotton content Source: Cotton Incorporated Retail Monitor™ survey, 2010

  6. Declines in Cotton-Dominant Share of Women’s & Girls Knit Tops Imports 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Men's & Boys' Women's & Girls 40% Source: OTEXA, seasonally adjusted. Data in units.

  7. Declines in Cotton-Dominant Share of Women’s and Girls Woven Tops Imports 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Men's & Boys' Women's & Girls 40% Source: OTEXA, seasonally adjusted. Data in units.

  8. Declines in Cotton-Dominant Share of Women’s and Girls Bottoms Imports 90% 80% 70% 60% Men's & Boys' Women's & Girls 50% Source: OTEXA, seasonally adjusted. Data in units.

  9. Declines in Cotton-Dominant Share of Dresses and Skirts 75% 65% 55% 45% 35% Dresses Skirts 25% Source: OTEXA, seasonally adjusted. Data in units.

  10. Dress Pants Knit 8% Woven 92% % Blended Single Fibers Blends 92% Polyester Polyester/Rayon/Spandex Rayon/Polyester/Spandex Polyester/Spandex Wool/Spandex Rayon/Spandex Source: Cotton Incorporated Retail Monitor™ survey, 2010

  11. Dresses Woven 46% Knit 54% % Blended Single Fibers Blends 62% Polyester Polyester/Rayon/Spandex Rayon/Polyester/Spandex Rayon Polyester/Spandex Rayon/Nylon/Spandex Silk Modal/Spandex Rayon/Nylon Nylon Nylon/Spandex Rayon/Polyester Silk/Spandex Rayon/Spandex Nylon/Spandex Polyester/Rayon Source: Cotton Incorporated Retail Monitor™ survey, 2010

  12. Skirts Knit 21% Woven 79% % Blended Single Fibers Blends 59% Polyester Polyester/Rayon/Spandex Rayon Polyester/Spandex Polyester/Rayon Rayon/Nylon/Spandex Rayon/Nylon Rayon/Spandex Source: Cotton Incorporated Retail Monitor™ survey, 2010

  13. Opportunities to Increase Cotton’s Presence in Womenswear % of clothing that does not contain cotton Dress Pants 70% Dresses 62% Skirts 55% Knit Blouses 52% Source: Cotton Incorporated Retail Monitor™ survey, 2010

  14. Areas of Interest • Fabric Drape – Drape is a top purchase driver and is grouped with overall fit of garment. • Wrinkling Performance – Improved wrinkle performance for cotton garments will promote a sense of easy care and low maintenance. • AATCC 128 (Dry Wrinkle Recovery) • AATCC 124 (Wash and Wear Smoothness)

  15. Drape Results (testing performed on garments from retail) 36 = best possible rating 66 Good Drape Poor drape 61 56 51 Target (≤ 45%) 46 41 36 95% acetate/5% 100% rayon 95% rayon/5% 95% polyester/5% 54% polyester/46% 60% cotton/40% 100% cotton spandex spandex spandex cotton modal

  16. Wrinkle Recovery Results (testing performed on garments from retail) 6.0 Target (≥ 4.8) 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 65% 95% 95% 95% 60% 87% 100% cotton 57% polyester/35% acetate/5% polyester/5% acetate/5% cotton/40% cotton/13% cotton/43% rayon spandex spandex spandex modal spandex rayon

  17. Thank You


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