corporate presentation

Corporate Presentation February 2017 Cablel Hellenic Cables Group - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Corporate Presentation February 2017 Cablel Hellenic Cables Group represents the cables manufacturing segment of Viohalco a publicly traded company (Euronext Brussels and Athens Exchange: VIO) based in Brussels, Belgium, is the holding company

  1. Corporate Presentation February 2017

  2. Cablel Hellenic Cables Group represents the cables manufacturing segment of Viohalco a publicly traded company (Euronext Brussels and Athens Exchange: VIO) based in Brussels, Belgium, is the holding company of various metal processing companies in Europe. With production facilities in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, FYROM and the United Kingdom, Viohalco’s subsidiaries specialise in the manufacture of aluminium, copper and cables, and steel and steel pipes products. Viohalco and its companies are also active in real estate development projects. Aluminium Copper & Cables Steel Steel pipes Real estate development segment segment segment segment & Other services segment Corinth Elval Sidenor Steel Halcor Noval Pipeworks Industry Hellenic Elval Cables Colour Sovel Zao TMK CPW Icme Symetal* Dojran Ecab Steel Etem Fulgor Bulgaria Stomana Industry Bridgnorth Sofia Med Aluminium Fitco Notes  Viohalco is listed on Euronext Brussels and Athens Exchange • Halcor, Hellenic Cables and Corinth Pipeworks are listed on Athens Exchange * Business Unit 2

  3. A long history of successful growth New Thebes Production of 1950 2003 cables by Cable Plant VIOHALCO Start-up of Production 1982 HV Line Acquisition of XLPE 2011 Operation of FULGOR SA Insulated 2007 Acquisition Production of second 1970 MV cables 1999 € 60+ mil. of paper of ICME 2012-2014 HV/EHV Investment insulated ECAB S.A. Line up to Plan for HV MV & HV 500kV Sub Cables cables 1950 2015 Operation of Listed in the Establishment New LSF Athens Stock Interconnection 2006 1973 1994 of Hellenic Technical Production line Exchange Of islands 2012 Cables S.A. know-how Cyclades Thasos & Egina Agreement Interconnection 2001 With Project Furukawa Electric Assignment 2014 ( €93Μ) 3

  4. GREECE Production Facilities and Warehouses FULGOR Cable Plant Hellenic Cables Thiva Cable Plant, Corinth • Cable Producer since 1957 Thiva • Vertical Integration through • 60,000 tons Capacity • 245 production personnel production of copper and • 175,082 m 2 land / 44,408m 2 aluminium wire Rod • Docking facilities for loading industrial complex • Production capabilities submarine cables onto cable laying vessels  LV power cables • Capacity of 50,000 tons  MV power cables cables and 120,000 tons wire  HV power cables rod approximately  EHV cables up to 500kV • 150 production personnel  Fiber optic cables • Production capabilities  LV power cables  MV power cables Hellenic Cables  HV cables since 1995 Enameled Wire Plant  Fibre optic submarine Livadia cables since 1992 • 14,000 tons capacity  Submarine MV cables Production facility • 50 production personnel since 1972 • 121,818m 2 land / 14,048m 2 Warehouse  Upgraded for HV Hellenic Cables industrial complex submarine cables (AC up Compound Plant, • Production capabilities to 220KV / DC up to and Oinofyta  Cu round and flat exceeding 320kV) • 20,000 tons capacity  Al round and flat • 30 production personnel • 21,263m 2 land / 6,444m 2 industrial complex • Production capabilities  PVC compounds  Rubber compounds 4

  5. EUROPE Production Facilities and Warehouses ROMANIA BULGARIA LESCO ICME ECAB Cable Plant Sofia Bucharest • Packing materials production • Cable producer since 1949 • Wooden drums for cables • Acquired by Hellenic Cables in 1999 • Scrap drums & pallets recycling • 50,000 tons capacity • 500 production personnel • 268,000 m 2 plot of land • Industrial complex of 70,000 m 2 • Production units U.K.  Wire drawing  Power cables  Telecommunication cables Production facility METAL AGENCIES  Rubber cables Warehouse London  PVC & Rubber compounds • 550 employees • Cable Outlet • Over 2,000 business partners FRANCE. GENECOS Paris • Cable Outlet 5

  6. Major Product Groups Wide Product Range Power cables Telecom cables Enameled Wires Compounds Submarine cables  High and Extra-High  HV & EHV submarine  Telecommunication  Compounds for Cables  Magnet / Enameled voltage cables  MV submarine cables Network Cables   Compounds for other Medium voltage Wire for Transformers o Paper Insulated  Optical Fiber Cables  Magnet / Enameled cables industrial applications o XLPE, EPR Insulated  Data Transmission  Low voltage cables Wire for motors o Composite Power Signaling,  Al and Cu Round and flat and Optical Fibre Instrumentation and Markets magnet Wires  Optical Fibre Submarine Control Cables  Power transmission & Distribution Markets  Construction and  Renewable energy infrastructure  Oil & Gas  Renewable energy Certifications 6

  7. Group’s expansion is fueled by ongoing CAPEX which has reached € 228 mil. since 2002  Significant investments for the period 2002-15 Investments (Amounts in million euros) focused on:  productivity improvement 230 12 220  cost savings 210  capacity increase 31 200  product differentiation 190 (increased production of MV cables, production 53 of value added products such as HV/EHV cables) 130 15 120  Milestone investment for production of High 8 110 Voltage Submarine Cables in FULGOR to the 5 100 amount of € 65 mil. 12 90 12 80 9 70 6 5 60 4 11 50 40 25 30 20 10 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Current year’s investments Prior years’ investments 7

  8. Evolution of Group Turnover Sales Increase, driven by value added products Evolution of Group Turnover (tons) Evolution of Group Turnover (mil. € ) +23% +34% 120.000 103.945 480 500 96.861 439 100.000 415 87.538 84.830 400 77.794 359 345 80.000 300 60.000 200 40.000 100 20.000 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Evolution of Group Turnover by Market (mil. € ) Prompt Market Diversification as a 300 280 response to reduction in 235 250 216 domestic demand 198 194 193 200 and market attractiveness 150 121 112 EU 93 91 100 Greece 46 37 37 37 36 32 50 23 Romania 19 13 15 Asia, US and Rest 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 8

  9. Submarine Cables up to 400 kV October 2015

  10. After acquisition, the Group launched an extensive investment plan in order to upgrade and extend Fulgor’s manufacturing and testing capacities Production and Testing of XLPE insulated submarine cables up to:  400 kV for AC 1c – 3c  400 kV for DC 2 3 1 Insulation Degassing Rooms Stranding Line 6 Armouring 7 4 PE and Pb TurnTable 5 Extruders Vertical Laying-up 20

  11. Main New Equipment / Upgrades in HV Submarine Cable Production Process 1. In-house Rod Production 2. Conductor Formation 3. Insulation 21

  12. Main New Equipment / Upgrades in HV Submarine Cable Production Process 4. Degassing 5. Pb & PE Sheathing

  13. Main New Equipment / Upgrades in HV Submarine Cable Production Process 6. Vertical Laying up 7. Armouring 23

  14. Main New Equipment / Upgrades in HV Submarine Cable Production Process 8. Storage 24

  15. HV Submarine Cables Quality Control 9. Quality Control

  16. Type Test Programme EHV Qualificatios:  System PQ test at 220 kV completed in September 2016  System type test at 220 kV completed in May 2016  Extension PQ test at 220 kV in September 2016 HV Qualifications:  Cable type tests at 150 kV with several cable constructions  Continuous type testing according to specific customer requirements. 16

  17. Type Test 150 kV - Completed A. 3x300 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/SWA/PPY with two integrated FO units  Type test included two flexible joints (two for the power cores and one for FO unit)  Completed in May 2014 B. 3x300 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/DWA/PPY with three integrated FO units  Type test included four flexible joints (two for the power cores and two for the FO units)  Completed in June 2015 C . 3x300 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/DWA/PPY with three integrated FO units  Type test included repair joint (active parts of the power cores from Pfisterer AG)  Completed in July 2015 All type tests were performed according to Cigre TB 490 & TB 623 and IEC 60840 standard. 17

  18. Type Test 220 kV - Completed A. 3x1600 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/SWA/PPY with two integrated FO units  Type test included three flexible joints (one for the power cores and one for FO unit)  Completed in November 2015 B. 3x1600 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/SWA/PPY with two integrated FO units  Type test included repair joint (active parts of the power cores from Pfisterer AG)  Completed in July 2016 C. 3x1600 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/SWA/PPY with two integrated FO units  Type test included:  Underground cable 1x2000 mm² AL/XLPE/CWS/HDPE  Outdoor terminations (Pfisterer)  Transition joint (Pfisterer)  GIS back to back joint (Pfisterer)  Completed in July 2015 18

  19. Type Test 220 kV - Completed D. 3x1600 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/SWA/PPY with two integrated FO units  Type test included:  Submarine cable 3x800 mm² CU/XLPE/PB/SC PE/PPY/SWA/PPY  Three asymmetric flexible joints for the power cores  All mechanical and electrical tests (according to CIGRE TB 490 & TB 623 and IEC 62067) successfully completed in September 2016 All type tests were performed according to Cigre TB 490 & TB 623 and IEC 62067 standard. 19


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